Times Makes Its Picks for SB Primary

The Times had an editorial in Sunday's issue with their picks for who they believe would be the best SB candidates. This is for races with more than 2 candidates (those with just 2 will go straight to the general election in November).

For District 2, they pick only Sherry Carr. The only other candidate mentioned was Darlene Flynn and they had this to say:

"Darlene Flynn was endorsed by this page four years ago. But the veteran city employee's tenure has been a disappointment, marked by rancorous divisions and disagreements, and a loss of public confidence."

For District 6, they picked Maria Ramirez and Steve Sundquist.

Their last paragraph was interesting if vague.

"Election debate needs to sharpen, with candidates offering concrete proposals to help struggling students and to combat the stubbornly high dropout rate. School overcrowding in some communities and underutilized schools in others are also ripe for debate."

School overcrowding? Roosevelt? Eckstein? Ballard? I wonder what schools, communities they are talking about. Also, underutilized schools? Do they mean schools that are under capacity?

Anyway, speaking of ripe for debate, a reminder. Tomorrow night is the School Board Candidate Forum at Pathfinder K-8 (5012 SW Genesee St.), starting at 5:30 with an ice cream social. At 6:30, the candidates will each have a 3-minute opening statement time and then the moderator will pose questions submitted by the audience. According to the press release:

"At this time David Blomstrom, Sheri Carr, Danaher Dempsey, Edwin Fruit, Darlene Flynn, HariumMartin-Morris, Peter Maier, Maria Ramirez, Sally Soriano, Lisa Stuebing, and Steve Sundquist have confirmed their participation."


StrongLeft said…
I've seen Maria at a number of forums already, and she seems so incredibly passionate and smart. I actually met her through her work at West Seattle High School's Site Council, and was impressed with her then, too.

Her main opponent, Sundquist, remains a mystery to me. I'm not really sure what he wants to do, although his work at Sealth seems commendable. Hope to hear more from him, although he has quite a bit of ground to make up from what I've seen of Maria.

I can't make the forum at Pathfinder, but I trust there will be a full report. :-)
Anonymous said…
finally someone in the press gets it right on Darlene Flynn...thank you lynn varner and seattle times
Anonymous said…
Dear Seattle,

Thank you.

As a woman of color who was forced to listen Darlene Flynn, who is now the Director of Race and Equity for the City of Oakland, I felt she was out of touch with current race issues and only there to promote herself. Most of her slides, stats and videos were outdated some having Seattle's name still embossed. After reading through blogs and the Seattle Medium my suspicion's were confirmed...... Mrs. Flynn is nothing more than an opportunist that preys on black and other minorities. Mrs. Flynn realizes without racism her career is void.

Another bad decision by Oakland.

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