Student Data Privacy Debate
It's heating up.
There was a great debate on Here and Now on NPR between Mary Fox-Alter, superintendent of schools in Pleasantville, N.Y., and Aimee Rogstad Guidera, executive director of the Data Quality Campaign (and note, DQC is a Gates group).
A hugely important article appeared in the NY Times about a California legislator who is introducing a student data privacy bill.
Who can truly argue with this statement regarding students and their student data?
“We just think the public policy of California should be that the information you gather from students should be used for their educational benefit and for nothing else.”
I believe Arne Duncan will be speaking on this issue today so I will have an update when details come in.
There was a great debate on Here and Now on NPR between Mary Fox-Alter, superintendent of schools in Pleasantville, N.Y., and Aimee Rogstad Guidera, executive director of the Data Quality Campaign (and note, DQC is a Gates group).
A hugely important article appeared in the NY Times about a California legislator who is introducing a student data privacy bill.
Who can truly argue with this statement regarding students and their student data?
“We just think the public policy of California should be that the information you gather from students should be used for their educational benefit and for nothing else.”
I believe Arne Duncan will be speaking on this issue today so I will have an update when details come in.
But, schools are a government service, and signing up for school should not be conditioned on your consent to giving up your privacy (and you get to choose what's important to you, not those who want the data, or even, me).
--- swk
"According to a spokesman for the NYS Education Department, parents have no right to opt out or consent, because "when parents register a child for school, they give up" the right to keep their children's information private."
"The DOE now claims that according to state guidelines "there is no formal provision for parents to opt their children out of inBloom."
I know that NY state activists are working on bill as we speak.