Or Almost Any Office


Anonymous said…
It might be a good idea to see if potential candidates could get through the third grade common core assessments first (SBAC, in Seattle) to start with!

Those distractor answers and plausible answers are very effective at confusing someone, especially an 8 year old.

Oh, and do make sure you get a solid night's sleep, eat a balanced breakfast, have a reliable way to get to school and are relatively stress-free before you sit down to test.


-Opt Out
Anonymous said…
If that's too tough for them, how about this one:

Everyone who is running for Seattle City Council should be asked if they support mayoral appointment of School Board members. If they demur, or feign ignorance of the issue, or are anything other than flat-out hostile to the notion, then they should be asked why we don't just let the mayor appoint City Council members. We might ask them why are they running for City Council in the first place, if they don't value transparency, accountability, and the very democratic process?

It's our responsibility to raise this issue, and to not let any candidate "off the hook" on it. I believe Ed Murray's people will tell him to back off, maybe even to denounce the idea altogether, if they sense strong opposition, strong enough to endanger his re-election, and his political career.

We have a good opportunity here, and if we fail to seize it, we will be to blame if mayoral appointment of ANY School Board members comes to pass. We absolutely should use it against Burgess, whether he is an odds-on favorite or not.

-- Ivan Weiss

Dora said…
Thumbs up on the graphic.
Anonymous said…
What most parents want,

1. The district to be split.

2. Smart and fair board members.

3. Teachers to be held accountable.

4. The district's administrators to support the schools and students and stop LSCing these kids.

5. Some sort of over-site entity with authority to remove ineffective administrators or teachers quickly, no witch hunts just fast and fair results.

If SPS can deliver these soon then there's hope, if not then I see the Mayor taking control.

rekcehc rekcep
Oh RR, I think you believe you are funny (at least by spelling your name backwards). Let's try another name next time.

And I would say "most parents want" - how do you know this? Is there a poll or survey we all missed?

Define "smart and fair" for Board members.

And, I would say most parents want teachers AND principals to be accountable. You do want to be fair, after all.

SPS cannot,in any way, shape or form, split itself.

A lot of this talk/legislation is just people putting out feelers or seeing what sticks.
Anonymous said…
What I as a SPS parent want:

What most parents want,

1. The district to remain in one piece.

2. Smart and fair board members, who suport and listen to parents who are their customers.

3. Principals and JSCEE to be held accountable.

4. The district's administrators to support the schools and students and stop LSCing these kids. - OK

5. Some sort of over-site entity with authority to remove ineffective administrators or teachers quickly, no witch hunts just fast and fair results. - Like the Superintendent? What a concept.

I do not want Mayor control. Do not take away my right to vote for my representation. Hale NO!

Michael Rice said…
I took the 11th grade SBAC math test, but I did not get any results. Has anyone taken it and gotten results? I want to know what I did incorrectly.

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