Seattle Schools News

It appears there were several schools with power outages this morning (and Cleveland was closed because of it) but the latest SPS tweet says power has been restored everywhere.

In some very sad news, an SPS student died after falling off a building at Seattle Central College on Saturday around 4 pm.

From the Seattle Police Department blotter:

The Seattle Police Department is conducting a death investigation after a 16-year-old student died after falling from a balcony in the Capitol Hill neighborhood on December 5th.

The department is aware of community concerns about the case and Assistant Chief Robert Merner is personally supervising the matter.

As with all death investigations, we ask the community to be patient and avoid jumping to conclusions while detectives conduct their work.

The King County Medical Examiner’s office will make a final determination as to the cause and manner of the young man’s death.

Police are asking anyone who may have additional information to contact investigators at (206) 233-5000.

Seattle Schools says the student was a junior at RBHS who was Somali.  He was taking a couple of courses at RBHS as well as being a Running Start student at SCC.  They will let the community know of any vigil or memorial events.

This originally came to light via the Capital Hill Seattle Blog where there seem to be mixed stories of what happened (and hence the SPD's plea to "avoid jumping to conclusions.)

It is unclear if he jumped, was pushed or accidentally fell. 

There is a student at SCC who graduated from Hale who tweeted that this is a hate crime that happened because the student was Muslim and an immigrant.

The incident is still being investigated and we will let you know what the final conclusion is.  Until then, condolences to the student's family, friends and school communities.  


WaitandSea said…
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I should have echoed the words of SPD and the Capital Hill Blog - please, no speculation until we have further evidence. It will not help anyone to do so. Thanks.
Teacher V said…
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Teacher V said…
I was Hamza's 5th grade teacher. Hamza was here only for his fifth grade year- 2009/2010. I was also Christy's teacher. She was a 9th grader at Chief Sealth who was killed on Sunday by gunfire. She graduated from Maple in 2012. We are totally devastated here at Maple Elementary. You will see many of us at the rallies, vigils and funerals in the next several days.
Thank you, Ms. Ventura, for that added background and notice of other communities who grieve.
seattle citizen said…
Ms. Ventura, not only do I grieve for these two students, but my heart goes out to you, who taught them. We know that students are sometimes like teachers'own kids in some ways...It is so hard when a student or former student is lost...
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Ms. Ventura, for sharing your connection to these two students. It is so easy for deaths like these to become statistics, but they are our children.

Today the New York Times had a substantial story about Hamza's death, but not a mention in the Seattle Times. I was stunned. Again, these are our children.

Emile, there was a story in the Seattle Times on the 8th but the Times has an unclear method of how long they leave stories up on their online news. You often have to do a search for it. The SPD police blotter has no new information.
Anonymous said…
While they are investigating that case what about this one

Police: Seattle middle school student posts lewd video online

SEATTLE -- Seattle Police are investigating after a middle school student allegedly posted a lewd video of himself on social media and other students viewed the posting.
The incident happened at West Seattle's Madison Middle School on Wednesday morning. The video showed the student masturbating and had been uploaded to Instagram, a district spokeswoman said.

"We are working with the Seattle Police Department on this investigation to gather all facts and information and to determine whether there will be consequences for any students involved," said Dr. Robert Gary, Jr., the school's principal, in a letter sent to parents. "Student safety and privacy are top priorities at Madison Middle School."

Students who downloaded the video could face criminal prosecution, said Detective Patrick Michaud with the Seattle Police Department.

"It's not illegal for someone to make a video of themselves doing a lewd act," Michaud said. "It would be against the law for someone to possess a lewd act on digital video."

What happened there? Or with the Murder of the Student from Cleveland HS last spring?

EATTLE -- Seattle's Cleveland High School is mourning the loss of one of its seniors.

Classmates say they learned 17-year-old Robert Robinson was shot and killed on a street corner on Beacon Hill Sunday afternoon.

Robinson was shot as he was walking near South Forest Street and 15th Avenue South, less than two miles from the high School, just before 4 p.m. Sunday.

Neighbors say they heard two gunshots and found the teen lying on the ground.

Neighbors gave Robinson CPR until paramedics arrived, but he died on the way to Harborview Medical Center.

Witnesses tell police the suspect was in a blue or green Honda Accord or Civic, which sped off moments after the shooting.

Police say they have no evidence the shooting is gang related, but are searching for a motive and a shooter.

Captain David Proudfoot, the South Precinct Commander, acknowledged that there have been at least 19 shots fired calls in the area in the last month. He urges the community to take a stand.

Or this one

Seattle Public Schools and police confirmed that one Ballard High School student was arrested off-campus Thursday morning as police searched the school.

Police say the student was reportedly seen with a firearm at the school.

Seattle cops and a SWAT unit responded to the school and found the male student off campus. Though officers took him into custody, they didn't find a firearm.

Police escorted the school's occupants to the gym as a precautionary measure, but later declared the building secure. They did not find a weapon, but continued to investigate the case.

- Just Curious

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