Tuesday Open Thread

Interesting article from The Washington Post on boys and sleep.  Thank you to reader, Dan D.
For much of history, of course, most girls couldn’t even get a decent education. But as soon as girls joined the classroom, they revved ahead. These charts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development show that in developed nations, girls started outpacing boys in educational achievement starting in the 1960s. These days, girls earn 57 percent of bachelor’s degrees, and 51.8 percent of PhDs.

One theory says that the school environment itself favors girls, who tend to be more organized and more diligent.  

Research from the United States shows that there’s something about girls that makes them more resilient to adverse circumstances.

A few years ago, one school district in Europe stumbled across a surprising way to narrow the gender gap: starting the school day in the afternoon.

According to a new study from economists at the University of California at Davis, starting school in the afternoon gave a surprising boost to boys.
 Neil deGrasse Tyson gives a great answer to a little girl who asks him, "Are there people in your field who are dyslexic?" 

In the last couple of days, several children have been injured/died at amusement parks.  A 10-year old boy died at a Kansas waterpark on a slide that was the world's highest.   He flipped out of his raft and got caught in netting.  Three Tennessee girls fell out of their gondola on a Ferris wheel when the gondola somehow got caught as the ride moved.  I didn't know it but the feds do not monitor amusement parks for safety nor record these kinds of incidences.  That's up to states.

What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
Funny link to Neil deGrasse Tyson (funny 'cause it's true!!).

I have over the years known many colleagues who were scientists at the top of their game who are dyslexic. These are talented scientists who have published many important papers, written major textbooks in the field and who are members of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences and the Howard Hughes Medical institute.

madpark said…
helicopter parenting can lead to binge drinking!


Anonymous said…
The Rita Green quote is exactly what is happening in HC identification:

"Using standardized tests to label Black and immigrants as lesser.."

This next part is happening in the schools that don't receive the largesse of PTA funding. The mandated funds for FRL do not begin to compensate for the needs.

"while systematically underfunding their schools"

"...has a long an ugly history" but Melissa says HC is "open to everyone"

You can't be a progressive about others, but support the same patterns of this "ugly history" in your own backyard, and expect to retain credibility.

Having this string of postings about the exclusivity of charters and national educational disgraces on the heels of your support for silencing the research into local funding to identify possible inequities--is insulting.

Anonymous said…
Actually the child on the water slide was decapitated. His father was a state representative and the park was hosting free events and food for state politicians. A terrible gruesome loss for the family whose young sons witnessed their ten year old brother's death. These amusement parks are highly under-regulated and one has to question the wisdom of this practice and the low cultural and economic contributions made by same. Self regulation in a high risk zone is not acceptable.

More regulation please
FWIW, if you find all this so terrible, why are you here? It's confounding.

HC is open to everyone. That is a fact. That you don't believe enough parents know about it or whatever your beef is, the program is open to every single student.

I know Rita and she and I agree on many things. You can ask her.
April said…
Rainier Valley Cultural Festival on Saturday and Sunday. Big parade,probably the last of the season, at 11 a.m on Saturday.

Rainier Ave will be closed to traffic around Orca St. after the parade until 4.

Ethiopian cotton spinning demos, you can even give it a twirl!

Lots of food and games for all ages. Watch local kids perform, drill teams and dance teams.

The SPS All City Band has their final performance of the parade season, I saw them at the Chinatown parade and Torchlight and they are the best act in every parade. Just make sure you follow them until they play "Let It Whip" because they do a dance halfway through.
mirmac1 said…

My sweetie will be there in the drumline!
Eric B said…
Re: Tyson, I tell people that at least 50% of the people in an average engineering office (mine included) are somewhere on the autism spectrum.
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