UW 2017 History Lecture Series

This winter's lecture series on Equity&Difference has some good ones that could be useful in thinking about public education.  (Two of the early ones - Equity and Deeper Learning and White Privilege are already sold out.)

Feb. 15th, Kane Hall at 7:30 pm
Joy Williamson-Lott -  
New Hurdles, Same Territory: How History Can Guide the Future of Education
Many look to “the school” as the great equalizer, a meritocracy where equal opportunity is realized. For communities of color, this is often far from the truth. Throughout history, each time communities of color have made progress toward equal educational opportunity, a major societal pushback has caused the loss of gains that appeared won. Dr. Williamson-Lott looks to history to show how we can work toward real progress.


Anonymous said…
"Dr. Williamson-Lott looks to history to show how we can work toward real progress."

I wonder how Dr. Williamson-Lott will explain how many groups in American society have already overcome systematic discrimination and now outperform the "average" in income, education, etc. Look to Nigerian, Vietnamese and Irish immigrants, or Catholic, Mormon or Jewish religious minorities (and many more). There's an almost 400 year history of people coming to America, overcoming discrimination and then wildly succeeding.

I bet the good doctor won't focus much on that.

Good Grief
Anonymous said…
Re Good Grief

It appears that you do not consider systematic discrimination to be much of a problem. Think of how many people could join the ranks of the 'wildly succeeding' if we could work together to eliminate systematic discrimination.
United we stand, divided we fall.

Anonymous said…
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Charlie Mas said…
Instead of making blind bets on what Dr. Williamson-Lott will say, why not go and listen?
Please do not highjack a thread with other topics.
Anonymous said…
First it was "global warming" and now it's "white privilege". They will come up with anything to make a buck.

4ft Monster
Anonymous said…
Mark - I think it's safe to say that both the left and right agree that discrimination is a bad thing that should be eliminated. However, the left seems to think that discrimination is an impenetrable barrier to success that must be eliminated before success can occur. I can't think of a precedent for this actually ever happening, though. I would argue that almost 400 years of American history has shown that success comes first, and after that discrimination just disappears.

When was the last time you saw a "No dogs or Irish" sign in a store window?

Good Grief
Anonymous said…
@Good grief - Sounds like you have never been discriminated against or known people who have been. Ever hear the phrase "a woman has to twice as good as a man to get half as much?" Ever notice that women make 69 cents for every dollar men make? Ever hear of DWB - Driving While Black? That's discrimination and it happens everyday all the time. The lucky few make it through the gauntlet - and sure there are always exceptions - but the majority don't get what they deserve or would get if they were white, affluent males. A sure sign of white privilege is not knowing it exists - or that you and your friends have benefitted from it. - NP
Charlie Mas said…
@Good Grief, discrimination doesn't have to be an impenetrable barrier to success and no one ever said it was. You have put forward a radical statement that no one ever made and attributed it to your opposition. This is a classic straw man argument. This kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate and it utterly discredits you among the readers with critical reasoning skills.
Anonymous said…
@ Good Grief, you said: "I would argue that almost 400 years of American history has shown that success comes first, and after that discrimination just disappears."

So I guess that means since we've had a black president, all this Black Lives Matter stuff is unnecessary?

Or are you suggesting that groups who are still discriminated against just haven't managed to be successful yet? Like women or blacks?

I guess we should all just...

Try Harder?

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