Seattle Schools This Week

 Update:  there are some interesting items on Wednesday's Board agenda.  For example:

  • Engaging Families for High School grant-funded project - anyone?
  • Approval of four separate successor collective bargaining agreements between Seattle Public Schools and International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 609 for September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020 - for intro and action.  Again, Intro and Action on the same night should be for emergencies.  I'm assuming the negotiations have been going on for some time so where's the fire?
  • Seattle Teacher Residency Program Funding (Exec, March 15, for approval) Approval of this item would provide authority for the Superintendent to dedicate $251,000 for the purposes of the Seattle Teacher Residency (STR) Program in the 2018-2019 school year

    This residency program seems to be doing very well and keeping teachers at Title One schools.  A good investment, it would seem.

But the Board agenda item that made my jaw drop was this one:

Termination of Ground Lease at the Lake City School  (Ops, March 8, for consideration) Approval of this item would approve early termination of the Lease with Lake City Professional Building, LLC in the payment amount of $6,193,000 for the Lake City School to provide for increased flexibility to meet capacity needs of Seattle Public Schools (SPS).

While the District does not have an immediate need for the property, this lease buyback provides greater long-term flexibility.

The Lake City Professional Center is a 2.68-acre or 116,927-square-foot site that is owned by the District. The District entered into Fifty-year Ground Lease with Two Additional Twenty-year extensions with Lake City Professional Building, LLC in 1986, a 90-year agreement to reach conclusion in 2076. This agreement allowed Lake City Professional Building, LLC to improve and construct what was necessary to turn the location into a professional center.

This Board Action Report seeks approval to seek early termination of the Lease with Lake City Professional Building, LLC for the Lake City School to provide for increased flexibility to meet capacity needs of Seattle Public Schools (SPS). SPS would take over management of current building rental agreements and start receiving that rental income.

Fiscal impact to this action will be the payment of up to $6,193,000 for the lease buyback out of the Capital Fund. The amount Lake City Professional Building, LLC is requiring for the purchase is higher than the appraisal completed in 2016 due to the market increase and requirements for termination written into the Lease agreement.

Including annual operating costs, it is estimated the District will receive $690,600 in net tenant revenue per year ($940,000 less estimated annual operating costs) after the purchase. The total cost of the real property is expected to be offset by lease revenue received directly by SPS instead of Lake City Professional Building, LLC within a 9 to 10-year period. SPS is not anticipating the need for this facility within the next 7 to 10 year period.

Readers may not know but it had been suggested by members of the public - years ago - to do this action.  The answer was no, it would cost too much to break the lease.  Well, I guess push came to shove.

And the district entered into a 90-year agreement? I think I know what former legal counsel probably negotiated that one.

I do find that last sentence about "receiving that rental income" an odd one.

Lastly, we've heard the "we'll save money and make money" story before from the district. I'm not buying it this time.  That's $6M+ out of capital dollars for this.

end of update

A very busy week in the district.

Tuesday, March 20th
Seattle Special Education PTA meeting, JSCEE, 7-9 pm

Wednesday, March 21st
Board meeting, starting at 4:15 pm at JSCEE.  Agenda.

I'll just note that the interviews for semi-finalists for the superintendent job start the next day.  Wonder if any people in the audience at the meeting might be possible candidates?

Thursday, March 22nd
The Board will be interviewing semi-finalist candidates for superintendent from 8:30-3:00 pm at South Seattle Community College.  These sessions are not open to the public.

Friday, March 23rd
The Board will be interviewing semi-finalist candidates for superintendent from 8:30-3:00 pm at South Seattle Community College.  These sessions are not open to the public.

Saturday, March 24th 
Community meetings with directors
Patu - at Raconteur from 9:30 am-11:00 am
Burke - at Greenwood Public Library from 10 am to noon
Pinkham - at Northgate Public Library from 3 pm to 4:30 pm

I note - still no community meeting from Director DeWolf.

Of interest: 

Summer Learning Opportunities
A compilation of district resources and program offerings. In addition, please check with the front office of your student's school for information about summer learning opportunities.

Port of Seattle Internships
Not yet posted but this is the page to check if your student in interested.

The Port offers internships for graduate, undergraduate and high school students in various fields of study including but not limited to: Accounting, Auditing, Construction Management, Engineering, Environmental, Finance & Budget, Human Resources, Marketing, and Planning.

The Port of Seattle is accepting applications for our internship program through April 2018. ​New college internship opportunities are posted each week. High school internship applications will open mid-March.


PAA Member said…
Important information regarding Broad trained superintendents. The board should NOT hire a superintendent connected to the Broad Foundation.
Anonymous said…
When will the next meeting on 24-credit alignment be? I am still not understanding how the district will offer more credits without making teachers take on additional caseloads without any additional pay...unless that is their plan.

Anonymous said…
Just received email about an all day event Friday:

Seattle City Council Conversation on Education
Join me (Councilmember M. Lorena González), Councilmembers Johnson and Mosqueda for a conversation around your priorities for Education in Seattle and how upcoming education levy renewals can support your goals. We invite all education advocates, families, and students to join us for this important conversation!

Location: City Hall – Bertha Knight Landes Room
Date: Friday, March 23
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (please bring your own lunch)
DOORS OPEN @ 9 a.m.
RSVP via Facebook

It is our hope to learn from you as we work to identify and drive policies, programs, and resources that will support our early learners, students, educators, and families most impacted by the opportunity gap.

-- Jonathan
Watching said…
Who is the board member that sits on the Family and Education Levy Committee?

"The city’s Families and Education Levy, which Durkan could tap for the college program, is up for renewal later this year..."
RPM said…
I try to keep up, but what happened with the Science situation? Will kids be taking the 1/2 year chemistry and physics in 9th grade? Was this approved?

RPM, good question.
SusanH said…
RPM: My 9th grader at The Center School is doing that science now. So are some other schools, if I recall from comments here...

Anonymous said…
I believe that's the 9th grade gen ed science at Ingraham HS as well.

I would also love any available update on Core 24 and science sequence--not sure where to find the latest on this other than this blog!

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