Blog Powering Down For a Bit
Signing off for a short period of time for personal time in Seattle (yes, I see it might snow Saturday night, fun). Sadly, I won't be able to attend the Board's three-hour special meeting tomorrow on their Goals for the district. (Apparently there is also to be an executive session as well.) It appears it will be roughly 2 hours for the Goals and Guardrails and 1 hour for the executive session. Checking in with the agenda I am quite surprised to see they expect people to testify on this. What!? I saw no notice that this was part of this meeting. I suspect they will get little input. For the Goals and Guardrails there are four amendments, three from Director Liza Rankin and two from Director Sarah Clark. On the Board Policy 0020, Goals for the District, the agenda states, " This item will be updated prior to action: Goals to be added pending additional Board discussion." For each Board-adopted Goal and Guardrail, the Superintendent will establish one to three interim...