Wednesday's School Board Meeting

The agenda for the February 7th Seattle School Board meeting has been posted.

It includes a reminder about the new public testimony sign-up process:

Sign-ups for this meeting will begin Monday, February 5, 2007 at 8:00am. The list will be developed in the order of testimony on board action items first, board introduction items second, and then comments of a general nature. The public testimony list will be posted by close of business, Tuesday, February 6, 2007.

The one new introduction item is the funding plan for 2008-09.
Because money drives everything else, the changing in funding formula from a Weighted Student Formula to a Weighted Staffing Standard is an item of crucial importance. I'd encourage as many people as possible to attend not only this meeting, but also ongoing meetings throughout the next 8 months as the new staffing formula is developed. The Finance Committee meets every other Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Stanford Center.


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