Seattle Schools' Teachers to Walk Out This Wednesday

My reading of this is that it should not affect students but just know your child's teachers will not be available if you had planned to try to talk to them on Wednesday afternoon.

From SEA

Solidarity Walkout FAQ
1. Why are we walking out? Our school bus drivers are a key part of our educational team, but they do not have the same access to health care and retirement benefits that other Seattle Schools' employees have. The bus drivers are employed by First Student, a huge multinational corporation with more than $6 billion in profits last year. 

By walking out, we are adding thousands of our voices as paraprofessionals, SAEOPs, and certificated staff to our bus drivers' fight. Our community strongly supported us during our strike in 2015. We can help our community rally community support for the bus drivers as an important part of their children's education who deserve fair treatment and benefits, just like us. 

2. What time do we leave school?
The walkout begins as soon as the school day ends and the students depart. There will be no staff meetings, collaboration time, or WAC time after school. Staff who are not supervising students should leave and join one of the picket lines. Staff who have responsibility for student supervision should continue to provide that student supervision as you would normally, and then join us on the picket lines after that duty ends. 

3. Where are we going and what will we do?
We will picket at the following locations on Wednesday, February 7th: 

Northeast Seattle First Student Bus Depot, 13525 Lake City Way NE: Bryant, Bagley, Cascadia, Decatur, Eckstein, Green Lake, Hale, Hamilton, Hazel Wolf, JAMS, JS Int'l, Laurelhurst, Licton Springs, McDonald, Oly Hills, Oly View, Roosevelt, Sacajawea, Sand Point, Thornton Creek, View Ridge, Wedgwood.

South Seattle First Student Bus Depot, 7739 1st Ave S: Arbor Heights, Concord, Denny, Dunlap, Emerson, Graham Hill, Highland Park, JSCEE, Rainier Beach, Rainier View, Roxhill, Sanislo, Sealth, South Lake, South Shore, STEM, Van Asselt, Wing Luke

Central Seattle: Intersection of Rainier Avenue and MLK near Franklin HS: Aki, Beacon Hill, Cleveland, Dearborn, Franklin, Garfield, Gatzert, Hawthorne, Interagency, Kimball, Leschi, Lowell, Madrona, Maple, McGilvra, Meany, MLK Jr, Mercer, Montlake, Muir, NOVA, Orca, Seattle World School, Stevens, T Marshall, TOPS, Washington.

West Seattle: Intersection of Fauntleroy Way and SW Alaska: Alki, Fairmount park, Gatewood, Genesee HIll, lafayette, Madison, Pathfinder, West Seattle Elementary, West Seattle High School.

Northwest Seattle: Intersection of 15th Ave NW and 65th Ave NW near Ballard HS: Adams, Broadview, Ballard, BF Day, Blaine, Cascade, Center School, Coe, Eaglestaff, Greenwood, Hay, Ingraham, Lawton, Lincoln, Loyal Heights, McClure, Middle College, North Beach, Northgate, Queen Anne, SAlmon Bay, Viewlands, West Woodland, Whitman, Whittier

Wear RED and bring signs. We will have signs to distribute across the locations, but also bring some handmade signs, too. 

4. Do we need to tell our administrator we are leaving?
No. We are informing the District that all staff will be walking out, and do not need to ask permission of their administrator. Of course we will not abandon students, and will need to provide for their supervision as we would on any other school day. Those who have supervisory duties should join the picket once they complete their duties. 

5. Will we need to make up the time?
Yes. We expect that the District will require us to make up the time rather than cut our pay. Our goal is not to disrupt District functioning, but to add our voices to the drivers so that our community understands that they are part of the education community that their children and depend on.

In solidarity,

Phyllis Campano Michael Tamayo
SEA President SEA Vice President


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