Two Meetings of Interest This Week

Thursday, May 16th from 6-8:30 at Garfield High
No photo description available.Look for  Seattle Public Schools Youth and Family Racial Justice Summit at Sign-up should be done as individuals, not as a group. Please sign up by Wednesday May15, 2019 at 4:00p.m and arrive prior to 10am. 

Editor's Note - I believe the Racial Justice Summit is sponsored/co-sponsored by the district; it's unclear to me if the Integrated Schools event is.


Tired Mom said…
I can't make it to Garfield tonight, but I really want to attend. Any chance anyone can share highlights? Or link here to someone who does?

I'd definitely appreciate it!
Carol Simmons said…
The meeting "Brown V Board Turns 65: Seattle's School Segregation Story" was very interesting. The Moderator was former Seattle School Board Director Stephan Blanford, Executive in Residence, Seattle Foundation. The Panel Discussion Presenters were Brent Jones, Chief Equity, Partnerships and Engagement Officer Seattle Public Schools, Nancy Beadie Professor and Chair of Educ. Leadership College of Ed at UW, Cece Chan, Senior at Nathan Hale H.S. and member of NAACP Youth Coalition, Ali Mc Kay, Seattle Chapter Lead, Integrated Schools. In attendance were Superintendent Juneau, SPS Board President Leslie Harris, Board Director Jill Geary and many interested parents and community members. It appeared that the panel was preaching to the choir as many of the attendees seemed very sincere in the desire to integrate schools and to desegregate HCC programs. Their questions and comments reflected this. The Breakout sessions topics centered around PTA involvement We sat with parents who were very supportive of the need to integrate schools and programs. WHILE THE HISTORY OF SEGREGATION COULD HAVE BEEN MORE THOROUGHLY PRESENTED, THE COMMITMENT OF THE PRESENTERS AND THOSE WHO ATTENDED SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY APPPLAUDED.

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