SPS Continues Its Long History of Rushed Surveys; Is OSPI Getting the Real Story?

 Seattle Schools, like all school districts in Washington State, are required to submit a reopening plan to OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction). 

In the Board agenda for the May 19th, we see SPS’ plan. 

There is a survey attached for parents; I have no idea how many parents know about it and are weighing in but considering the district gave it about a week, I feel confident in saying they are not particularly interested in parental input.  You have until Tuesday noon to give input. I can say it’s quite the word salad and it’s complete bullshit to submit it to OSPI and say “yes, we asked for input.” 

SPS Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Meeting to be held remotely

By SPSTV Broadcast and YouTube Streaming (See details below) By Teleconference: 206-800-4125 (Conference ID: 279 213 332#)

What does this Reopening Plan say?

- It’s a “model of Listen, Act, Deliver.” Sure.

- It’s “a comprehensive plan for the well-being of students” in a “Culture of Care.” 

- The district has “an internal workgroup to supporting ongoing two-way engagement with students, families and communities” regarding the summer and fall plans.”

- All K-3 teachers will be taking a “Science of Reading” course.

- An annual assessment calendar will be approved by SEA/SPS by August 15 2021.

- There will be a “monitoring of CSIPs quarterly.” That’s lovely but what does that mean if schools are not following/enacting their CSIPs? I guess Superintendent Jones is going to be all growl, no bite.

- In a very odd statement, the reopening plan includes “weekly reopening school townhalls held by former Superintendent Juneau.” Huh? I did ask the Board office for clarification with no answer. So the district is having a former superintendent who was forced out by the Board president hold townhalls? Sure. As a reminder, Juneau is receiving her final year’s salary but this particular work will likely be paid out separately. 

- The document says the Race and Equity Tool will be “reformatted” but to what and why this is happening is unclear. 

- SPS is “attesting” that the school Board is approving this plan “after public comment.” Sure they are.

- SPS is still sticking with the invasive middle school mental health questionnaire called SBIRT. I have written on this here and here. I am still saying it is gathering too much information without fully disclosing where it will be used.

- It mentions that, in surveying high school students, that their number one issue is “excessive workload.” Ditto for middle schoolers. Both would like more “peer-to-peer learning.” There is currently a May 2021 survey being taken. 

From their current findings:

- Across student groups, we have seen very different decisions regarding the return to in-person learning. White, Multiracial, and Hispanic families have been most interested in returning in- person. Overall, through online surveys, phone calls from schools, and community outreach we have been able to contact 93% of our students regarding their preference for remote or in- person learning. See page 49.

- SPS’ findings mirror national results which are that more white families want to have in-person instruction versus families of color. What is the priority for all families who want in-person? Their student keeping their current teacher.

To be quite honest, all this is par for SPS and it’s certainly not impressive in its timely notification to parents.


Welcome Home said…
Very difficult to garner information from the district website. The last Friday Memo was Aoril 30th- one month ago.

Basic community communication isn't happening. I've don't recall a more incompetent board.

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