Seattle Schools Bell Times to Stay for 2022-2023

 Via SPS:

Superintendent Jones has determined Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will continue the two-tier transportation system for the 2022-23 school year. This means elementary, K-8, and middle schools will not change their start and end times in September. Some high schools may see a 10-minute change in start time.

This determination will allow us to keep the current structure as we continue to find ways to improve transportation services. The national bus driver shortage continues to affect our ability to provide full service to all students who are eligible for transportation. It is likely we will begin the 2022-23 school year with the same reduced bus service that has been in place since last fall. We will continue to explore whether we can restore the routes that have been suspended. Consistent with our strategic plan, SPS prioritizes systems to serve students of color and those furthest from educational justice.

In the coming months, there will be more opportunities to share your feedback and input as we continue to study available options for reliable transportation services. We are committed to ensuring that students arrive at school on time and ready to learn.

Thank you to everyone who sent feedback. If you have questions or comments, please share them with us on our Let’s Talk feedback form. We read and consider every message.

Fred Podesta, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Ashley Davies, Executive Director of Operations


Accountability Needed said…
The district spent untold amount administrative time and public dollars on this useless endeavor.

I see Washington Paramount Duty keeps lobbying for more funding. Washington Paramount Duty really falls short on the accountability part of the equation.
Anonymous said…
@Accountabilty Needed,

I wised up to WPD when I learned they gave $50,000 to WEA a few years back. Washington teachers are well advocated for in this state, families are not. Advocacy is better spent at WSPTA or watching our own dear SPS.

Families First

So Accountability Needed, what does this has to do with Washington Paramount Duty?
Families First, I had not heard that about WPD.

I certainly have had my own experience with the group who I was a big supporter of early on. They tend to have their own tunnel vision (as we all do) and I was just not interested in supporting that.
WPD never gave any money to WEA. We have received money from WEA in the past, and proudly so, as we work with teachers as well as parents to bring more funding to our public schools. We continue to advocate to the legislature to add more funding for our schools, with partial success in 2022, though the legislature fell well short of what was needed.

It would be good for the legislature to also properly fund student transportation, particularly to help SPS bring it back in-house. While that's not a panacea, it certainly seems better than handing it back to First Student.

Many of us have also been actively advocating against the bell times change and it's good to see that SPS has abandoned their three tier plan.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful to see board directors like Michelle Sarju openly speaking out in support of genuine communication with families! What a welcome breath of fresh air. And thank you to Vivian Song Maritz and Lisa Rivera Smith for doing all that start time and bus research and taking the time to communicate with constituents and stakeholders. It was amazing to see the chairman of the school board and the superintendent actually listen to families. It feels like it has been years since that happened. Thank you!

Sleepy Kid

Anonymous said…
Big kudos to Vivian and Lisa for their leadership here. Eye rolls to the “not my job” Board contingency - Chandra and Liza. And credit to Supt Jones for coming around to the right decision.

Report Card
I don't really think Hersey listens all that much except to who he wants to hear from. He's very much like Director Hampson on that score.
Anonymous said…
Fascinating how The Management Speak keeps blathering about a driver shortage.

Pay drivers like crap and treat drivers like crap, and, no one wants to be a driver!

Although ... I haven't a Graduate Degree in Creating Management Speak, or, Analyzing Management Speak, so, maybe I'm being


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