Around SPS, Things That Make You Go, Hmmm

 Over on the HCC High School page, a parent asks about requesting accommodations for IEP/504 students when taking College Board tests. This parent was told that parents now have to do the request on their own, rather than having the SSD coordinator at the school do it. Another parent at a different school said they had the same experience. 

I think part of the hmmm is if that is true, why didn't the schools just tell the parents upfront, rather than waiting for the parents to figure it out on their own?

Another hmmm is parent-teacher conferences. I had been told that Mercer Middle School was only doing conferences for certain families. Here's what their website says:

Family Bulletin:

  • Mercer will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday, November 18th. This is a NO SCHOOL for students.
  • 8:30am-2:20pm staff will be hosting 20-minute conferences for specific families. These families will receive a call or text to schedule their conference.
  • 2:30pm-4:00pm All families are able to visit for the drop-in conference Arena. Throughout the Arena, families can find their students’ teachers and get a quick picture of what their student is like in classes. There will also be resources available from counselors, after school programs, and PTSA.
  • Be on the look out for your child’s goal-setting worksheet by next week, November 18th. All students will be reflecting on their celebrations and areas for growth this year. This is a time for you to share the celebrations and areas for growth you have seen from your child as well!

If you are joining us for the 2:30pm-4:00pm drop-in conference Arena, here are questions you  may ask teachers:

- What is my child doing well? 

- What could they work on?Is my child above grade-level, on track, or in need of support?

- How can I help with their learning at home?

It certainly does look like some parents get one-on-one visits with teachers but it is unclear who or why. Is it for parents of students who are failing classes? Families "furthest from educational justice?" As for the "drop-in Arena," c'mon. Parents are not going to get anything from a loud, noisy area, trying to get 3 minutes with teachers.  

I did do a spot check of four other middle schools but didn't even find info on the parent-teacher conferences. 

Another hmmm - why is the League of Education Voters, who are a pretty upright public education group, having Tracy Castro Gill on a panel about Critical Race Theory in K-12 Classrooms? Do they not know her reputation? If I wanted to draw people into an event, I sure wouldn't be putting a toxic person who got let go from SPS on my panel. 

I also had one anonymous tip that SPS is bringing her back in. Sure hope that isn't the case.



Anonymous said…
Generally conference days end in Elementary school and are by individual appointment in Secondary. Maybe in MS we should transition out gradually?

Theo M.
Anonymous said…
I predict Tracy Castro Gill’s approach to race relations is on the way out. That doesn’t mean SPS won’t bungle it and hire her anyway, but I know a whole lot of parents and students that are done with her brand of conflict mongering. My kid would personally not stand to have her as a teacher.


LWV said…
I am seriously disappointed with the LWV.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Hey LWV, I said League of Education Voters, not League of Women Voters.
LWV said…

Thanks for the clarification!

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