Holy Batman! The Stranger Whines About Their School Board Picks

It would appear that the many comments about The Stranger's picks for Seattle School Board got quite the backlash for their election board. They put out this ridiculous video of two staffers going back and forth on the picks. It's not a good effect and more than a little incoherent.

What is painful:

-They say things like "some candidates don't know the district/board" and I'm wondering which candidate(s) that  they are referring to because I didn't see that mentioned in their editorial picks.

-  They must have read criticism from progressive groups because they talk a lot about how some people believe that board members should do more in the legislature. Well, that isn't this blog. And there are people fighting over where a possible capital gains tax and its dollars should go? Okay but that is NOT the main issue in this school board election.

- What is really awful is that they appear to have downed the entire cup of koolaid on why schools should be closed. Near verbatim talk about why underenrolled schools will see fewer benefits so close some schools to make the rest better. "It's not a bad thing" is what they say in the video. I'm sure the district is VERY happy with that.

I have never seen The Stranger fight back like this so I perceive they probably heard it from many groups. 

Maybe they should have listened.


Anonymous said…
It’s also surprising to see The Stranger square off against the teachers’ union endorsement :/ Rankin is quite the district tool.

Strange bedfellows.

Anonymous said…
We're in a bad place when the Stranger is channeling Rahm Emanuel and claiming school closures aren't austerity.

Saddened Voter
@saddened voter said…
Exactly. The fools on the school board foolishly- and probably unknowingly- played into the hands of corporate reformers. Give the superintendent all the power.
Anonymous said…
I bet they did get a lot of pushback from a lot of people--parents, advocates, educators, etc.--who are much, much better informed about SPS issues. And that's the problem with their school board endorsements: they've made wildly exaggerated claims about their candidates without having really covered or closely followed important debates in the recent years (SOFG, school closures, etc.), and so their endorsements appear uninformed and vapid without real substance or stakes. And now it seems they're digging their heels in--how sad and unethical.

mshazaib said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Melissa, would you remove the comment from mshazaib, just below mine? It's basically my post re-written with slight word changes--it looks like AI-generated if you ask me.


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