Items of Note

Sadly, another school shooting to report, this one in Iowa.  It happened at a high school (that apparently is 6-12) where a seventeen year old, armed with a shotgun and a handgun, open fired on the first day of classes in the new year. A sixth grader was killed, five others injured and the gunman killed himself. It appears that one person injured was an administrator and the others were students. People who knew the gunman said he had been "bullied relentlessly since elementary school." 

"As of July 2021, Iowa does not require a permit to purchase a handgun or carry a firearm in public, but it does mandate a background check for anyone buying a handgun without a permit." 


As one reader reported, it is true that Director Vivian Song is throwing her hat into the ring to fill the seat on the City Council vacated by Teresa Mosqueda. 

According to the Council's website, the application period is from Wednesday, Jan 3rd to Tuesday, January 9th. As well, in the same timeframe, there will be a "community organization participation and input submission period."

The Council will review these applications and then there will be a Special Public Meeting for Public Comment, probably on Monday, January 22nd. The anticipated vote will be at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd. 

The interim Councilperson will fill the post until November when there will be an election for a full term candidate.

Song, as the Board liaison to the City Council, knows something about the Council and its work. She told me that she particularly enjoys the work in youth spaces. She said, "I've really enjoyed public service despite the challenges and I believe I can have a bigger impact on SPS students and families."

Seattle friends tell me that it's unlikely she will get the appointment but she certainly would bring an interesting background to the Council. 

Leaving the Board would exacerbate a current not-great situation on the Board.  If you watch the Board meetings, you can see how Song and her ideas get repeatedly batted away. I'm sure it's frustrating for her. 

Like the Council, if there is a vacancy on the Board, the Board will enact a similar process to find someone to fill Song's place. It would have to be someone that lives in her district. My worry is that the Board majority would pick someone like Erin Dury who would be yet another SOFG acolyte. 


A big congratulations to Dr. Mia Williams, the Chief of the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA), who was named by the Seattle Seahawks as its 2023 Inspire Change Changemaker Award recipient.

The NFL's Inspire Change Changemaker awards recognize individuals who are making a difference in their communities through social justice work.
During an in-game moment, Dr. Williams was recognized on the field and was presented with a $10,000 grant courtesy of the NFL Foundation, paid directly to a non-profit organization of her choice.

A big Go Huskies! to the University of Washington football team who will take on Michagan Wolverines for the national college football championship on Monday.


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