Are You Kidding, Seattle School Board?

I am awash in things to write about everywhere I look. But I'm just going to get this out there now so that you can tell the remaining School Board directors to get moving. I urge you to write to them:

Here's the latest from the Seattle Times.  It states that the Board will talk about the process at next weeks' Board meeting. But here's a key sentence from that article:

Applications will be open “as soon as possible” after the meeting and stay open for 90 days, said Board President Liza Rankin.

What?! No way. (I do have a query into the Times to make sure this is exactly what President Rankin said.)

Let's go to the relevant RCW (bold mine):

RCW 28A.343.370


(1) In case of a vacancy from any cause on the board of directors of a school district other than a reconstituted board resulting from reorganized school districts, a majority of the legally established number of board members shall fill such vacancy by appointment: PROVIDED, That should there exist fewer board members on the board of directors of a school district than constitutes a majority of the legally established number of board members, the educational service district board members of the district in which the school district is located by the vote of a majority of its legally established number of board members shall appoint a sufficient number of board members to constitute a legal majority on the board of directors of such school district; and the remaining vacancies on such board of directors shall be filled by such board of directors in accordance with the provisions of this section: PROVIDED FURTHER, That should any board of directors for whatever reason fail to fill a vacancy within ninety days from the creation of such vacancy, the members of the educational service district board of the district in which the school district is located by majority vote shall fill such vacancy.
(2) Appointees to fill vacancies on boards of directors of school districts shall meet the requirements provided by law for school directors and shall serve until the next regular school district election, at which time a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term.
(3) If a vacancy will be created by a board member who has submitted a resignation, that board member may not vote on the selection of his or her replacement.

The RCW says that the vacancies have to be filled in 90 days. If the application period is 90 days, that leaves at least two more weeks for vetting and then interviews. The Board might not get new directors for over 3 months which takes us to nearly May. That's insane. 

And, it would be illegal according to the RCW. 

The last vacancy to be filled - that of Betty Patu that went to Brandon Hersey - took 77 days total. 

There is just so much on the line here that time is of the essence that I personally believe that it should get done in 60 days.

This will mean four newbies on the Board which is not good. Those would be the two newly elected directors - Topp and Briggs - and then the two newly appointed directors. But if the district is closing schools, then every single area of the district needs representation. 

Make no mistake, the majority of the Board will select people to align with SOFG. No independent thinkers need apply; they will not be chosen.


Anonymous said…
I say let them run out the clock. The educational service district board might produce better results.

Anonymous said…
Here is the board of directors of the Educational Service District that Seattle Public Schools falls under:

I agree this panel of individuals might make a better selection than our current rump-board could make given its lack of talent and expertise. The ESD board also not shadow-run by AJ Craybill.

The way the state structures public education in Washington, think of school districts as analogous to cities and Educational Service Districts as analogous to counties. Actual cities/mayors and counties play no role in school governance in this state; remember that when out-of-staters mention silly things like "mayoral control."

Here is OSPI's map of SDs and ESDs:

Anonymous said…
Wrong. last member that had to be replaced via appointment was Eden Mack - District 4

Transparency Please
Won’t exceed 90 days said…
I’m assuming that’s a misquote or something. There is no way that the Board will allow an outside agency to appoint the replacements.
Anonymous said…
Talk about a bias towards inaction! You’d think with all the harms they are preventing and the support they are providing to BIPOC and poors (aka SFFEJ) they’d hustle a little harder than this.

Bumbling Through
Done Deal said…
Does anyone remember Jones's appointment??

I fully suspect that a former and current board members have been trying to recruit candidates, and I fully expect the person to be tied to the SCPTSA.

I'm not overly impressed with the ESD. One board member sat on the Seattle School Board. Similar to the current board..that board held a tight grip on the rubber stamp.The board member didn't act on the information. As a result, the Auditors Office investigators alleged that almost $2M had been fraudulently awarded to small businesses.

As an aside, Song and Smith sat on the Operations Committee. They attended BEX Oversight Committee meetings. And, now the operations committee has been dismantled under SFPG. There are now huge oversight gaps.
Lastly said…
A certain ESD board member endorsed Liza Rankin.
Transparency, you are right. I think I didn't remember that because it so depressed me. Mack allowed herself to be bullied out of office. I don't think that is the entire case for Rivera and Song but yes, I think some of it.

Done Deal, yes, oversight will be near nil now that Song and Rivera are gone. It's a sad thing and I predict, down the line, there will be some huge issue because of it.

Early names I am hearing for D4 are Laura Marie Rivera and former director Sue Peters Both would be great. (And, SPS would have another Director Rivera.) I have not heard any ideas for D2 which, for the last couple of cycles has had few candidates.

These resignations were discussed on KUOW's Week in Review.

I see that on the Board page "Meet the Board" there are now blanks for both names.
Benjamin Lukoff said…
Make no mistake, the majority of the Board will select people to align with SOFG. No independent thinkers need apply; they will not be chosen.

Is there anything at all we can do to influence this? Or are we really just going to have to wait till the next election?
Oy said…
Rankin told the public that residency issues fall under KCE which was incorrect information. She could have told the public that the issue of residency was complicated because board policy broadly used the term "district", but I think the board exerted pressure on the two board members to leave.
@Ben said…
The district was aware of Song's residency change. It seems to me that they had an obligation to hold a special election- or defend board policy as a mechanism to retain Song.

Either way, voters lost their elected official. With Song and Smith gone, the board lost a tremendous amount of consistency and institutional knowledge, and an elected official will be replaced with an appointed during a critical time.

A cynical person might think that the district wanted to save $1M in election costs- only to have a board member replaced by an appointed.

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