
Showing posts from 2025

Two Sad Items of Note in the News

As you are probably aware, one of the top jobs for the Republican administration is basically to get trans adults and students to stop existing. Go back into the closet or whereever. You can exist as long as you present as what we say you should be.  That administration now wants to take federal grants away from a university if they allow a trans athlete to compete. That would be the University of Maine and it was probably chosen because Maine's governor stood up to that President at a governors meeting weeks ago.  Now, the GOP in Arkansas wants to do this: GOP proposes bill that would punish supporting trans youth through new names and haircuts  From The Advocate: H.B. 1668 , the so-called "Vulnerable Youth Protection Act," would allow minors or their parents to sue anyone who even acknowledges a minor's gender identity, including "without limitation changes in clothing, pronouns, hairstyle, and name." Lawsuits are permitted up to 15 years after the allege...

This and That on Public Education

First up, the Seattle Times would like your opinion on the following: The Seattle Times would like to hear your thoughts and questions about the changes in leadership and the district’s future. Oh, is THAT all? They have a form at their website or you can email them, I note that this is through their "Education Lab" and not their regular ed reporter.    Next, there is a movement of "walk-ins" that is supported by the teachers union and one is happening in Seattle. This via the West Seattle Blog: We’ve heard so far from educators at two local schools organizing “Walk-Ins” before classes Wednesday morning (March 19) as part of a nationwide demonstration against education cuts. Organizers are inviting community members to join staff and students. Here’s the invitation for West Seattle High School ‘s Walk-In. Staff, students, and community members of West Seattle High School (including community businesses and supportive neighbors) will be ...

Yes, Superintendent Jones is Leaving SPS

 Via SPS Communications: Dear SPS Families and Staff,   After much reflection and heartfelt conversations, I have decided to conclude my tenure as superintendent this fall. My last day with the district will be Sept. 3, 2025.  I am sharing this news now to be respectful of our school community and to allow as much time for transition as possible.  During my tenure, I proudly led several key initiatives that strengthened Seattle Public Schools (SPS) in our pursuit of academic excellence, including the passage of our levies, advancing equity and inclusion, expanding student support services, strengthening community partnerships, and navigating the challenges of the pandemic. We have emerged stronger, and recent research has found that we have achieved accelerated academic recovery from pandemic declines at a significantly faster rate than Washington state as a whole or compared to similar districts in the state.   In my remaining mo...

Superintendent Jones May Be Leaving on His Own

 Update: I am amused that some people shrug at this and say, "lots of married couples live apart for work." Yes, that is true. But know what The majority of married people actually live together. I'll be happy to admit I am wrong except that, for this instance, I don't think I am.  Also for the few who say, "Their personal life is their own." Indeed that is true but I'm not talking about their personal lives but their professional lives.  end of update   I have learned that Dr. Brent Jones' wife, Janine, has taken a position out of state. So, unless they are divorcing, it is likely he is leaving. I would hope both Jones and the Board could agree to his staying until the end of the school year. Jones is a good guy and I think he would follow through on this. So that leaves the Board with two big jobs.  One, find a decent interim who isn't Ted Howard, the Accountability Officer. (Although, I'll bet that's who they pick. Maybe Dr. Rocky Torr...

Brent Jones Needs to Go

Over the last couple of months, the Seattle School Board has listened to Superintendent Jones and his team as they gave presentations on the progress of African American male students per the Strategic Plan. All that focus and effort and there has not been much to get excited about.  As well, the attempt at closing schools failed and failed miserably. There was nothing good about the plan that was presented or the thought process behind it.  Then comes the attempt to end the cohort model of the Highly Capable program without a real plan for how neighborhood schools would serve those students. And again, senior staff were forced - this time by the Board for once - to backpedal. (I have not yet listened to the latest discussion of this topic that took place at the Board meeting on Wednesday night.)  I'd also like to know exactly what was Jones' role in creating a high-level job paying six figures, as a personal favor to a friend. If I am wrong on this, I would love to hear ...

Republican Administration Starts the Destruction of the Department of Education

Update via CBS News: Democratic states sue Trump administration over dismantling of Education Department "This administration may claim to be stopping waste and fraud, but it is clear that their only mission is to take away the necessary services, resources, and funding that students and their families need," said New York Attorney General Letitia James in announcing the suit, which names Mr. Trump, McMahon and the Education Department as defendants. James said the layoffs will harm in particular students from low-income families or who have disabilities. "This outrageous effort to leave students behind and deprive them of a quality education is reckless and illegal," James said. New York is joined in the suit by Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, Wisconsin, Vermont and the District of Columbia. To note, onl...