Principal Placement in Seattle Schools
In advance of a very serious story about personnel in Seattle Schools, I did want to talk about principals and in specific, high school principals. Currently, there are two schools with interim principals - Chief Sealth and Hale. Now I have learned that the wonderful Martin Floe at Ingraham High will be retiring soon (probably by the end of this school year). I have to wonder what the district will do with Joe Powell who was principal at Alan T. Sugiyama High and was recently removed after an athletic tuition scandal. I would hope that he would not be placed at any of these larger high schools. Then you have the installation of Principal Anitra Jones at Rainier Beach High School as an assistant principal. They already have two assistant principals and only the larger high schools have three. I'm not sure how the district can justify the expense of three for a smaller high school. But maybe, the district will pull an assistant principal from one of the larger high ...