Two Sad Items of Note in the News
As you are probably aware, one of the top jobs for the Republican administration is basically to get trans adults and students to stop existing. Go back into the closet or whereever. You can exist as long as you present as what we say you should be. That administration now wants to take federal grants away from a university if they allow a trans athlete to compete. That would be the University of Maine and it was probably chosen because Maine's governor stood up to that President at a governors meeting weeks ago. Now, the GOP in Arkansas wants to do this: GOP proposes bill that would punish supporting trans youth through new names and haircuts From The Advocate: H.B. 1668 , the so-called "Vulnerable Youth Protection Act," would allow minors or their parents to sue anyone who even acknowledges a minor's gender identity, including "without limitation changes in clothing, pronouns, hairstyle, and name." Lawsuits are permitted up to 15 years after the allege...