Between Nepotism and Word Salad, Seattle Schools Blandly Protects Itself
The latest evidence? The story in yesterday's Seattle Times about the district " auditing partnerships after program manager arrest." Background The proposed audit comes after a program manager with City Year, a nonprofit that provides extra staff such as tutors to help teachers, was arrested in December. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Gregory Ward with rape of a child in the second degree and communication with a minor for immoral purposes last month. Bail was set at $250,000. After Ward’s arrest, the district suspended City Year’s services at the two schools and terminated the contracts Feb. 3 “for the convenience of the district.” SPS did not have to provide a specific reason for parting ways, according to the district. So the district takes the program out of the two schools where this guy worked but allows the program at three other schools. If you are doing a review, should you hit the pause button until you are sure? What does the...