Things That Make You Go, Hmmm

As I previously reported, on the agenda at the Seattle School Board meeting this Wednesday, the 12th are the required financial disclosure forms from the Board and senior leadership. 

One item that needs to be reconciled is whether Director Michelle Sarju was still working for King County. The KC directory reflects to this day that she is and yet she put down nothing. This has some bearing to SPS because of the Best Starts for Kids program that where she did some oversight.


Another item I did point out was that Director Brandon Hersey noted - without saying the name - of his close relationship with a lead at Upper Left Strategies, a consulting firm. Several years back I asked for the contract for this group and only got one. But seeing this notation from Hersey makes me wonder if the district is now paying for MORE work with Upper Left. Otherwise, why would Hersey have put that in there? It'll take months to get but I'm going to ask for contracts from the last couple of years. 

Speaking of Director Hersey, I also noted that he left his job working for the Local 17 union. I was recently directed to a YouTube series of videos that Hersey has apparently made. I checked his LinkedIn page and sure enough, it states:

Founder, BKHBRICKS | LEGO Building Educator | YouTube Content Creator

Congrats to Director Hersey on his new venture. 


But a very big surprise is that the Board has negotiated another year - until June 2027 - on Superintendent Brent Jones' contract. 

As you may recall, in October of last year, the Board renewed his contract two more years AND gave him a raise. 

Know what isn't on the agenda yet? The documentation for this move. Is he getting another raise? Was he threatening to leave? 

I am aware that there may be split beliefs on the Board over his performance. I would say that this move seems a vote of confidence plus possibly the belief that while he may not be performing way above standard, to let him go and have to do a superintendent search would be a disastrous move on the part of the Board. 

I would expect that the Board would vote in unison on this BAR. 

Also now appearing on the Board calendar, a "Board Engagement: Budget" meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26th from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Bailey Gatzert Elementary School Cafeteria. There is a virtual option to call in and listen but that option does NOT include interaction with Board directors. 

The agenda is sparse and says that first, the 2025-2026 Budget will be presented. That will take a half-hour. Then from 6:00 pm until the end of the meeting, there will be "community discussion with directors." No idea which directors will be in attendance.

I would guess the Board is desperate for insights about what will fly with parents for cuts to schools should it come to that (meaning, the Legislature doesn't pony up more dollars or lift the levy cap). 

I would assume there will be other such meetings throughout the district. 

Remote access:
Microsoft Teams, Call-in: 206.800.4125, Conference ID: 375 815 47#
(Remote access available to observe the meeting. Remote attendees will not be able to participate in the community discussion with directors.)


Anonymous said…
Brent Jones has failed all students, including those with his same skin color. The board has failed those same students with the pitiful goals. The bar is so low it hurts.
However, this is my take for this week’s vote: Whoever votes to extend his contract will NOT do it because they believe in Jones. But because they don’t want to be labeled racists. I don’t think people will vote no. But I think some will abstain so we all can make our own speculation and narrative why they did so. My speculation is integrity.
I don’t think Jones would ever threaten to leave. He likes power, he doesn’t need to interact with pesky parents although it is on his contract and he still gets a high salary. Would you want to leave?
So for me, board members voting yes will lose the little respect I still have for them. I have no idea who will do what. Any guesses?

Just Facts
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Not civil nor productive comment, 'Clown show.' Pushing the bounds of decency to keep that comment published. (And I'm FRUSTRATED myself with the School Board)

Parent of 3 in SPS who is prematurely aged by this district's chaos!
Melissa Westbrook said…
Sorry, Clown Show, I saw your comment as anonymous and accidentally deleted it. I will note, however, that LEGO has changed in a huge way by having more and more adult sets that, in turn, many adults are putting their own spin on. It's a growing activity. You are entitled to your opinion about adults working with LEGOs but it's a thing now.

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