Superintendent Jones May Be Leaving on His Own
I am amused that some people shrug at this and say, "lots of married couples live apart for work." Yes, that is true. But know what The majority of married people actually live together.
I'll be happy to admit I am wrong except that, for this instance, I don't think I am.
Also for the few who say, "Their personal life is their own." Indeed that is true but I'm not talking about their personal lives but their professional lives.
end of update
I have learned that Dr. Brent Jones' wife, Janine, has taken a position out of state. So, unless they are divorcing, it is likely he is leaving.
I would hope both Jones and the Board could agree to his staying until the end of the school year. Jones is a good guy and I think he would follow through on this.
So that leaves the Board with two big jobs.
One, find a decent interim who isn't Ted Howard, the Accountability Officer. (Although, I'll bet that's who they pick. Maybe Dr. Rocky Torres-Morales?)
Two, start up that search process and NOT use the usual suspects for a search firm. As well, AJ Crabill of the Council of Great City Schools should have ZERO input on any of it. They will have to put any plans for school closures on the back burner.
You know, decades back I would say that with the right leadership in JSCEE, SPS could be THE best mid-sized district in the country. A rich and caring city plus good teachers and administrators should have supported that happening. But it didn't and it isn't happening now.
The district needs a compassionate person but also one with the strength to bring in all the senior staff and tell them there's a new sheriff in town and he/she/they will be looking at EVERY single department.
Someone like the late John Stanford.
How many homes of the staff will he visit to bend them to his will? How many female students will he give rides to? How many female students will he "dress code"? How many students and staff will be informed by Ted Howard of the consequences of disobeying him, like threats of the lawsuits?
Parent of former Garfield student