Danny Westneat's column

There were some requests to post Danny Westneat's column that was in the Times yesterday. Here it is:

The Bill Just Keeps Going Up

On Jan. 2, two lawyers for Davis Wright Tremaine met to talk about what to do next in the big discrimination case against Seattle Public Schools.

They had just argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court. A decision wasn't due for months. So they went to work on another pressing matter: How to get paid. For an hour, the lawyers discussed ways to recover attorneys' fees from the schools if they won. One lawyer was tasked to research the matter, and the meeting ended.

Cost billed to Seattle taxpayers for that meeting: $635.

That's $370 for one lawyer's time, and $265 for the other one. All now being charged to the public schools.

You've probably heard that Davis Wright Tremaine, after successfully arguing that the schools must stop using race in making school assignments, is billing the district for its costs. Though it took the case pro bono — "for the public good."

They're allowed to go after the money. I can't see the public good. But they have the right and almost certainly will win.

But while pawing through the firm's expense sheets, I noticed they're not just billing for their work on the case. They're also billing for any time they're spending on their bill.

And they seem to be spending a LOT of time working out that bill.

In all, the firm has charged the public for 287 hours of work related to its own billing. This includes researching how to collect the fees. Tabulating the hours everyone worked and expenses they incurred. Writing up memos defending their bills as reasonable.

The hours were put in by paralegals ($140/hour) on up to a senior partner ($460/hour). The total bill to make out a bill that runs about 400 pages? $83,380.

That's the total for now, anyway. The firm says more bills are on the way. That's because there will be more work related to the billing, especially if it gets contested. They also say it's part of the penalty when you lose a case like this — you may have to pay for compiling the bill.

Hey, Davis Wright Tremaine, and your clients, the parents who sued the district: This is insane.

You argue this isn't to enrich the firm, but to punish the district. The theory is that the fees, at $1.8 million and rising, are a lash to whip the district for its bad race-based deeds.

When I called the lawyers Tuesday, they compared it to, among other cases, their pro bono defense of a prisoner beaten by L.A. jail guards.

This makes no sense. Seattle's policy wasn't intended to hurt anyone, let alone beat them to a pulp. It was to help the kids who need it most.

That doesn't mean it was a good policy. I agree we're probably better off with it gone.

But how does fining the schools now serve anybody? It's the very opposite of what we need, which is to pour more energy and resources into struggling schools. Someone ought to move to settle this billing fight.

Of course this debate does serve somebody. That would be the ones charging us for having it, hour by exorbitant hour.


Anonymous said…
Get all you can from a good education

Regarding "Law firm wants school district to pay $1.8M" [Local News, Sept. 6]: It seems some law firms in Seattle are having trouble distinguishing between "pro bono" and "pro casho."

— Harold Murphy, Orlando, Fla.
Anonymous said…
God bless Danny Westneat for calling a spade a spade, and in such detail - I love it!

$460/hour billing rates - nice - but it must be what the market will bear in our super-capitalist society...what does that say?

and given the pressure that exists in those firms to bill hours, I'd even doubt the time they said they spent on it -

then trying to claim the moral high ground about teaching the district a lesson - classic.
WenG said…
Thanks for posting this.

It's easy to see where Harry Korrell's heart lies. His Supremes win more than makes up for his failure to put Dino Rossi in the governor's seat.

In 2004, he was director of the WA chapter of Lawyers for Bush-Cheney. He's a member of the Federalist Society. This case wasn't really about civil rights so much as dismantling them, while kicking down a public institution that was ripe for the picking.
Anonymous said…
You bloggers have forgotten about the victims. You have forgotten about the families whose children were denied access to 3 different schools, because they had the wrong skin color. Racial discrimination belongs in the past.

The Seattle School District was the villain in this lawsuit. Do you think they would be making positive changes without someone lighting a fire under them?

This lawsuit was the catalyst for change. The District is finally looking at making serious changes at the SE schools i.e. the SE Schools Initiative.

The lawsuit was the parents voices saying "LISTEN TO US!"

Parents do not want to have their children forcibly bused all over the city. They want quality schools in every neighborhood. Amen.
Anonymous said…
I 100% agree with anonymous above. Couldn't have said it better myself. I am not condoning the law firm's greed, but the basis of the case was very warranted.
Anonymous said…

This was never a lawsuit about any specific student claiming damages. That is not what PICS asked for. And, frankly, not really what PICS memebers wanted. They wanted a QA/Mag high school, and absent that, guarenteed access to Ballard. The race claim was created by the law firm, because there is no right to have your own school.

The great irony is that the PICS people are no better of then they were 7 years ago, removing the tie-breaker has not resulted in them getting access to Ballard, as without the race tie-breaker, the distance tie-breaker is king.

Also, SPS was following 50 years of case law and the directives of the US Dept of Ed in having a desegregation measure as part of the assignment plan. Wait, doesn't that make the federal government the villian here?

The villians are DWT who clearly ginned up a race claim that was not really what thier clients wanted, and now want to profit off the backs of SPS students.
Anonymous said…
to anonymous and discrimination is discrimination - just curious - how many children in how many families were denied access to 3 schools and who were "bused all over the city"? If you and DWT are looking for accolades and the moral high ground on this, you'll be waiting a long while.

And you must be joking (or smoking something) to pat yourselves on the back and take credit for the Southeast Initiative or any other changes in the works...those would be the result of the district leaders, district employees, and families who are working for all children, unlike PICS and DWT who SAY they're working for all children, but who were clearly working for their OWN children, their OWN pocketbooks, and/or their OWN egos.
Anonymous said…
To tack on to what the poster above said, the SE Intiative was announced before the S Ct. decision, the only role that PICS can claim related to that is if the District has to divert funds that would otherwise have gone to the SE Intiative to DWT
Dan Dempsey said…
Anonymous at 10:07 AM said:

This lawsuit was the catalyst for change. The District is finally looking at making serious changes at the SE schools i.e. the SE Schools Initiative.

The lawsuit was the parents voices saying "LISTEN TO US!"

Parents do not want to have their children forcibly bused all over the city. They want quality schools in every neighborhood. Amen. 10:07 AM

Well said, except it is not happening. The practices that the lawsuit concerned have not been used since the suit was filed; so this decision does not have any effect on the assignment practices of the last several years. The SE initiative aids too few schools and still ignores the Project Follow Through study and as a result the SPS will continue to deprive disadvantaged learners of their statutory right to an adequate education.

The pathetic curricular choices of Everyday Math and Connected Math Project will hardly create strong SE schools. Without better K-3 education in the SE, there is not much to look forward to.

It is really naive to assume that SE students love riding the bus long distances from their homes. If the schools in the SE were better the students would not need to be on the buses. The SPS needs to make the schools better so the parents and children will choose them. In the meantime do not prevent students from choosing better schools available by busing.

Read the research when a school exceeds a 50% poverty factor it generally has a lot of difficulty. There are measures such as improved curricula aimed at the needs of that population that can lead to marked improvements. So lets see the SPS make that happen first before restricting student movement. Given the recent selection of the two most ineffective math curricula possible for disadvantaged learners and Dr. G-J's thrust for one-size-fits-all do not plan on SE parents sending more kids to local schools voluntarily any time soon.

The idea that reducing the movement, so that the transportation savings can create quality SE schools with the funds, appears to be more pipe-dream. Check the facts this district has done essentially zero in reducing the "achievement gap" over the last 35+ years. In fact in math it has steadily worsened over the last decade for both Black and Hispanic students. This may be due to other social factors in addition to SPS inadequacies.

However when I see the adoption of Connected Math Project 2 for middle school and listen to Rosalind Wise talk about how well the implementation is going and find the "achievement gap" unchanged in 2007. I am not encouraged.

Now Mr. DeBell talks about how fidelity of implementation will bring about success with Everyday Math. Sorry I am not buying this. Just because the board chose to adopt two math series that were in direct opposition to Project Follow Through. In the case of Everyday Math - Ms. Santorno stated at the first board meeting in February there would be no new math adoptions until further guidance from the state. She then went ahead without further guidance from the state and spent $2.5 million on materials that now stand in direct opposition to the recommendations of the $150,000 SBE Math Consultants report of August 30, 2007. Currently we have both training and math coaches working to follow the pacing guide line provided by the EM publisher. The situation remains that one of the reasons for the Washington Math melt down was OSPI's defective Grade Level Expectations, in that the GLEs had far too many topics per grade level. Ms. Santorno and Ms. Wise know little about math or read research. The African American Academy is now forced to use texts that are proven to be not just ineffective but from PFT research harmful to the students they serve.

Of course when poor results continue it will be the teachers' fault or the school's fault - Central Admin take the blame not likely.

Current SE families that use the buses should stay on those buses until the SPS improves things, which under current leadership looks unlikely.

In addition check the current posting for career oportunities and put in math for your search. You will find as of Sept 21, 2007 15 unfilled positions. Then count how many of those are in schools south of the canal. I thought that NCLB was supposed to have SPS putting a highly qualified teacher in each position. That clearly is not happening in 15 math positions as of Sept 21. Check the percentages: percent of total SPS students in school south of the canal?
vs. percent of those 15 positions open that are south of the canal?

How about filling those positions with the math coaches to satify NCLB? Then again are the Math coaches NCLB highly qualified to teach math? Has SPS created their own math teacher shortage by selecting a defective curriculum that they feel requires all these coaches to properly implement?

SE kids stay on the buses until further notice.


Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…
dan dempsey - maybe you should move on, too, as Brita said (in another post) the board had after making the decision about the K-5 math adoption.

Or work with the state board rather than Seattle.

Or do you think that another public testimony (even replete with theatrics) is going to prompt the entire board and staff to reverse itself on this decision?

It's one thing if OSPI and the state board end up recommending or requiring a list that doesn't include Everyday Math (which based on the code word "algorithms" I saw in a number of places in the consultants' report, I'm guessing is possible) - but do you really think they would do it in advance of that?
Anonymous said…
Is anonymous suggesting someone else chooses which algorithm a child uses when they are inspired according to their faith? Isn't understood that math teachers have secrets that they keep concealed; from every thing that can be collected from their own accounts of teaching. I think the real secret is their origin, which only a few teachers understand anyway; and those who do, envelope it in mystery. Isn't that what constructivism is for? To be divinely inspired in order to read our textbooks just to be closer to the spirit we've been given.
Dan Dempsey said…
Anonymous at 4:15 said:

dan dempsey - maybe you should move on, too, as Brita said (in another post) the board had after making the decision about the K-5 math adoption....
..........Or do you think that another public testimony (even replete with theatrics) is going to prompt the entire board and staff to reverse itself on this decision?


Certainly anyone who has spent much time at school board meeting has no thought that testimony from the public is even considered.

Public testimony at this time is given as:
1. A presentation to the Public via TV
2. A committment to remain faithful to what is best for students and families.
3. A faint hope that at some time in the future the SPS may use relevant data to make intelligent decisions.

If you check my testimony at the last school board meeting it concerned the lack of data involved in making the WSHS mandate to 6-period day.

Do you think it is a bad idea to pursue either of the following ideas?

1. To improve a system reqires the intelligent application of relevant data.

2. Request the data on which the SPS central admin supposedly base their decisions.

I think with an admin that moves without data to make mistake after mistake faster than most can keep up, it is a good idea to revisit SPS fraudulent actions from the past and connect those to their current non-data driven centralized mandate.

The SPS's West Seattle Decision ignored the data. It is discriminatory toward disadvantaged learners, insults the WSHS faculty, and according to the Supt. can not be appealed.

OH yes - great idea let's just accept that and move on.

{ Warning diatribe coming: yes lets move on to the Gulag Archipelago }

I would prefer not to move on, there must be better options.

Seriously I can move on out of this School District of pathetic centralized decisions, unfortunately many of our students can not. Let us give improvement a try in spite of the school board and the central admin. Data is a place to start, a place those who make decisions at SPS seldom look.

Anonymous said…
Thanks for supporting our cause...

10/10/2000 Acacia Park Lutheran Church 4307 N. Oriole Norridge IL 60706 Village Economy Party aka Norridge Improvement Party $ 300.00
1/16/2003 Aimwell Full Gospel Baptist Church 12030 S. Wallace St. Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
7/24/2002 Alden Foundation 4200 W. Peterson Avenue Chicago IL 60646 Dan Rutherford Campaign Comm $ 250.00 State Rep (87)
12/10/2001 Ambassadors for Christ 7859 S. Ashland Avenue Chicago IL 60620 17th Ward Democratic Organization $ 200.00
3/10/2004 Ambassadors for Christ 7859 S. Ashland Avenue Chicago IL 60620 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 500.00
7/10/1999 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 415 E. Englewood Chicago IL 60621 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
8/27/1999 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 415 E. Englewood Chicago IL 60621 20th Ward Regular Democratic Org $1,800.00
5/31/2001 Apostolic Church of God 6320 S. Dorchester Chicago IL 60637 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
9/21/2000 Apostolic Faith Church 3823 S. Indiana Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 375.00 State Rep (30/38)
3/7/2003 Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church 654 W. Anderson Orlando FL 32801 Citizens for Officer $1,000.00 Mayor (E. St. Louis)
3/14/2003 Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church 654 W. Anderson Orlando FL 32801 Citizens for Officer $1,000.00 Mayor (E. St. Louis)
3/21/2003 Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church 654 W. Anderson Orlando FL 32801 Citizens for Officer $1,000.00 Mayor (E. St. Louis)
3/28/2003 Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church 654 W. Anderson Orlando FL 32801 Citizens for Officer $1,000.00 Mayor (E. St. Louis)
8/2/1999 Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 16204 S Lathrop Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
8/12/2000 Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 16204 S Lathrop Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 310.00 State Rep (30/38)
8/31/2002 Bethel-Imani Lutheran Church 6201 S. Sangamon Chicago IL 60621 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
4/2/2001 Bibleway Apolistic Faith Church 1539 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 200.00 State Sen (5)
9/17/2002 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for McCoy $ 600.00 Peoria County Sheriff
9/24/2004 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for Risinger (Dale) $ 200.00 State Sen (37)
7/26/1999 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for George P. Shadid $ 500.00 State Sen (46)
8/8/2000 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for George P. Shadid $ 500.00 State Sen (46)
7/24/2001 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for George P. Shadid $ 500.00 State Sen (46)
10/8/2002 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Peoria IL 61625 Citizens for Slone $ 275.00 State Rep (92)
10/23/1999 C.F. Moore Foundation 8725 South State Chicago IL 60619 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
6/29/1999 C.L. White Jr. Ministries 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Friends of Jim Harris $ 300.00 Water Reclamation District (Chicago)
2/4/2002 Canaan Missionary Baptist Church 1701 W. Garfield Chicago IL 60636 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 215.00 State Rep (30/38)
9/14/2004 Catholic Order of Foresters 355 Shuman Blvd. Naperville IL 60555 Citizens for Dan Cronin $1,000.00 State Rep (40) Sen (21)
5/18/2001 Celestial Church of Christ 4100 N. Troy St. Chicago IL 60618 33rd Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 270.00
8/7/2000 CGH Health Foundation 2600 Locust Sterling IL 61081 Citizens for Mitchell $ 150.00 State Rep (73/90)
10/27/2000 CGH Health Foundation 2600 Locust Sterling IL 61081 Citizens for Mitchell $ 300.00 State Rep (73/90)
8/6/2001 CGH Health Foundation 2600 Locust Sterling IL 61081 Citizens for Mitchell $ 600.00 State Rep (73/90)
10/19/2001 Chicago Area Alliance of Black School Educators P.O. Box 497-070 Chicago IL 60649 Citizens for Emil Jones $ 200.00 State Sen (17)
6/14/2001 Chicago Reach Foundation 3240 W. Franklin Blvd. Chicago IL 60610 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
7/21/2003 Chicago State Foundation 9500 S. King Drive Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Donne Trotter $ 500.00 State Sen (17)
8/17/2004 Chicago State Foundation 9500 S. King Drive Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Donne Trotter $1,000.00 State Sen (17)
3/9/2001 Chicago State University 9501 S. King Drive Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Miguel Del Valle $ 450.00 State Sen (2)
10/29/1999 Chicago State University Foundation 9501 S. King Drive Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Rauschenberger $ 500.00 State Sen (33)
10/6/1999 Chicago State University Foundation 9500 S. King Drive Chicago IL 60628 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 300.00
7/18/2000 Chicagoland Golden Gloves Charities Inc. 1025 Green Bay Road Glencoe IL 60022 Friends of Lee Daniels $ 200.00 State Rep (46)
7/30/2001 Chicagoland Golden Gloves Charities Inc. 1025 Green Bay Road Glencoe IL 60022 Friends of Lee Daniels $ 200.00 State Rep (46)
5/20/2002 Chicagoland Golden Gloves Charities Inc. 1025 Green Bay Road Glencoe IL 60022 Friends of Lee Daniels $ 200.00 State Rep (46)
12/28/2001 Chicagoland Golden Gloves Charities Inc. 1025 Green Bay Road Glencoe IL 60022 Citizens for Jim Ryan $ 250.00 Governor
2/23/2002 Chosen People Ministries 241 E. 51st Street New York NY 10022 Citizens to Elect Joe Birkett $ 500.00 State's Attorney (DuPage County)
1/7/2002 Christ Healing Evangelical Church 2422 W Schubert Chicago IL 60647 Citizens to Re-Elect William "Bill" Shaw $ 250.00 State Sen (15)
8/13/2002 Christ Healing Evangelical Church 2422 W Schubert Chicago IL 60647 Citizens to Re-Elect William "Bill" Shaw $ 250.00 State Sen (15)
10/3/2001 Christ Healing Evangelical Church 2422 W Schubert Chicago IL 60647 20th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 250.00
8/6/1999 Christ Temple Community Baptist Church 16200 Wood St. Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
3/1/2002 Christ Temple Community Baptist Church 16200 Wood St. Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 250.00 State Rep (30/38)
5/15/2004 Christ Temple Community Baptist Church 16200 Wood St. Markham IL 60426 Citizens for David Webb $ 50.00 Mayor (Markham)
5/15/2004 Christ Temple Community Baptist Church 16200 Wood St. Markham IL 60426 Citizens for David Webb $ 200.00 Mayor (Markham)
8/12/2000 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/12/2000 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/13/2000 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/13/2000 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/10/2002 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/10/2002 Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church 535 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/23/1999 Christian Valley Baptist Church 1237 S. Homan Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/13/2002 Christian Valley Baptist Church 1237 S. Homan Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/11/2002 Church of God in Christ United P.O. Box 491010 Chicago IL 60649 Citizens to Elect Joe Birkett $ 200.00 State's Attorney (DuPage County)
4/16/2002 Clarks Fork Foundation 270 Westminster Lake Forest IL 60045 Lake County Republican Federation $1,000.00
11/14/2001 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $1,500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
6/28/2002 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/21/2002 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
3/15/2004 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens to Re-elect Michael D. Chandler $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
6/11/2004 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/22/2004 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
11/27/2000 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Arthur L. Turner $ 500.00 State Rep (9)
11/5/2001 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Arthur L. Turner $ 500.00 State Rep (9)
3/18/2004 Community Christian Alternative Academy 1231 S. Pulaski Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Arthur L. Turner $ 500.00 State Rep (9)
6/18/2004 Congregation Adas Yeshurun 2949 W. Touhy Chicago IL 60645 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 175.00
7/18/2000 Congregation Bais Tefila 3555 W. Peterson Chicago IL 60659 Silverstein for Senator $1,000.00 State Sen (8)
5/4/2000 Contact Ministries 1100 E. Adams St. Springfield IL 62703 Citizens for Bomke $ 25.00 State Sen (50)
10/8/2003 Copernicus Foundation 5216 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago IL 60630 Citizens to Re-elect Patrick J. Levar $ 200.00 Alderman (Chicago - 45)
8/30/1999 Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 1851 W. Cermak Rd Chicago IL 60608 Citizens for Danny Solis $ 300.00 Alderman (25)
2/13/2003 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Bernard L. Stone Campaign Committee $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 50)
5/7/2001 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 300.00
5/3/2002 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 300.00
5/29/2002 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 500.00
5/27/2003 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 500.00
6/15/2004 Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago, Inc. 2845 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL 60659 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 500.00
2/6/2002 Crusaders Church of God in Christ 9026 S. Cottage Chicago IL 60619 Citizens to Elect William H. Taylor $ 400.00 State Sen (17)
4/19/2001 Diocese of the Northwest, Bishop Wilkowski P.O. Box 178388 Chicago IL 60617 Citizens for Donne Trotter $ 250.00 State Sen (17)
10/2/2000 Divine Savior Church 7740 W. Montrose Norridge IL 60706 Village Economy Party aka Norridge Improvement Party $ 300.00
2/28/2001 Dixmoor Apolistic House of Prayer 14314 S. Winchester Dixmoor IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
4/4/2001 Dixmoor Apolistic House of Prayer 14314 S. Winchester Dixmoor IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 100.00 State Rep (30/38)
6/15/2000 Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Ave. Charleston IL 61920 Citizens for Dale A. Righter Illinois State Senate $ 200.00 State Sen (106)
5/17/2001 Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Ave. Charleston IL 61920 Citizens for Dale A. Righter Illinois State Senate $ 200.00 State Sen (106)
11/9/1999 Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 4501 S. Vincennes Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
10/11/2000 Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 4501 S. Vincennes Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
9/25/2003 Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 4501 S. Vincennes Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
11/2/2004 Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 4501 S. Vincennes Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
12/11/2002 Edith Waller Foundation 18434 Halsted St. Glenwood IL 60425 Citizens for Mell $ 350.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 33)
2/23/2000 Emmanuel Baptist Church 8552 Christiana Avenue Chicago IL 60652 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 200.00
5/6/2003 Evangel Assembly of God 5100 W. Diversey Ave. Chicago IL 60639 Neighbors for Rey Colon $ 500.00 Alderman (Chicago - 35)
11/21/2000 Faith Lutheran Church 8308 S. Sangamon Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Deville $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 21)
10/11/2000 Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church 8210 S Cornell Chicago IL 60617 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
2/6/2001 Faith Temple Church 7158 S. Peoria Chicago IL 60621 Citizens to Elect Latasha R. Thomas $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
8/3/2003 Faith Temple Coptic Church 625 W. 103rd St. Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
11/27/2000 Family of God C.O.G.I.C. 8324 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Deville $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 21)
3/18/2002 Fellowship Christian Academy 1925 E. 95th St. Chicago IL 60617 Citizens to Elect William H. Taylor $ 264.00 State Sen (17)
10/31/2002 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 45th Place and Princeton Ave. Chicago IL 60609 Meeks for Senate $ 625.00 State Sen (15)
7/10/1999 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 45th Place and Princeton Ave. Chicago IL 60609 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
11/24/2000 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 45th Place and Princeton Ave. Chicago IL 60609 Citizens to Elect Latasha R. Thomas $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
8/27/2001 Fillmore Christian House Of Prayer Community Church 2918 W. Fillmore Chicago IL 60612 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $1,000.00 State Sen (5)
11/28/2001 First Baptist Church 2114 Main Street Melrose Park IL 60180 Citizens Fund for Margaret Smith $ 500.00 State Sen (3rd)
7/11/2000 First Baptist Congregational Church 1613 W. Washington Chicago IL 60612 Friends of Walter Burnett Jr. $ 200.00 Alderman (Chicago - 27)
10/19/1999 First Baptist Institutional Church 4220 W. 18th Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
2/24/2003 First House of Prayer 6555 S. Cottage Grove Chicago IL 60637 Citizens for Troutman $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 20)
10/3/2001 First House of Prayer 6555 S. Cottage Grove Chicago IL 60637 20th Ward Regular Democratic Org $1,500.00
12/8/1999 First Paradise Baptist Church 6736 S. Cottage Grove Chicago IL 60637 20th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
10/17/2004 First Unity Missionary Baptist Church 5129 S. Indiana Chicago IL 60615 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
6/26/2002 Fraternite Notre Dame 502 N. Central Chicago IL 60644 Citizens to Elect Emma Mitts $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 37)
5/6/2003 Free Serbian Church of Holy Resurrection 3062 W. Palmer Chicago IL 60647 Neighbors for Rey Colon $ 250.00 Alderman (Chicago - 35)
7/29/1999 Full Gospel Christian Assembly 3451 W. 175th St. Hazelcrest IL 60429 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
6/26/2000 Garden Center for the Handicapped 8333 S. Austin Burbank IL 60459 Citizens for Patrick O'Malley $ 250.00 State Sen (18)
8/27/2001 God's Helping Hand Ministry 5820 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
8/27/2001 God's Helping Hand Ministry 5820 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
8/12/2000 Good Hope Freewill Baptist Church 525 S California Chicago IL 60612 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 Good Hope Freewill Baptist Church 525 S California Chicago IL 60612 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/10/2002 Good Hope Freewill Baptist Church 525 S California Chicago IL 60612 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/22/2002 Good Hope Freewill Baptist Church 525 S California Chicago IL 60612 Friends of Alderman Madeline Haithcock for Political Office $ 300.00 Alderman (Chicago - 2)
2/3/2003 Good Hope Freewill Baptist Church 525 S California Chicago IL 60612 Citizens to Re-Elect William "Bill" Shaw $ 200.00 State Sen (15)
11/6/2004 Gospel Truth (Missionary Baptist Church) 10015 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
2/28/2004 Greater Canaan Baptist Church 35 W. 119th St. Chicago IL 60628 Citizens to Elect Sheryl E. Tillman $ 200.00 State Rep (29)
8/12/2000 Greater Garfield Missionary Baptist Church 2140 N. Richmond Chicago IL 60647 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/10/2002 Greater Garfield Missionary Baptist Church 2140 N. Richmond Chicago IL 60647 Citizens for Action $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
5/22/2001 Greater Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church 8000 S. Wood Street Chicago IL 60620 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 400.00
5/24/2000 Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1625 S. Lawndale Chicago IL 60612 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 200.00 State Sen (5)
4/2/2001 Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1625 S. Lawndale Chicago IL 60612 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
8/11/2001 Harmony Community Baptist Church 1908 S. Millard Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/22/2004 Harmony Community Baptist Church 1908 S. Millard Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
5/6/2003 Harry Chernin Foundation 161 East Chicago Avenue #56A Chicago IL 60611 Richard M. Daley Campaign Comm $ 500.00 Mayor (Chicago)
3/2/2001 Harvey Church of Christ 15246 Marshfield Harvey IL 60426 Citizens United to Elect Nick Graves $ 600.00 Mayor (Harvey)
2/6/2002 Harvey Church of Christ 15246 Marshfield Harvey IL 60426 Comm to Elect Nickolas "Nick" Graves For State Senate $ 500.00 Mayor (Harvey)
12/15/2002 Harvey Church of Christ 15246 Marshfield Harvey IL 60426 Citizens United to Elect Nick Graves $1,000.00 Mayor (Harvey)
4/4/2003 Harvey Church of Christ 15246 Marshfield Harvey IL 60426 Citizens United to Elect Nick Graves $1,000.00 Mayor (Harvey)
2/19/2002 Harvey Church of Christ 15246 Marshfield Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 200.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
2/17/2004 Have A Heart Sickle Anemia Foundation 47 W. Polk Street, Suite 100-103 Chicago IL 60605 Citizens for Charles G. Morrow $ 500.00 State Rep (32)
2/17/2004 Have A Heart Sickle Anemia Foundation 47 W. Polk Street, Suite 100-103 Chicago IL 60605 Citizens for Charles G. Morrow $ 500.00 State Rep (32)
3/8/2002 Holiness is the Way Gospel Temple 8210 S. Racine Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Thomas W. Murphy $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 18)
5/2/2001 Holiness is the Way Gospel Temple 8210 S. Racine Chicago IL 60620 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 750.00
3/10/2004 Holiness is the Way Gospel Temple 8210 S. Racine Chicago IL 60620 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 300.00
8/12/2000 Holy Sanctuary Community Church 1516 S. Kedzie Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
3/27/2001 Holy Sprit 1335 W. 115th Street Chicago IL 60643 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
8/12/2000 Holy Starlight M.B. Church 3506-08 W. Cermak Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/13/2000 Holy Starlight M.B. Church 3506-08 W. Cermak Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 550.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 Holy Starlight M.B. Church 3506-08 W. Cermak Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
9/18/2001 Holy Starlight M.B. Church 3506-08 W. Cermak Chicago IL 60623 Friends of Bobbie L. Steele $ 250.00 County Board (2)
9/17/2001 Holy Trinity True Divine Temple 910 E. 83rd St. Chicago IL 60619 Citizens for Howard $ 500.00 State Rep (34)
3/27/2001 Hope Evangelistic 412 W. 107th Street Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
10/13/2001 Hope Evangelistic Ministries 412 W. 107th Street Chicago IL 60628 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
10/11/2001 House of Prayer for All Nations 5159 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60609 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
10/11/2001 House of Prayer for All Nations 5159 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60609 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
10/14/2004 House of Prayer for All People 5159 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60609 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
3/2/2001 Illinois State University Campus Box 1000 Normal IL 61790 Friends of Dan Brady $ 240.00 State Rep (86)
3/2/2001 Illinois State University Campus Box 1000 Normal IL 61790 Friends of Dan Brady $ 270.84 State Rep (86)
3/2/2001 Illinois State University Campus Box 1000 Normal IL 61790 Friends of Dan Brady $ 540.00 State Rep (86)
8/31/2001 Immaculate Conception Church 2944 E. 88th Street Chicago IL 60617 Friends of John Pope $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 10)
8/15/2002 Immaculate Conception Church 2944 E. 88th Street Chicago IL 60617 Friends of John Pope $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 10)
11/16/2004 Immaculate Conception Church 2944 E. 88th Street Chicago IL 60617 Friends of John Pope $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 10)
12/12/2002 Inner City Youth Foundation 4500 S. Michigan Ave Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Bobbie L. Steele $ 500.00 County Board (2)
3/21/2003 Inner City Youth Foundation 4500 S. Michigan Ave Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Bobbie L. Steele $ 225.00 County Board (2)
7/17/2001 Irish Music Foundation - J. Sloan 333 S. State St. Chicago IL 60604 19th Ward Democratic Org $ 200.00
7/17/2002 Jackson Park Hospital Foundation 7531 S. Stony Island Chicago IL 60649 8th Ward Democratic Org $ 200.00
11/1/2003 Jackson Park Hospital Foundation 7531 S. Stony Island Chicago IL 60649 8th Ward Democratic Org $ 200.00
2/14/2002 James and Nancy Heinz Family Foundation 1215 Pine St. Winnetka IL 60093 John Schmidt for Attorney General $ 250.00 Attorney General
3/8/2002 Jesus Word Church Center 4224 W. 13th Street Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
6/19/2003 Jesus Word Church Center 4224 W. 13th Street Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
2/14/2002 Karasik Brothers Charitable Foundation 1314 N. Sandburg Terrace Chicago IL 60610 Citizens for Lisa Madigan $ 100.00 Attorney General
2/14/2002 Karasik Brothers Charitable Foundation 1314 N. Sandburg Terrace Chicago IL 60610 Citizens for Lisa Madigan $ 100.00 Attorney General
6/21/2001 Kewanee School Dist. 229 Foundation Fund P.O. Box 428 Kewanee IL 61443 Citizens for George Ryan $ 200.00 Governor
10/10/2000 Korean Presbyterian Church of Chicago 5909 N. Rogers Ave. Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Margaret Laurino $ 300.00 Alderman (Chicago - 39)
2/26/2003 Korean Presbyterian Church of Chicago 5909 N. Rogers Ave. Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Margaret Laurino $ 200.00 Alderman (Chicago - 39)
9/11/2000 Leonard A. Wislow Family Foundation 200 S. Prospect Park Ridge IL 60068 Citizens for Lisa Madigan $ 50.00 Attorney General
9/10/2001 Leonard A. Wislow Family Foundation 200 S. Prospect Park Ridge IL 60068 Citizens for Lisa Madigan $ 250.00 Attorney General
12/10/2001 Liberty Baptist Church South M. L. King Dr. at 49th St. Chicago IL 60615 Citizens Fund for Margaret Smith $ 500.00 State Sen (3rd)
4/19/2002 Light of Christ Lutheran Church 7045 N. Western Ave. Chicago IL 60645 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 175.00
6/6/2003 Light of Christ Lutheran Church 7045 N. Western Ave. Chicago IL 60645 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 175.00
6/4/2004 Light of Christ Lutheran Church 7045 N. Western Ave. Chicago IL 60645 Democratic Club of the 50th Ward $ 175.00
12/4/2001 Lilydale First Baptist Church 10700 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60628 Citizens to Elect Anthony Beale $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 9)
11/21/2003 Lincoln Land Community College Foundation 5250 Shepherd Rd Springfield IL 62707 Sangamon County Republican Central Comm $ 200.00
11/21/2003 Lincoln Land Community College Foundation 5250 Shepherd Rd Springfield IL 62707 Sangamon County Republican Central Comm $ 600.00
2/14/2004 Lincoln Land Community College Foundation 5250 Shepherd Rd Springfield IL 62707 Sangamon County Republican Central Comm $ 600.00
5/12/2004 Lincoln Land Community College Foundation 5250 Shepherd Rd Springfield IL 62707 Sangamon County Republican Central Comm $ 500.00
9/4/2001 Lively Stone Missionary Baptist Church 4938 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Friends of Bobbie L. Steele $ 225.00 County Board (2)
4/20/2000 Logos Baptist 10833 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
9/20/2002 Love Community Church of God in Christ 3306 Laurel Lane Hazelcrest IL 60429 Friends of Blagojevich $ 300.00 Governor
11/1/2001 Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit 1335 W. 115th St. Chicago IL 60643 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
6/25/2002 Lutheran Family Mission 1140 N. Lamon Chicago IL 60651 Citizens to Elect Emma Mitts $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 37)
8/3/2002 Maranatha Christian Academy 115 W 108th St Chicago IL 60628 Friends of Dorothy Brown $ 200.00 Clerk (Cook County)
7/23/2004 Maranatha Christian Academy 115 W 108th St Chicago IL 60628 Friends of Dorothy Brown $ 400.00 Clerk (Cook County)
10/27/2004 Maranatha Christian Academy 115 W 108th St Chicago IL 60628 Friends of Dorothy Brown $ 60.00 Clerk (Cook County)
10/2/2000 Maranatha Church of God 6841 S. State Chicago IL 60637 Citizens for Troutman $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 20)
12/6/1999 Maranatha Church of God 6841 S. State Chicago IL 60637 20th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 500.00
11/5/2004 Mary Magdalene Missionary Baptist Church 10938-40 S. Perry Ave. Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 400.00
4/1/2003 Mary Magdalene Missionary Baptist Church 10938-40 S. Perry Ave. Chicago IL 60628 Illinois Senate Democratic Fund $ 200.00
8/18/2000 Maryville Alumni Association 1150 N. River Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 200.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
7/26/2001 Maryville Alumni Association 1150 N. River Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 400.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
7/16/2002 Maryville Alumni Association 1150 N. River Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 200.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
8/2/2004 Maryville Alumni Association 1150 N. River Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Citizens for Dave Sullivan $ 700.00 State Sen (28)
10/20/2004 Mazalene Roberts Towner Scholarship Foundation 8615 S. Stony Island Ave. Chicago IL 60617 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 180.00
7/11/2000 MCS Foundation 316 Tamerton Pkwy Burr Ridge IL 60521 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 500.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
7/9/2001 MCS Foundation 316 Tamerton Pkwy Burr Ridge IL 60521 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 500.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
7/2/2002 MCS Foundation 316 Tamerton Pkwy Burr Ridge IL 60521 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 540.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
8/29/2003 MCS Foundation 316 Tamerton Pkwy Burr Ridge IL 60521 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 540.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
10/21/2004 Mercy Hospital and Medical Center 2525 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago IL 60616 23rd Ward Democratic Org $ 300.00
2/16/2000 Millikin University 1184 W. Main Decatur IL 32522 Lee County Republican Central Comm $ 500.00
11/30/2001 Missionaries for Christ C.C. 1245 West 63rd Street Chicago IL 60636 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
12/2/2002 Missionaries for Christ C.C. 1245 West 63rd Street Chicago IL 60636 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 300.00
11/14/2003 Missionaries for Christ C.C. 1245 West 63rd Street Chicago IL 60636 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 250.00
10/3/2000 Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 56 E. 46th St. Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
10/18/2002 Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 56 E. 46th St. Chicago IL 60653 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
9/24/2001 Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 1257 W. 111th Street Chicago IL 60643 Citizens to Elect Deville $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 21)
10/4/2001 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 2841 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago IL 60612 Friends of Walter Burnett Jr. $ 250.00 Alderman (Chicago - 27)
8/27/2001 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 2841 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago IL 60612 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
8/27/2001 Mt. Vernon Community Foundation 3555 W. Huron St. Chicago IL 60624 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $1,000.00 State Sen (5)
9/30/2004 Mt. Vernon Community Foundation 3555 W. Huron St. Chicago IL 60624 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 250.00 State Sen (5)
7/10/1999 New Birth Church of God in Christ 1500 W. 69th St. Chicago IL 60636 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
10/25/2002 New Calvary Light Pentecostal Church 7020 S. Yale Chicago IL 60621 Citizens for Lyle $ 250.00 Alderman (Chicago - 6)
10/4/2002 New Christian Valley Church 1102 E. 154th St. South Holland IL 60473 Meeks for Senate $1,000.00 State Sen (15)
11/10/2003 New Christian Valley Church 1102 E. 154th St. South Holland IL 60473 Meeks for Senate $1,000.00 State Sen (15)
8/28/2000 New Christian Valley Church 1102 E. 154th St. South Holland IL 60473 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 500.00 State Rep (30/38)
7/31/2001 New Christian Valley Church 1102 E. 154th St. South Holland IL 60473 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 500.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/4/2002 New Christian Valley Church 1102 E. 154th St. South Holland IL 60473 Citizens for Harold Murphy $1,000.00 State Rep (30/38)
8/11/2003 New Faith Baptist Church 25 S. Central Avenue Matteson IL 60443 Meeks for Senate $ 250.00 State Sen (15)
7/5/2001 New Faith Baptist Church 25 S. Central Avenue Matteson IL 60443 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 700.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/4/2002 New First Church of God in Christ 1304 Wentworth Ave. Chicago Heights IL 60411 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
3/26/2001 New Freedom Christian 17148 S. Longfellow Ave. Hazelcrest IL 60429 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
7/10/1999 New Friendship Baptist Church 848 W. 71st St. Chicago IL 60621 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
11/9/2004 New Galilee Missionary Baptist Church 5001 S. Wabash Chicago IL 60615 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
8/12/2000 New Home Missionary Baptist Church 349 S. Cicero Chicago IL 60644 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/13/2000 New Home Missionary Baptist Church 349 S. Cicero Chicago IL 60644 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
12/16/2000 New Home Missionary Baptist Church 349 S. Cicero Chicago IL 60644 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 New Home Missionary Baptist Church 349 S. Cicero Chicago IL 60644 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
11/6/2004 New Hope Baptist Church 11021 S. Ashland Chicago IL 60643 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
9/3/1999 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Ciambrone for Mayor $ 200.00 Mayor (Chicago Heights)
7/8/2003 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Anthony De Luca for Mayor $ 500.00 Mayor (Chicago Heights)
6/14/2004 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Anthony De Luca for Mayor $ 100.00 Mayor (Chicago Heights)
6/14/2004 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Anthony De Luca for Mayor $ 100.00 Mayor (Chicago Heights)
7/23/2000 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 200.00 County Board (5)
5/13/2001 New Hope Baptist Church 130 East 13th Street Chicago Heights IL 60411 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 200.00 County Board (5)
7/10/1999 New Joy Divine Full Gospel Church 7625 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Terry Peterson $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
11/24/2000 New Joy Divine Full Gospel Church 7625 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Latasha R. Thomas $ 300.00 State Sen (3rd)
12/30/2003 New Kingdom Christian Center, Victor 1212 W. Madison Maywood IL 60153 Citizens for Collins (Earleen) $ 200.00 County Board (1)
4/1/2000 New Mt. Olive Baptist Church 15643 S. Wood St Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
8/28/2000 New Mt. Olive Baptist Church 15643 S. Wood St Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 250.00 State Rep (30/38)
5/13/2004 New Mt. Olive Baptist Church 15643 S. Wood St Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for David Webb $ 300.00 Mayor (Markham)
2/5/2003 New Regal Theater Foundation 1665 E 79th Street Chicago IL 60649 Friends for Todd H. Stroger $1,050.00 State Rep (31)
11/19/2003 New Zion Grove Missionary Baptist Church 7339 South Peoria Chicago IL 60621 Citizens for Theodore Thomas $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
5/6/2004 New Zion Missionary Baptist Church 1252 S. Wolcott Chicago IL 60608 Friends of Alderman Madeline Haithcock for Political Office $1,500.00 Alderman (Chicago - 2)
8/17/2001 Notre Dame High School 3000 N. Mango Chicago IL 60634 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 200.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
9/3/2002 Notre Dame High School 3000 N. Mango Chicago IL 60634 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 200.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
10/23/2003 Open Door Missionary Baptist Church 1301 S. Sawyer Chicago IL 60623 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
12/2/2004 Original Holy Ark 5336 S. Morgan Chicago IL 60609 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
8/1/2001 Original Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church 5100 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 I Like "Ike" Campaign Comm $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 29)
10/21/1999 Original Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church 5100 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Citizens for Richard A. Devine $ 300.00 States Attorney (Cook County)
10/23/2000 Original Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church 5100 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Citizens to Elect Emma Mitts $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 37)
5/10/2003 Outreach Church of God in Christ of Harvey 200 W. 147th St. Harvey IL 60426 Citizens to Elect Eric J. Kellogg $1,500.00 Mayor (Harvey)
9/25/2002 Overcomers World Outreach Christian Center Inc. 5510 South Paulina Chicago IL 60636 Friends of Blagojevich $2,500.00 Governor
3/16/2001 PACTT Foundation Inc. 7101 N. Greenview Chicago IL 60626 Citizens for Dan Cronin $ 550.00 State Rep (40) Sen (21)
9/10/2003 Palatine Park Foundation 918 E. Paddock Dr. Palatine IL 60074 Citizens for Bassi $ 500.00 State Rep (54th)
9/19/2003 Palatine Park Foundation 918 E. Paddock Dr. Palatine IL 60074 Citizens for Wendell Jones $ 400.00 State Sen (27)
10/23/2000 Park Manor Christian Church 600 E 73rd Street Chicago IL 60619 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 750.00
10/1/2001 Park Manor Christian Church 600 E 73rd Street Chicago IL 60619 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 800.00
11/11/2003 Park Manor Christian Church 600 E 73rd Street Chicago IL 60619 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 400.00
6/7/2000 Parkland College Foundation 2400 West Bradley Avenue Champaign IL 61821 Citizens for Rick Winkel $ 300.00 County Board
8/24/2000 Pauline Christian Community Church P.O. Box 426 Chicago Heights IL 60411 Regular Republican Org of Bloom Twp $ 180.00
8/17/2001 Pauline Christian Community Church P.O. Box 426 Chicago Heights IL 60411 Regular Republican Org of Bloom Twp $ 180.00
6/29/2001 Penny Pritzker and Bryan Traubert Charitable Fund 200 W. Madison St. 30th Floor Chicago IL 60606 John Schmidt for Attorney General $1,000.00 Attorney General
12/13/2000 Plano Foundation 2828 S. Indiana Chicago IL 60616 Citizens Fund for Margaret Smith $ 450.00 State Sen (3rd)
12/10/2001 Plano Foundation 2828 S. Indiana Chicago IL 60616 Citizens Fund for Margaret Smith $ 500.00 State Sen (3rd)
3/12/2002 Plano Foundation 2828 S. Indiana Chicago IL 60616 Citizens Fund for Margaret Smith $ 500.00 State Sen (3rd)
1/29/2002 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1834 N. Austin Chicago IL 60639 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
9/13/2001 Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 5213 W. Potomac Ave. Chicago IL 60651 Citizens to Elect Emma Mitts $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 37)
12/8/1999 Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Ted Lechowicz $ 300.00 State Sen (12)
12/4/2003 Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Martin A. Sandoval $ 250.00 State Sen (12)
4/6/2002 Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Chicago IL 60646 47th Ward Regular Democratic Organization $1,000.00
5/21/2002 Polish Women's Alliance of America 205 Northwest Highway Park Ridge IL 60068 Citizens for Mike Wojcik $ 100.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 30)
5/21/2002 Polish Women's Alliance of America 205 Northwest Highway Park Ridge IL 60068 Citizens for Mike Wojcik $ 100.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 30)
10/23/2000 Power & Light Evangelistic PO Box 288421 Chicago IL 60628 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
11/1/2001 Power & Light Evangelistic PO Box 288421 Chicago IL 60628 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $1,000.00
2/4/2002 Praise Tabernacle 9511 Commercial Chicago IL 60619 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 300.00 State Rep (30/38)
9/15/2004 Progressive Baptist Church 20 N. Lincoln Avenue Aurora IL 60505 Friends of Linda Chapa Lavia $ 225.00 State Rep (83)
2/24/2002 Providence Missionary Baptist Church 2209 Clifton Ave. Rockford IL 61102 Committee to Re-Elect Chuck Jefferson $ 300.00 State Rep (67)
3/3/2002 Providence Missionary Baptist Church 2209 Clifton Ave. Rockford IL 61102 Committee to Re-Elect Chuck Jefferson $ 300.00 State Rep (67)
8/29/2001 Quincy Notre Dame Development 1400 S. 11th St. Quincy IL 62301 Laura Kent Donahue Campaign Committee $ 200.00 State Sen (47/48)
8/21/2002 Quincy Notre Dame Development 1400 S. 11th St. Quincy IL 62301 Laura Kent Donahue Campaign Committee $ 200.00 State Sen (47/48)
9/2/1999 Quincy Notre Dame High School 1400 S. 11th St. Quincy IL 62301 Laura Kent Donahue Campaign Committee $ 200.00 State Sen (47/48)
2/21/2003 Radiological Society of North America 820 Jorie Blvd. Oak Brook IL 60523 Richard M. Daley Campaign Comm $ 500.00 Mayor (Chicago)
8/1/2001 Rainbow-Push Coalition 930 E. 50th St. Chicago IL 60615 Friends of Dorothy Brown $ 500.00 Clerk (Cook County)
6/12/2003 Reformation Lutheran Church 11310 S. Forest Church Chicago IL 60628 Citizens to Elect Anthony Beale $ 400.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 9)
8/23/2004 Rend Lake College Foundation 468 N. Ken Gray Pkwy Ina IL 62846 Citizens for Luechtefeld $ 250.00 State Sen (58)
11/13/2000 Restoration Ministries 253 E. 159th Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 160.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
10/6/2001 Restoration Ministries 253 E. 159th Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 228.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
2/7/2001 Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation 816 S. Hennepin Dixon IL 61021 Lee County Republican Central Comm $ 220.00
1/28/2002 Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation 816 S. Hennepin Dixon IL 61021 Lee County Republican Central Comm $ 220.00
1/30/2003 Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation 816 S. Hennepin Dixon IL 61021 Lee County Republican Central Comm $ 220.00
2/6/2004 Ronald Reagan Home Preservation Foundation 816 S. Hennepin Dixon IL 61021 Lee County Republican Central Comm $ 325.00
11/29/1999 Roosevelt University 430 S. Michigan Chicago IL 60605 Republican State Senate Committee $ 250.00
5/17/2004 Rose of Sharon Housing Ministry 4526 W. Walton Chicago IL 60651 The New 37th Ward Democratic Org $ 200.00
2/24/2002 Safer Foundation 571 West Jackson Blvd Chicago IL 60661 Citizens to Elect Robin Kelly $ 400.00 State Rep (38)
7/17/2003 Saint Odisho Church 6201 N. Pulaski Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Margaret Laurino $ 500.00 Alderman (Chicago - 39)
10/9/2003 Saint Odisho Church 6201 N. Pulaski Chicago IL 60646 Friends of Margaret Laurino $1,000.00 Alderman (Chicago - 39)
5/5/2001 Saint Simeon Church Hall 3737 E. 114th St. Chicago IL 60617 Friends of John Pope $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 10)
3/7/2003 Save A Life Foundation 4825 Scott Street Schiller Park IL 60176 Rosemont Voters League $ 250.00 Community College Trustee (Triton)
3/21/2002 Save A Life Foundation 4825 Scott Street Schiller Park IL 60176 Rosemont Voters League $ 250.00
11/18/2000 Second Baptist Church 436 S. 13th Ave. Maywood IL 60153 Millenium Party $ 400.00
3/8/2002 Seventh Star Missionary Baptist Church 1322 W. 87th Street Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Thomas W. Murphy $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 18)
11/22/2000 Shiloah Baptist Church 9211 S. Justine Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Deville $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 21)
7/26/2003 Shiloh Apostolic Lighthouse Church 6028 S. Racine Ave. Chicago IL 60636 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
2/18/2004 Shiloh Apostolic Lighthouse Church 6028 S. Racine Ave. Chicago IL 60636 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
10/18/2002 Skin Disease Education Foundation 233 East Erie Suite 110 Chicago IL 60611 Citizens for Jesse White $1,000.00 Secretary of State
2/22/2000 Society of Mt. Carmel 3504 Lake Shore Dr. Joliet IL 60431 Illinois Republican Party $ 200.00
1/23/2001 Society of Mt. Carmel 3504 Lake Shore Dr. Joliet IL 60431 Illinois Republican Party $ 400.00
7/24/2003 Spaulding Avenue Church of God 1132 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60651 Citizens for Maldonado $ 200.00 Alderman (26) County Board
9/2/2004 Spaulding Avenue Church of God 1132 N. Spaulding Chicago IL 60651 Citizens for Cynthia Soto $ 250.00 State Rep (4)
10/24/2002 Spirial Temple of Truth 12350 S. Wallace Avenue Chicago IL 60628 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
4/5/2004 Spirial Temple of Truth 12350 S. Wallace Avenue Chicago IL 60628 34th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
8/9/2000 St. Bethel Baptist Church 1303 Fifth St. Chicago Heights IL 60411 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 250.00 County Board (5)
9/13/2001 St. Christina Church 11005 S. Homan Chicago IL 60655 Committee to Elect Virginia A. Rugai $ 700.00 Alderman (Chicago - 19)
8/15/2001 St. Gregory the Great Church 5545 N. Paulina Chicago IL 60640 Citizens for Patrick O'Connor $ 100.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 40)
10/24/2001 St. Gregory the Great Church 5545 N. Paulina Chicago IL 60640 Citizens for Patrick O'Connor $ 150.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 40)
2/10/2000 St. Ignatius College Prep 1076 W. Roosevelt Rd. Chicago IL 60608 People for Natarus $ 300.00 Alderman (Chicago - 42)
10/20/2000 St. James Church of God in Christ P. O. Box 219 Maywood IL 60153 Citizens to Elect Robert Shaw $ 500.00 Board of Tax Appeals (Cook County)
8/18/2000 St. James Church of God in Christ P. O. Box 219 Maywood IL 60153 3rd Ward Democratic Org $ 300.00
8/5/1999 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/4/2002 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $1,000.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/28/2002 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 400.00 State Rep (30/38)
7/20/1999 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Aurelia Pucinski $ 500.00 Judge (Cook County - 10th Circuit)
8/1/2000 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 450.00 County Board (5)
7/11/2000 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 200.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
8/20/2001 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 200.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
1/29/2002 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 200.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
8/23/2002 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 Thornton Township Regular Democratic Organization $ 210.00
10/24/2003 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 800.00
10/17/2004 St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church 14618-22 Lincoln Harvey IL 60426 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 900.00
1/13/2003 St. Martin Episcopal Church 5700 W. Midway Chicago IL 60644 I Like "Ike" Campaign Comm $ 150.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 29)
1/13/2003 St. Martin Episcopal Church 5700 W. Midway Chicago IL 60644 I Like "Ike" Campaign Comm $5,060.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 29)
11/30/2004 St. Mary's Missionary Baptist Church 1044 W. 63rd Street Chicago IL 60621 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $1,000.00
10/19/2000 St. Matthews Baptist Church 4511 S. State Street Chicago IL 60609 Citizens for Dorothy Tillman $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 3)
7/25/2001 St. Paul Church of God in Christ 4526 South Wabash Chicago IL 60653 16th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 200.00
11/7/2001 St. Sabina 1210 W. 78th Place Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Latasha R. Thomas $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 17)
6/14/2003 St. Sabina 1210 W. 78th Place Chicago IL 60620 17th Ward Democratic Organization $ 875.00
5/26/2004 St. Sabina 1210 W. 78th Place Chicago IL 60620 17th Ward Democratic Organization $1,500.00
10/14/2004 St. Sabina Outreach Ministry 1210 W. 78th Place Chicago IL 60620 17th Ward Democratic Organization $2,500.00
8/23/2004 St. Stanislaus B&M Church 5352 W. Belden Chicago IL 60639 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 200.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
6/28/2001 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church 5467 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago IL 60615 Citizens for Jesse White $ 300.00 Secretary of State
9/25/2000 Star of Hope Baptist Church 417 5th St. Peoria IL 61605 Citizens for Mary McDade $3,500.00 Appellate Court Judge (3rd District)
4/18/2000 Stillman Family Foundation 1180 Green Bay Rd. Highland Park IL 60035 Friends of Karen May $ 200.00 State Rep (58/60)
9/21/2000 Stillman Family Foundation 1180 Green Bay Rd. Highland Park IL 60035 Friends of Karen May $ 200.00 State Rep (58/60)
10/15/1999 Sunrise Baptist Church 1101 S. Central Park Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/10/2000 Sunrise Baptist Church 1101 S. Central Park Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 300.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/11/2001 Sunrise Baptist Church 1101 S. Central Park Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
2/28/2003 Sunrise Baptist Church 1101 S. Central Park Chicago IL 60624 Citizens to Re-elect Michael D. Chandler $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
10/28/2004 Sunrise Baptist Church 1101 S. Central Park Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $1,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/12/2000 Sunshine Missionary Baptist Church Inc. 3660 W. Roosevelt Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 50.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/12/2000 Sunshine Missionary Baptist Church Inc. 3660 W. Roosevelt Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
8/10/2001 Sunshine Missionary Baptist Church Inc. 3660 W. Roosevelt Chicago IL 60624 Citizens for Action $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago -24)
1/29/2002 Sunshine Missionary Baptist Church Inc. 3660 W. Roosevelt Chicago IL 60624 Committee to Elect Rickey Hendon $ 500.00 State Sen (5)
2/4/2003 Swedish American Medical Foundation 1400 Charles St Rockford IL 61104 Winnebago County Republican Central Comm $ 500.00
5/27/2003 Swedish American Medical Foundation 1400 Charles St Rockford IL 61104 Winnebago County Republican Central Comm $ 500.00
12/30/2004 Swedish American Medical Foundation 1400 Charles St Rockford IL 61104 Winnebago County Republican Central Comm $1,000.00
6/17/2004 Swing -N-Putt Youth Golf Foundation 9200 S Cottage Grove Chicago IL 60619 Friends for Todd H. Stroger $ 405.00 State Rep (31)
10/4/2000 T.S.P. Foundation 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles IL 60714 Maine Twp Regular Democratic Org $ 550.00
10/18/2002 T.S.P. Foundation 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles IL 60714 Maine Twp Regular Democratic Org $ 600.00
5/10/2000 The Catholic Charities 126 North Desplaines Chicago IL 60661 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
12/4/2003 The Clarence Foundation P.O. Box 3932 Darien IL 60561 Friends of Martin A. Sandoval $ 250.00 State Sen (12)
10/29/2003 The Israel of God 2515 E. 75th St. Chicago IL 60649 Citizens to Elect William M Beavers $ 250.00 Alderman (Chicago - 7)
12/6/2002 The Narrow Way Ministries 4827 N. Sheridan Rd. #1004 Chicago IL 60640 Citizens for Shiller $1,000.00 Alderman (Chicago - 46)
2/19/2003 Third Baptist Church of Chicago 1551 W. 95th Street Chicago IL 60620 Citizens to Elect Deville $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 21)
7/21/2003 Tony Orrico Scholarship Foundation 3917 S. Campbell Chicago IL 60632 Friends of Maureen Murphy $ 500.00 Board of Tax Appeals (Cook County)
7/16/2004 Tony Orrico Scholarship Foundation 3917 S. Campbell Chicago IL 60632 Friends of Maureen Murphy $ 500.00 Board of Tax Appeals (Cook County)
9/30/2002 Trinity Health Foundation 2701 17th Street Rock Island IL 61201 Friends of Denny Jacobs $1,000.00 State Sen (36)
8/23/2004 Trinity Health Foundation 2701 17th Street Rock Island IL 61201 Friends of Denny Jacobs $1,000.00 State Sen (36)
11/4/2004 True Believers Baptist Church 7801 S. Wolcott Chicago IL 60620 18th Ward Democratic Organization $ 200.00
3/2/2002 True Holiness Pentecostal Church 10159 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60628 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 200.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
2/22/2000 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 100.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
6/19/2000 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 100.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
6/7/2001 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 200.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
11/19/2001 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 220.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
7/25/2002 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 100.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
11/2/2002 True Vine Baptist Church 14324 Marshfield Dixmoor IL 60426 Friends of Frank Zuccarelli $ 160.00 Committeeman (Thornton)
9/29/2000 Union Tabernacle Baptist 6623 S. Stewart Chicago IL 60621 Citizens for Troutman $ 350.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 20)
5/15/1999 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $ 800.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
8/5/2002 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
8/18/2003 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
8/21/2003 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $2,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
8/11/2004 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $ 500.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
8/13/2004 University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Chicago IL 60637 Friends of Leslie A. Hairston $2,000.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 5)
2/7/2000 University of Chicago Cancer Research 5841 S. Maryland Chicago IL 60637 Citizens for John Cullerton $ 550.00 State Sen (6)
4/19/2001 University of Illinois PO Box 19243 Springfield IL 62794 Illinois Democratic Women $ 510.00
4/30/2001 University of Illinois PO Box 19243 Springfield IL 62794 Illinois Democratic Women $ 50.00
8/2/2003 University of Notre Dame 113 Joyce Center Notre Dame IN 46556 13th Ward Democratic Org $ 384.00
8/25/2004 University of Notre Dame 113 Joyce Center Notre Dame IN 46556 13th Ward Democratic Org $ 530.00
8/1/2001 University of Notre Dame 113 Joyce Center Notre Dame IN 46556 13th Ward Democratic Org $ 228.00
10/24/2002 Unveiled Ministries Word of Truth Church 15012 S. Champlain Street Dolton IL 60419 Citizens for Carrie Austin $ 250.00 Alderman/Committeeman (Chicago - 34)
10/25/2001 Vernon Park Church of God 9011 S. Stony Island Ave. Chicago IL 60617 8th Ward Regular Democratic Org $ 320.00
6/1/2001 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Friends of Jim Harris $ 250.00 Water Reclamation District (Chicago)
6/20/2002 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Friends of Jim Harris $ 250.00 Water Reclamation District (Chicago)
6/19/2003 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Friends of Jim Harris $ 250.00 Water Reclamation District (Chicago)
7/3/2000 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 200.00 State Rep (30/38)
8/28/2000 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 375.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/28/2001 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Harold Murphy $ 300.00 State Rep (30/38)
2/10/2003 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens to Re-Elect William "Bill" Shaw $ 300.00 State Sen (15)
8/9/2000 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 300.00 County Board (5)
5/22/2001 Victory Christian Assembly Church 2901 W. 159th Markham IL 60426 Citizens for Deborah Sims $ 260.00 County Board (5)
5/20/2002 Victory Christian International Ministries 23855 S. Jonathan Lane Crete IL 60417 Citizens for David Webb $ 500.00 Mayor (Markham)
9/30/2000 Vietnamese Catholic Community of Chicago 4827 N. Kenmore Chicago IL 60640 Citizens for Harry Osterman $ 200.00 State Rep (14/17)
8/13/2002 Village of University Park 698 Burnham Drive University Park IL 60466 Citizens for Mikan $ 600.00 Will County Executive
12/20/2001 Weinfield Family Foundation 9839 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn IL 60453 Citizens for John Cullerton $ 500.00 State Sen (6)
9/2/2004 West Point Baptist Church 3366 South Cottage Grove Chicago IL 60652 Citizens for Michael F. Sheahan $ 500.00 County Sheriff (Cook)
6/4/2002 Woodfield Area Children's Org Foundation 1901 Roselle Rd Schaumburg IL 60195 Citizens for K Wojcik $1,075.00 State Rep (45/56) Sen (28)
3/6/2001 Youth Camp Association - Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Chicago IL 60646 Citizens for Judy Baar Topinka $ 100.00 State Treasurer
3/19/2001 Youth Camp Association - Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Chicago IL 60646 Citizens for Judy Baar Topinka $ 75.00 State Treasurer

****Source: Illinois Board of Elections Website

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