Stepping Away

Due to a illness in my family, I will be stepping away from blogging for awhile.

I want to sincerely thank Beth for asking me to be part of this blog. Beth has so much integrity and I was glad for the opportunity.

I know that lively and thoughtful discussions will continue on with Beth, Charlie, Michael and whoever else writes here.

I hope all of you continuing reading the blog and getting the message out that it exists because it is the one place in Seattle where parents and others can come and discuss the district. It's good and healthy to make these connections.

Please continue to support Seattle public schools, warts and all. There are good things happening in our schools and they need our support (and tough love).


SolvayGirl said…
Thank you Melissa for all of the time and care you have put into writing thoughtful, informative blogs on this site. You will be missed. May your family member recover quickly.
speducator said…
Thank you for your incredible reporting during the Sealth/Denny mess (which still continues).

Your insight and energy inspired many of us to keep going with our efforts to make the District accountable. Too bad we weren't successful.

I wish you strength during this time.
dan dempsey said…
Melissa you are an incredibly talented writer. Thank you for your dedication. You and your family are in my prayers.

I missed the Board meeting last night due to I-5 Northbound traffic. I will be teaching at Lummi Nations High School near Bellingham. (No more SPS School Board testimonies from me.)

Blog readers keep going with efforts to hold the SPS accountable.

Also please keep Terry Bergeson away from 4 more years as SPI.
zb said…
Thanks Melissa for all your efforts, and my thoughts are with as you negotiate your family life.
snaffles said…
Thanks melissa I haven't been around long, but I have enjoyed every minute of your in put, and pointed accountability pursuit of the Seattle School District.

My thought are with you and your family.
Beth Bakeman said…
The blog will not be the same without you, Mel. Take care of yourself and your family.

And I look forward to your return to blogging when you are able.
BullDogger said…
Thank you Melissa for all you've done. Your perspective and diplomacy have provided a much needed community service. You really have made the world a little better.

My prayers will be with you and yours. Hope to see you back to blogging soon.
Johnny Calcagno said…
Mel -

Thanks for all of your hard work. Truly priceless!!!

Good luck to you and your family.

I guess it's time for the rest of us to step up!

You've been a big inspiration and great resource for so many of us parents, and for me, as a fellow blogger. I wish you and your family strength and optimism during a challenging time.
Brita said…

Your well-researched, thoughtful (dare I say fair and balanced?) blogs have made a real contribution to the education discourse in Seattle.

I have learned a lot from you. Heartfelt thanks to your family for sharing you with us, and best wishes for them.



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