Incoming Freshman Schedules

At the Roosevelt Choices night last week, it was announced that the process for setting up class schedules has changed (at least at RHS for this year). Normally, most schools send counselors out to middle schools and walk students through the process. However, RHS is going send out registration materials as always but instead of going to the schools will be having a registration night in June. (And a letter will be in the registration materials explaining this.)

The rationale for this is that the assignments are coming so late that the counselors were worried about getting out to all the middle schools (because going to just a few sends the wrong message) AND getting all the seniors out the door.

In some ways this may be better because the middle school visits were during the day and some parents were unhappy that they weren't there with their kids to work on registration.

Our head counselor thinks the other high schools may be staying on course for how they register freshman but if you are enrolling a freshman for this fall, ask at the tours how the freshman registration will be handled.


Maureen said…
In some ways this may be better because the middle school visits were during the day and some parents were unhappy that they weren't there with their kids to work on registration.

Interesting, it was made VERY clear to to the 8th grade parents I know last year that we were not to attend the counseling sessions even if we were available. I thought that the directive came from the HS counselors, but maybe it was just our administrators/8th grade teachers?

I hope that 8th grade teachers/counselors this year have a plan in place to work with the kids whose parents won't be able to help them. I expect that many families won't even show up at the registration night. What will happen then? Will kids just be assigned a generic schedule?

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