Ballard Principal Gets a Major Award

This story was in the on-line PI about Phil Brockman, the principal at Ballard. From the article:

"Ballard High School Principal Phil Brockman has won an award that will bring $50,000 to his school.

The cash comes from the Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence, which recognizes one Seattle Public Schools secondary school principal every year for outstanding leadership. Brockman's key achievement was boosting his school's 10th-grade scores on the Washington Assessment of Student Learning test, said David Tucker, Seattle Public Schools spokesman.Ballard High School Principal Phil Brockman has won an award that will bring $50,000 to his school.

The cash comes from the Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence, which recognizes one Seattle Public Schools secondary school principal every year for outstanding leadership. Brockman's key achievement was boosting his school's 10th-grade scores on the Washington Assessment of Student Learning test, said David Tucker, Seattle Public Schools spokesman."

I've worked with Phil a couple of times and he's a great guy. He served as interim high school director before Michael Tolley (and did a great job) but his heart is in being a principal. He's just such a capable, easy-going person and a great asset to this district. Good for him and good for Ballard.


seattle citizen said…
Let's leave these thread to the celebration of Principal Brockman, Dan!

A finer educator this city rarely sees. Congratulations to Phil - he deserves every kudos.

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