First Live Blogging Attempt

I'm at the Board Work Session on the Budget with no less than 8 handouts. It is very hard to follow (ask the Board members). Some very hard choices to make and they have given the Board a sort of Sophie's choice to keep cuts from the classroom.

I will need Meg's help or some one who can try to find some order in what they presented. I think the Board is quite frustrated with trying to figure this out. Also, Board members have requested (quite sensibly) to see where money is coming from as well as where we spend it and what pots of money can be used where.

Also, they claim they cut 28 coaches positions and we only have roughly 72 coaches. This seems quite different from what we heard last fall.

Also, FYI - I looked thru the contract and had a list of about 15 questions about it including will Cleveland be two schools and staffed that way. I gave it to all the Directors and Harium said that it is NOT true. He claims it's in the the appendices. I think we don't have the same info they have because I don't see what he's talking about. There are still many questions though.


Meg said…
In his December 16, 2009 presentation (barely over 2 months ago) to the board, Don Kennedy stated that there were 116.5 FTEs budgeting for coaching for the 2009-10 school year. I'm not really sure how 116 minus 28 equals 72. Insert snarky reform math comment here.

And boy, would I LOVE to get a look at those handouts.
ParentofThree said…
...where money is coming from as well as where we spend it and what pots of money can be used where."

Correct me if I am wrong, but they have been asking for that info for quiet some time. And of course they are frustrated, that is a classic MGJ management tactic. Paper them to the point of frustration, then take control.

RE: Harium's comment, I believe the contract has been read by several "outsiders" at this point, all coming to the same conclusion about the two schools, two principals etc.
I"m still asking as well, SPS Mom.
reader said…
BTW. What are the qualifications for being a coach? Is there some sort of certification plan? Or will any old teacher do fine?
I don't think you have to have too many qualifications. I know for a fact there are at least a few coaches who only have 3-5 years teaching experience and they're coaching teachers with decades of experience. I don't think they need the national certification to coach but some probably do.
wseadawg said…
Isn't familiarity with the product line, i.e. sales training, what some of these coaches specialize in? They can't all be expert/master teachers in Math, English, and Science, can they?

I recall the need for, and use of "coaches" being a large part of Ms. De La Fuente's sales pitch for Discovery math. It sounded to me like many are sales consultants for curriculum lines or think tanks. Am I wrong?
gavroche said…
Melissa Westbrook said...

I don't think you have to have too many qualifications. I know for a fact there are at least a few coaches who only have 3-5 years teaching experience and they're coaching teachers with decades of experience.

Exactly. In fact, one writing "coach" came to an SPS elementary school to teach the fifth grade teachers about grammar. The teachers (who have decades of experience) had to correct her about a point of grammar she didn't know. Apparently this coach is also writing a book about grammar for the Teacher's College.


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