Notice to Seattle School Board Directors on Redistricting Plan


I was wrong about this issue.  I assumed by "meeting" it would be a public hearing, not something included in a general Board meeting.

I also note that in the Board page on redistricting, they have a timeline and it really is not made clear that the October 12th Board meeting was THE public meeting for comment directly to the Board.

At this morning's executive committee meeting, it was a curious discussion on this "hearing." At no time did anyone state that October 12th was THE public meeting for comment on this issue.

Rivera-Smith did ask why they were embedding this hearing if not legally necessary because "we will change nothing based on what comments we hear." She said it feels like it will send the wrong message. 

Hampson said, "Yes, it's true that nothing can be done and yet it is consistent 'historically' even if we are too far along.

Rivera-Smith then said, "We should have a sentence about the comments and make it clear that nothing will change." 

 Hersey said, "Yes, there won't be changes but maybe comments about a 'celebration' of what the public sees in the maps."

Parents, anything you want to "celebrate" in these changes?

I'm sorry, this seems very disingenuous and I would urge readers to give not a single word of comment to the Board. They don't care and they are not going to listen. I believe this will continue to be the way with this Board.  

end of update

The Seattle School Board's Executive Committee was supposed to have a meeting this morning. It since got shifted to tomorrow morning at 9 am. This change allowed me to request the materials for that meeting. I found one glaring issue about the directors and their redistricting plan. 

Looking at the next two agendas for the next Board meetings (with the next one on Oct 26th), the Board is to vote on their redistricting plan and somehow think they can embed the legally required public hearing to get input on said plan into the Board meeting. 

First, this new embedding other meetings (see Work Session) in the middle of Board meetings is nonsense and is just a way to keep parents and the public an arm's reach away from Board business. 

Second, here is the pertinent RCW - RCW 29A.76.010.  (Bold mine)

(5) During the adoption of its plan, the municipal corporation, county, or district shall ensure that full and reasonable public notice of its actions is provided. Before adopting the plan, the municipal corporation, county, or district must:
(a) Publish the draft plan and hold a meeting, including notice and comment, within ten days of publishing the draft plan and at least one week before adopting the plan; and
(b) Amend the draft as necessary after receiving public comments and resubmit any amended draft plan for additional written public comment at least one week before adopting the plan.

The Board is saying they can have their require public hearing the DAY of the vote. The RCW would beg to differ. (If you listen into many meetings with Board members, they are constantly saying they don't know the law on XYZ and yet somehow think they don't need to know it.)

I will query SPS Legal on this. They were involved in creating the BAR for this item and I would have thought they might look up the requirements of the RCW.


Anonymous said…
You are reading the statute incorrectly. The Board already went through the step you highlight. It is next subsection (b) at issue now and requires only a written comment opportunity, which has been provided.
Nope. Here's what it says in the Board meeting agenda for Oct. 26th:

C. Public Hearing: School Board Director District Redistricting Plan
I'm listening in on the Ex CTm meeting this morning; I'll let you know what gets said.
Reader, it would appear you are right. I assume by "meeting" it would be a public hearing, not a general meeting.

I also note that in the Board page on redistricting, they have a timeline and it really is not made clear that the October 12th Board meeting was THE public meeting for comment directly to the Board.

At this morning's executive committee meeting, it was a curious discussion on this "hearing." At no time did anyone state that October 12th was THE public meeting for comment on this issue.

Rivera-Smith did ask why they were embedding this hearing if not legally necessary because "we will change nothing based on what comments we hear." She said it feels like it will send the wrong message. Hampson said, "Yes, it's true that nothing can be done and yet it is consistent 'historically' even if we are too far along." Rivera-Smith then said, "We should have a sentence about the comments and make it clear that nothing will change." Hersey said, "Yes, there won't be changes but maybe comments about a 'celebration' of what the public sees in the maps."

I'm sorry, this seems very disingenuous and I would urge readers to give not a single word of comment to the Board. They don't care. I believe this will continue to be the way with the Board.

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