Board Work Session on Budget - Feb 28, 2023
I finally did listen in on the recent Work Session. I'm not so impressed with anybody, frankly. I believe all the directors were there (Rivera Smith was virtually but she was ill and didn't say much, ditto on Sarju.)
At one point, Superintendent Brent Jones asked the Board members for "wonderings."
On the definition of well- resourced schools, Director Liza Rankin offered that some things should be stated out loud, even if obvious. I agree. But then she said that, "It sounds scary but what no one has said to me is that my child attends school at this specific building, no matter what." She continued saying that people are in a "place of fear" that "all of a sudden schools will be stuffed to the gills with overcrowded classrooms."
First, who cares what random parents say to her? That's not data and I can tell her from experience - you get specific on closing certain schools and you WILL hear parents wanting a certain school in a certain place. Second, I would suggest that if you close some buildings, you will see some classes in some schools get bigger. How that gets negated, I don't know.
Jones also said that there is more administrative staff because "we fund more because of the programs we fund." Why that hasn't been broken out by costs for each program and put forth is a mystery.
One item I do not like - they are moving basic maintenance out of the General Fund to the Capital area. That means taking BTA and BEX dollars to fund it. That's shouldn't be happening.
New items of note:
- Here's the agenda with PowerPoint. (I say again - why this district can't number EVERY SINGLE page of PowerPoints is a mystery. An annoying mystery.) On page 6, there is a definition of "well-resourced schools" and page 7, there are "attributes of well-resourced schools." Remember this because the district is all-in with this slash and burn, closing schools in order to create "well-resourced schools." Why one is a definition and the other is attributes is not clear to me but it may be to protect the district down the line from cries of "you said a well-resourced school is this." Page 6 uses the word "may" in one place.
Also, page 7 read a lot like how Hampson would have written it so I'm a bit suspicious.
Another issue to "well-resourced schools" is whether ALL schools will have these attributes or will some schools have more of them than others. I suspect that the arts may fall to PTA infusions of cash as well as extra-curricular programs and activities.
- Slide 10 - The district explains "Why Now?" Two key items here - "Student Needs Are Increasing" and "Labor costs are significantly more than state and local funding."
District staff did say that they are now getting more Special Education students than regular education students with Special Education students being more expensive to help. I think this is a good point to pound into the heads of legislators. It might be good if staff explained WHY they think there are more Special Education students coming into SPS.
As for labor costs increasing, who negotiated and signed that SEA contract? I think everyone who looked at what was decided on thought it too high GIVEN the circumstances that we could all see. And now the chickens are coming home to roost.
- Staff has this new thing about "multi-year budget planning" that makes me shake my head, page 11. Was that not already happening? As well, every school is different so trying to multi-year plan for 99 schools seems daunting.
As well, page 11 has eye-rolling items like:
- Aggressively pursue new or expanded revenue opportunities
- Streamline and incorporate efficiencies into central operations
- Enact cross-departmental operational efficiencies and automation
Key Dates
March 20th - Community information session. First, just one? Second, "information session" but not a town hall where parents give input? During the Work Session, it was mentioned several times about asking community but when and with what?
April 23: Regular State legislative session concludes
May 3: Budget Work Session: final work session before multi-year funding plan recommendation is introduced in a regular board meeting for Board action.
June 21: Board Action Report and Budget Resolution
July 6: Board Action to adopt school year 2023-24 budget
Jones has admitted that they haven't looked at outcomes(!). A lot of discussion about student focused outcome governance, root cause analysis, theory of action etc.
By contrast Vivian Song Maritz and Lisa Rivera Smith have been great about writing up information and sharing. And Harris has been reliable with her in person lasagna meetings.
Mums the Word