
Showing posts from 2024

US Student Math Scores Plummet

 From the education blog, Chalkbeat: U.S. fourth graders saw their math scores drop steeply between 2019 and 2023 on a key international test even as more than a dozen other countries saw their scores improve. Scores dropped even more steeply for American eighth graders, a grade where only three countries saw increases.  The declines in fourth grade mathematics in the U.S. were among the largest in the participating countries, though American students are still in the middle of the pack internationally. The extent of the decline seems to be driven by the lowest performing students losing more ground, a worrying trend that predates the pandemic. The TIMSS results echoed the 2022 findings of the National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP, which saw  major declines in math scores  among both fourth and eighth graders. American students’ scores  actually started to decline before the pandemic  for reasons that are not entirely clear. Peggy Carr, com...

"Educational Freedom"

 You will likely recall that sitting in Arizona has given me a front-row seat to watch the universal voucher program here play out. The voters in Arizona, by a wide margin, had said no to this nonsense but then the (barely) Republican Legislature decided voters were dumb and enacted it on their own.  I know you believe this could not happen in Washington State but we are going into a time of the Upside Down so I would not make any bets about what may or may not happen in public education. The fact that even without vouchers, many Seattle parents are leaving SPS for other types of education is fairly worrying.  Background via the Arizona Mirror: The Arizona voucher program is in its third year.  The program originated in 2012, but was expanded in 2022 from serving a limited group of about 12,000 students who met specific criteria to a universal program available to all of the state’s roughly one million K-12 students.  After the expansion, enrollment skyrocketed ...

Topp, Briggs and Mizrahi are new Seattle School Board Leadership

There was only one nomination for each role - president, vice president and member-at-large - so a unanimous vote for each person.  Gina Topp is now Board president, Evan Briggs is now VP and Joe Mizrahi is the member-at-large.  It will be interesting to see how things proceed from here. 

A "Reduced Education Program Resolution"

Yet again, the Board is choosing to do their work in a random and unknowable manner.  I refer to the Approval of Board Resolution No. 2024-25-9, Educational Program Reduction per Board Policy No 0060.  (From the agenda , it is the only Action item.) If passed this means, that the Superintendent will "present a portfolio of proposed actions to balance the 2025-2026 budget." Parents cried out and pushed back on school closures which, we all know, would not have truly made much of a difference. But I wonder if the Superintendent and staff want to make it hurt so that when they ask to close schools again, parents won't push back much.  I get that the Superintendent's choices are all difficult but they do have to find the money somewhere.  What chaps my hide is that this was Intro'ed way back in September and here it is now for approval with this notation: Following introduction at the September 18 meeting, the resolution was revised to better align with the guidance p...

How's Student Outcome Focused Governance Doing in Seattle Schools?

Update:  If you view the report at the Board agenda, they have now added their fairly short presentation that is short on detail. Hmmm, wonder why? There is a page about some poll but it is dead. Sigh. end of update In short, not good.  This according to the assessment made by the Moss Adams firm. (And boy, is the district using them more and more, almost like they are on retainer.) Reader Seattle is Lost alerted me to the addition of the Moss Adams report on SOFG in SPS. The presentation is on the agenda right before public testimony. I've read through the report and not only is the entire staff behind in using this at JSCEE, Moss Adams thinks there needs to be more staff to implement it. I love how SPS takes the adage - "You have to spend money to make money" - and changes it to "You have to spend money to save money." While positive progress has been made to adopt this model, there remain challenges to fully implementing  effective practices.   The primary go...

Seattle Schools Limps Out of 2024

What is there to say at this point? Seattle Schools appears to be spiraling down. Leadership - from both the Superintendent and the Board president - seems wan and ineffective. I posit that the trust gap between district and parents is becoming ever larger.  Given that February 2025 will see an election for the district's two major levies, I want to point out yet another issue related to the election. That would be the election for BEX VI. BEX is the major school renovations levy which somehow has also become the near total funding for SPS technology.  From what is on the levy to the mission creep of the levy, you have to wonder what is really happening.  What district moves an entire (and seemingly ever-growing) department to a levy? Yes, levies pass easily in Seattle, unlike other regional districts. But what if - one day - it doesn't pass? What happens to the Technology department? The ripple effects would be felt throughout the district. How foolish is it to depend...

Bad News - Assistant Principal Arrested in September for "Prostitution"

Update 3: In the article in the Seattle Times, they say the district said this: In a statement released Wednesday, a Seattle schools spokesperson said the district entered into a settlement agreement with DĂ­az Rios on Friday, before it was aware that the arrest was related to minors.  If you read the statement that published below, the first sentence says "separation agreement," not settlement agreement. Hmmm. end of update Update 2: I have the charging document on Alexander Diaz Rios. He is charged with "patronizing a Prostitute" on September 27, 2024.  This incident appears to be part of a coordinated raid by Renton PD to catch those who solicit sex with children.  The charging statement makes no reference to the age of the prostitute but, if that is the case for Diaz Rios, the charge could be amended. end of update Update: Seattle Schools issues a statement. I note that this is not available at the website or on Facebook.  "Seattle Public Schools (SPS) e...

"Life Ready" Graduation Goals

 "Life Ready" is just one of the key goals under discussion at tomorrow's Special Board meeting to set "Goals and Guardrails" to use from 2025-2030. Agenda Please allow me to digress for a minute. If "life ready" is a joined idea, it needs a hyphen. So it would be "life-ready."  Here are the basics: The Superintendent is recommending a total of three goals , each of which are detailed below. In narrowing the proposals, the Superintendent prioritized goals and measures the can be used to drive progress and organize strategies. These goals will: • Put students on a trajectory towards life ready: Goals are recommended at key grade level(s) and in particular subjects that indicate students are on a trajectory to be life ready. • Influence adult behavior: Goals are recommended that can influence adult behavior at the district, school, and classroom level in a way that will positively impact student outcomes across the system. • Guide resource and ...

Seattle Schools News

In some good news, a former SPS student , Mathew Law, joined the cast of the popular show about an elementary school, Abbott Elementary . The show has been recently nominated for a Golden Globe. From the Times: At the same time, the public schools he attended in Seattle are where he first fell in love with movies.  “I attended Greenwood Elementary, Whitman Middle, then Ballard High. … I had teachers who introduced me to Hitchcock in middle school.” On December 4th, a West Seattle SPS student was killed by gunfire, the second Chief Sealth International High School student to be killed in a year.   Neither shooting occurred on campus: this one happened in the High Point area. According to the Seattle Times, this is the seventh teen murder in Seattle this year.  Sadly, All of the victims were boys between the ages of 14 and 17, and all of their cases remain unsolved. The Seattle Times has a story this morning about SPS, Seattle schools must post list of union discrimination...

Washington State Makes a Bold Move for Low-Income Students and College

 In what I consider fabulous news, the Times had this article ,  Washington to guarantee college tuition for low-income families  The FAFSA has long been a sticking point for students, with billions of dollars in federal aid going unclaimed because they simply give up on it, or don’t complete it correctly. An overhaul last year meant to simplify the process only made things worse, with technical problems that led to even lower completion rates and contributed to a decline of 7 percentage points in the proportion of high school seniors going directly to college, according to the National College Attainment Network, or NCAN.     The problems with the FAFSA have serious implications for college attendance: High school seniors who complete the form are 84%  more likely to enroll in college immediately  than those who don’t, while the figure increases to 127% among the lowest-income students, NCAN says. So.... To try to reverse enrollment declines, Washing...

Around the Public Education Horn

  Look what's on the DOGE Dopey Boys list, Head Start and Pell Grants . I would bet they get rid of some of the Department of Education in a piecemeal fashion before they do away with it for good. Blaming Dems for pandemic outcomes due to closing schools and leaving them closed. I have seen this argument in several places and I think it will long be debated.  From Education Next : Just when it seemed those in power no longer cared about the nation’s K–12 education system, schools are generating earthquakes. Classrooms and playgrounds are not shaking—yet. Instead, the epicenters are located below public health departments and university research centers. Yet schools must take credit—or blame, if you prefer—for November’s earth-rattling events.  When many schools did not open the following fall, a growing group of public health experts, led by Bhattacharya, signed the Great Barrington Declaration, which  warned  that “[c]urrent lockdown policies are producing d...

Hearing Today on Recall of Seattle School Board President

Update : The recall hearing failed for the plaintiffs. From what I have been told, the judge just didn't think Rankin alone could be blamed for some things.  However, some interesting facts did come out. Like: - It was made clear that she did dismantle some Board oversight via ending committees but the judge said there was no law for committees. (He's wrong - the law says districts have to have a capital oversight committee and an audit committee. He may have stated that but it wasn't reported to me.) - Texts are part of FOIA. - As I have been trying to verify, it  came out that Rankin allowed SOFG coach, AJ Crabill, to sit in an Executive Committee meeting to coach the board. He had NOTHING to do with whatever the subject was and yet, there he was. This should make you very nervous that he has such sway over Rankin . I believe there are minutes of Executive Committee meetings but they are not accessible to the public.  Apparently Crabill's consulting contract allows hi...