A "Reduced Education Program Resolution"
Yet again, the Board is choosing to do their work in a random and unknowable manner.
I refer to the Approval of Board Resolution No. 2024-25-9, Educational Program Reduction per Board Policy No 0060. (From the agenda, it is the only Action item.)
If passed this means, that the Superintendent will "present a portfolio of proposed actions to balance the 2025-2026 budget."
Parents cried out and pushed back on school closures which, we all know, would not have truly made much of a difference. But I wonder if the Superintendent and staff want to make it hurt so that when they ask to close schools again, parents won't push back much.
I get that the Superintendent's choices are all difficult but they do have to find the money somewhere.
What chaps my hide is that this was Intro'ed way back in September and here it is now for approval with this notation:
Following introduction at the September 18 meeting, the resolution was revised to better align with the guidance provided through Board-adopted Goals and Guardrails and the strategic planning process.
So right before the Board is to vote on it, they overhaul it ? Isn't that a bait-and-switch to parents? I'm disgusted at the thought that any Board member thinks this is right or fair.
Key phrases:
- Instead of educational program reductions, it's educational program adjustment.
- Instead of listing all the things they have tried, it now says that the Superintendent is following the Board's guidance per their Goals and Guardrails. And, that those goals and guardrails "prioritize the critical functions of the District in pursuit and accomplishment of outcomes for students, and that must guide what reductions in the District's operations and educational program are made."
- Program and operational changes to more effectively serve students while operating within expected revenues will inform actions and reductions necessary for the development of the 2025-2026 District operating budget, to be brought to the Board for a public hearing...
- The preliminary balanced budget proposals shall be presented to the Board on or around January 22, 2025.
- The preliminary balanced budget proposals shall include a scenario in which the District receives no additional funding from the Legislature...
- The Superintendent is directed to, aligned with recommendations developed with a task force or advisory group for the strategic plan...
Parents, you will note the absence of the word "all" in front of any mention of students. This budget is geared for one group and everything else is down the list. Be prepared for that.
~ Clear as mud.
On one hand, SOFG sidelines the board and reduces their influence. On the other hand, it shields them from blame or responsibility for any unpopular decisions. If you are wondering what to get Jones for Christmas, can't go wrong with a lightening rod.