Still Waiting
I think my guess was correct; Seattle Schools will NOT have any new information on the Closure and Consolidation process in July. And frankly, probably not until right before the next School Board meeting on August 28th.
I also do not see the Board retreat that the Board needs to have before school resumes. I check both the district and Board calendars regularly and will keep you update. (Sometimes the Board will have dates that the regular calendar does not so, unfortunately, you have to check in both places.)
I do see the one brave Board member - Gina Topp - is having a virtual community meeting next Wednesday, July 17th from 6-7 pm.
This meeting will be held remotely with Microsoft Teams.
Another thing not said, or admitted by most people: I think special ed looms as the main driving factor. SPS gets a lot of heat, both legal and in terms of PR, when it tells high-needs special ed students they can't be accommodated at their neighborhood school, and need to travel further to a school with critical mass of the service they need. More complex special ed services are extremely subject to economies of scale, and it would be extremely expensive to provide everything at every site. Justice (our favorite word) requires closing the entire school, so all students need to travel further, not just special ed students.
Typical Seattle, people virtue signal to no end on the topic of special ed, but then refuse to reckon with the costs, and refuse to reconcile their virtue signaling on special ed with their other passionate priorities.
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