US Student Math Scores Plummet
From the education blog, Chalkbeat: U.S. fourth graders saw their math scores drop steeply between 2019 and 2023 on a key international test even as more than a dozen other countries saw their scores improve. Scores dropped even more steeply for American eighth graders, a grade where only three countries saw increases. The declines in fourth grade mathematics in the U.S. were among the largest in the participating countries, though American students are still in the middle of the pack internationally. The extent of the decline seems to be driven by the lowest performing students losing more ground, a worrying trend that predates the pandemic. The TIMSS results echoed the 2022 findings of the National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP, which saw major declines in math scores among both fourth and eighth graders. American students’ scores actually started to decline before the pandemic for reasons that are not entirely clear. Peggy Carr, com...