Choosing a School: West Seattle and Queen Anne/Magnolia Elementary Schools
If you have knowledge and insight about elementary schools in the following clusters: West Seattle North, West Seattle South, or Queen Anne/Magnolia, share them here with other parents. [I know these clusters aren't close to each other, but they are the clusters that are left at this point.]
Remember, however, that a school which is great for you and your children might be a nightmare for someone else, and vice versa. So read and learn from others opinions, but definitely explore the schools and reach conclusions on your own. Take part in as many school tours as possible, and visit the Enrollment Services page on the SPS website for enrollment guides and other information.
The only school I know anything about in these quadrants is Cooper Elementary in the West Seattle North cluster. I got to meet parents and teachers from Cooper during the Pathfinder/Cooper merger discussion, and was very impressed with the passion they had for their school.
Remember, however, that a school which is great for you and your children might be a nightmare for someone else, and vice versa. So read and learn from others opinions, but definitely explore the schools and reach conclusions on your own. Take part in as many school tours as possible, and visit the Enrollment Services page on the SPS website for enrollment guides and other information.
The only school I know anything about in these quadrants is Cooper Elementary in the West Seattle North cluster. I got to meet parents and teachers from Cooper during the Pathfinder/Cooper merger discussion, and was very impressed with the passion they had for their school.
Just comments from friends . . .