2009-2010 School Calendar Available

FYI, the 2009-2010 school calendar is up at the district website. First day of school is Wednesday, September 9th and the last day is Tuesday, June 22nd (we must be the latest running school district in the country).


amrines said…
I'm finding that schedule kind of unbelievable. If we have any snow days to make up the kids will be in school almost until July! I have to wonder why classes can't begin/end a week earlier.

I hope some families will be able to take advantage of vacation bargains in early September when most school districts are already in session. Won't work for mine, though, because one kid is in a private school that will be starting August 31.
Dorothy Neville said…
Not just snow days (which can happen after Jan 29th, regardless of the district's plan) but we have a looming pandemic which could result in some missed days (what happened with the schools that missed days this year? Probably nothing.)

And remember. College Board AP exams are early May, which, for most students, is within a couple weeks of the end of the year. Not for us.

And ending on a Monday is just silly. I wouldn't let that stop me from vacation or camp plans.
Sue said…
Dont forget we are currently in the middle of contract negotiations. Color me cynical, but I fully anticipate a teacher's strike.

We will be in school year round!
sixwrens said…
Maybe that's partly behind the late start - more time for negotiation.
hschinske said…
What?? It's never been that late before, to my recollection. That's later than it is this year *with* make-up days.

Helen Schinske
Elizabeth W said…
on 6/18/09 at 8:23 AM Carolyn said...

Maybe that's partly behind the late start - more time for negotiation.


You could look at it that way, or you could say "We're starting two days after Labor Day, the same as this year."
SolvayGirl said…
Shoreline Schools is already ending that late in June this year. Next week is their last week of school, according to a friend up there.
lashanna said…
everyone won't be pleased all the time- you have it in advance- plan accordingly....gesh
Unknown said…
This year excepted, early September weather is way better than June weather in Seattle, so it's not so bad.
Tosca said…
Something I have never understood out here is what is the deal with the mid-winter break AND spring break? Why can't there just be one spring break in mid-March (god forbid it should actually match up with the universities' calendars). These is an absolute pet peeve of mine--especially when the spring break for public schools and private schools do not match up.
This is normal - I think we've started the Wednesday after Labor Day - even when Labor Day is as late as it gets like this year - at least since I was in school in the early 70s. September weather is great - what's the big deal? Do we just have to complain about everything?
h2o girl said…
JMT - I totally agree. The February break is completely unnecessary in my opinion. They just had two weeks off in Dec/Jan, then another week off in April. Why the heck do they need an entire week off in February as well?
dan dempsey said…
The best schedule I ever saw was in Blaine WA. One year started with Thurs. Friday... following week.. Wed. Thurs. Fri. then came Labor day and a four day week followed by a five day week.

This was originally an idea to get kindergarteners and first graders off to a good start. It turns out you can teach kids a lot more before Labor Day than you can after Memorial Day. For the teachers and families it is still easy to play golf, swim, boat, etc. when working a two or three day week in August/September.

This gets school over with in early June.

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