Reminder and FYI

Public Hearing on Student Assignment Plan
Wednesday, June 10 from 6-8 at the district headquarters
Signup to speak already happened on Monday and the list of speakers is to be put up on the website today. There will be an informal Q&A afterwards until 9:30 p.m. There is another Q&A on Saturday from 9-noon (!) at the headquarters.

Wednesday, June 24th, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Board Work Session: SAP-how boundaries are drawn

UPDATE: Below is the information from the Board webpage about the public hearing. There are 8 slots (9 actually because one person's name is on the list twice) still open. If the hearing isn't packed, the Board and/or staff may interpret this as people are not interested enough to show up or approve of the new SAP.

"Seattle Public Schools has a five-year strategic plan to achieve academic excellence at every school. An important component of this plan is a new student assignment process that is equitable, predictable, and easy for families to understand - as well as one that is feasible for the District to implement and maintain.

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the Auditorium of the John Stanford Center. Forty speaking slots have been allotted. Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker, and should focus on the proposed new Student Assignment plan. To sign up to give testimony, please call (206) 252-0042 or

Sign-ups via phone or email will be accepted until 12:00 noon on the day of the hearing. After that time, if spaces are available, they will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis at the hearing. Upon request, interpreters can be available to assist individuals who need those services.

Once confirmed speaking slots are full, any additional requests will be automatically added to a wait. The wait list will not be accessed unless a confirmed speaker fails to show up. Therefore, even those on the wait list must still attend the hearing for an opportunity to speak."


Sue said…
(Melissa - this is not directed to you, but to Seattle Public Schools)

Gee lets ponder. They put this meeting and agenda item during what is, quite possibly, the busiest week of the year for parents of kids in SPS. Coincidence? I think not.

Concerts, field days, finals, baseball, student performances, PTA meetings, graduations, etc. I wonder why the list of speakers could even get 8?

So, yes they may interpret this as public is happy with the plan,because not many folks showed up but I think it is more a case of public is too darn busy this time of year, SPS, to make it downtown for a 4 hour meeting.
Keepin' On, yes, it is quite the coincidence that these meetings happen during very busy time. It makes you wonder.
Unknown said…
is sps required to have a public hearing on a change in the assignment plan?
Charlie Mas said…
I don't believe that the District is required by law to offer a public hearing on the plan.

There are doing so because they know that people want to give testimony - more than the Board meeting limitations can accomodate.
anonymous said…
Way off topic, sorry.

I just received an email from Seattle Parks and Rec. - they are offering several free summer sports camps this year, including football, cheer, softball, volleyball and basketball!

check out this link

These are free summer camps, open to all, in locations all across the city!
Maureen said…
From my own particular corner of the universe: tonight is my school's final Site Council meeting of the year, including the installation of new officers and the approval of the 09-10 budget--About twenty of our most involved parents absolutely must attend that meeting.

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