TT Minor

By request, a thread on the effort to save TT Minor from Mr. Lemur:

"A concerned (and tireless) parent has been speaking with the school board and has received a commitment from School Board President Michael DeBell that if she can find 300 students to attend the school, he will keep TT Minor open. They have received 200 plus signatures so far but they need more!

The intent is to keep TT Minor open as a regular elementary school with an further emphasis on art and foreign language instruction. There is talk of partnering with Pratt for art and other partners for music instruction. The free pre-school would remain as well.

There are forms to fill out available at Tougo Coffee or you can call 206-323-7413 for more information."


ParentofThree said…
So, TT had over 200 students enrolled and then they closed it, now one director has said find an additional 100 students and then they will reopen it.

I guess that is one way to address capacity management. Kind of scary when you think about it, which school community will be next to be closed and then told to go door to door to find students?
WenD said…
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WenD said…
@SPSMom: Yes, it is scary, and seems to prove that the analysis and evidence used for most of the closures was shaky at best. I hope TT finds their 300.
Stu said…
I'm sure they could find 100 that were transferred over to Lowell. Does DeBell say they'll stay open THIS fall? Interesting promise; anyone have it on tape?
kellie said…
I think this is a tacit admission that the enrollment numbers did not hold up to the projections. Meg Diaz's numbers were better than nearly anything central staff put together.

Staff made an assumption that there would not be a significant enrollment increase due to the economy and with these closures there was no room if they were just wrong. I sincerely hope they find their 300 students.
Tosca said…
I will everyone the best with this effort, but I am curious about a couple of things.

1) How could Director DeBell even make this kind of promise? After the Board voted on this, wouldn't it require quite a bit to undo the closure?

2) What would the implications be? If the TT Minor families who moved to Lowell pulled out and went back to TT Minor what would it mean for the Gen Ed program at Lowell?

3) How is this fair (and, yes I realize that is NOT a word in the District's vocabulary) to any other schools that were closed? I'm thinking of Summit and Cooper in particular. I realize that neither of them have a building anymore, but it's not like they were even given this option.

Backtracking on Jane Adams, now this. Is it possible for the District to look anymore incompetent than they already do?

With all of that said, more power to TT Minor!
StepJ said…
He made the comment at his most recent Community Meeting -- it wasn't on tape unless there was some cell phone recording going on.

However, there were more than a couple of witnesses present who are held in respect in many areas of the district. I do think they would be believed if it came down to a matter of he said, she said.

Director DeBell said it in an offhand way - you could tell he didn't really believe she would be able to gather the enrollment needed.

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