Alliance for Education Head Resigns

A big news day. Patrick D'Amelio, the President of the Alliance for Education, resigned today. He is returning to his previous job as head of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Puget Sound. It takes effect on Dec. 4th.

From the Puget Sound Business Journal:

"As head of Big Brothers Big Sisters, D’Amelio takes over for Tina Podlodowski, who resigned her post in September to head Joe Mallahan's campaign for Seattle mayor."

Word on the street is that the acceptance of his resignation was somewhat terse "thank you for your good work" from the Board of Directors.

I feel sad because Patrick had great personal appeal. I felt engaged when I spoke with him and he was able to really work a room. He just seemed like he had a great skill set for the job. I'm sure his staff will miss him.

Of course there is speculation as to why he is leaving. Part of that job is being able to work with/appease many powerful people.


h2o girl said…
Wow, this sounds like the perfect job for Kay Smith-Blum. (sigh)
Central Mom said…
Results of the last fundraiser on his watch, from the A4E website:

Thank you for helping make the 2009 Black and Orange Ball a success! Together we raised over $550,000 to support the work of the Alliance for Education.
Maureen said…
It's funny, I went to the Alliance website to see if a new director had been named and there is no mention of this at all. That isn't too strange I suppose if it was a surprise, but the latest news they have posted is from 4/09 and the latest press release is from 9/08. Even the blog seems to have petered out after 10/21/09.

Is there actually any rule keeping KSB from taking this job? All of the Directors have some sort of job. Is there conflict of interest language built in to their contracts?
dan dempsey said…

A director cannot be an SPS employee. Director DeBell is in iffy land as his wife is an SPS employee (nurse I believe). He excuses himself any time there is a vote on health issues that might be seen as a conflict of interest.

Thus KSB as an Alliance employee would be awfully iffy.

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