Open Thread Friday

The sun finally came out.

Anything new?


Stu said…
I know this has been touched on before . .
and maybe I missed something along the way . . .



We just drove by Nathan Hale and I'm stunned that it's still under construction . . . jeez, it's a two story contemporary-ish building! It's not like they're saving facades and fancy brickwork. How long are they going to take to do this job?]

I'm better now.

dan dempsey said…
On seeking recall and discharge of five school directors:

I've polled a few folks some are not in favor of the recall.

I am moving forward with likely filing of paperwork at the elections office on Thursday July 22.

I think it is of particular importance that the public focus be on the State Audit.

Charlie's Mantra is all that should be needed for a message.

I view this as unchartered territory
(1) Seldom has any district received an audit this bad
(2) Many folks who oppose district actions refuse to vote against a levy because of the destruction of programs and possible harm to student's schooling...... This however gives an opportunity for overt meaningful political opposition without creating havoc with established programs.

It will be interesting to see what happens.
Sahila said…
SPS Community Meeting,
1pm, Sunday 18 July,
my house north Greenwood, Seattle

Purpose: discussion/decision/implementation to begin recall/election planning/action...

Several of us are committed to this path already.

All who are interested in participating in this effort are welcome...

email me at or call 206 679 1738, for the address.

Please spread the word amongst your various SPS interest groups


Sahila ChangeBringer
southmom said…
I want to give a giant shout out to the incredible teachers who ran the Seattle Schools instrumental music camp at West Seattle High School for the last three weeks. They are Aaron Hennings, Eric Stevens and Toni Reineke. My 10-year-old had an amazing, wonderful experience. They are master teachers, and I cannot recommend the camp enough.
Southmom, great news and thanks for posting that.

Stu, Hale is taking longer because they chose to build while the population was still there. They do a lot in the summer but the population slows them down considerably. See my post on the BEX Oversight Committee meeting for more info.
StepJ said…
The below info. is copied from another forum. The slum lords that own properties right in front of Roosevelt High are once again trying to have the zoning changed so they can construct 16 story buildings...

One week from tonight, on Monday, July 19 at 7:00 PM, there will be a meeting
of the RNA Land Use Committee at Calvary Christian Assembly. The most salient
topic will be the rezoning application of the Roosevelt Development Group, for
the Sisley properties near 15th Ave NE and NE 65th Street. The developer is
once again proposing 16-storey buildings in front of the high school.

Two days later, on Wednesday, July 21 at 6:30 PM, there will be an official
meeting on the RDG proposal conducted by the Department of Planning and
Development, also at Calvary (in the gymnasium). This is an important meeting
where public comment will be taken and recorded, for later consideration by City
Council as they evaluate the rezoning request.

If you want to learn more about the RDG proposal and perhaps plan your Wednesday
comments, consider attending the Land Use Committee meeting on Monday night. If
your schedule allows only one evening meeting next week, make it the Wednesday
event where public turnout and comment will really count.

You can also learn more about the RDG initiative and other land use matters at
the Roosevelt Bull Moose Festival, this Saturday, July 17 from 10:00 AM till
3:00 PM at 68th and Roosevelt Way.
Sahila said…
If you dont like what's happening in public education, for all you Seattleites wanting to give the School Board a message, come to my house TODAY 1pm, where we'll begin planning a Board recall action... phone me for the Greenwood address - 206 679 1738
Bird said…
Cliff Mass has a piece today about math education and the Gates Foundation...
owlhouse said…
A day late reading the paper, but yesterday's NYTimes has a short piece on a field trip gone horribly wrong. A school is trying to raise money. Principal offers a beach trip to the class that raises the most at a walk-a-thon. Principal forgets he made the promise. Kids keep asking for trip. Asst principal reminds principal- schedules trip w/ one day notice. AP decides last minute not to join class on trip as the (young) teacher's boyfriend and an intern have agreed to attend as chaperons. Tragically, a child drowns. The article closes with the point that there are no rules requiring trips to only beaches w/ lifeguards, but that cupcakes can only be sold at bake sales 1x/month.

A truly painful story that has me thinking of much that is "wrong" in education. The need for student/family fundraising, the bribe and forgotten reward for students, lack of general "common sense"... Public education's primary focus may be helping students achieve academically, but really, schools share the responsibility for raising other people's children. It's an enormous task- and I think current ed-thinking fails to acknowledge all the angles involved. We make mini-changes here and there- new curriculum, longer days... but we rarely invest the time/energy to re-think our overall needs and goals.
Sahila said…
so much reminds me of the end-of-year overnight Kindergarten camp we went on, that I have mentioned a couple of times...

I so agree with your sentiments Owlhouse.... all so arse over kite ...

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