Seattle Schools This Week, May 14-20, 2018

Monday, May 14th
Audit and Finance Committee Meeting, JSCEE from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda
Of interest:
- BAR: Families & Education Levy (Stone)
- Informational Only: Coast Property Management Contract Terms (Skowyra)
- Notification of Contracts Exceeding $250,000:Sum of Learning and CHILD (Mills)
- Informational Only: 2018-19 Schools’ Funding Allocations (Purple Book) (Sebring)

- Informational Only:Items Financial Impacts of Capacity Issues (Committee)

Huchoosedah Native American Services Culture Night
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - Boren Stem K-8

Tuesday, May 15th
Curriculum and Instruction Committee  at JSCEE from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda
- Approval of Highly Capable Annual Plan (Jessee/Hanson)
- High School/24 Credits Update (Perkins)
- School Board Policy Nos. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 – Electronic Learning (Krull/Kinoshita) 

Referral window for students in kindergarten through 8th grade for Advanced Learning begins 8 a.m., for the 2019-20 school year.  All referrals for testing are due by September 24, 2018, 5 p.m., to determine eligibility for school year 2019-20.  How to submit a referral.

Start of Ramadan. 

Wednesday, May 16th
Work Session: Human Resources JSCEE from 4:30 -6:00 pm

Thursday, May 17th
Executive Committee meeting at JSCEE from 3-5 pm.  No agenda yet available.

Saturday, May 19th
Community Meeting with Director DeWolf from noon to 1pm at Hing Hay Park, 
423 Maynard Ave S.


Getting Tired. said…

Hard to believe that the city will be asking for approximately $0.7B for education funding when they have done a dismal job handling public resources.

Here is a story that, due to fiscal mismanagement, will cost Seattle citizens an extra $100M per year:

" Behind the system’s struggles were allegations ranging from mismanagement to misconduct, leaving in their wake rising pension costs increasingly shouldered by the city and taxpayers at more than $100 million a year, a Seattle Times investigation has found."

In the last year, the budget overruns of just four city projects, or run-ups over original estimates, have totaled more than $200 million.

Seattle officials say they need to increase the city’s budget for its Elliott Bay Seawall replacement project by $71 million


The street car had a $50M shortfall.

The city's prek program cost $81M to serve approximately 2000 students.

At some point, voters may signal that they have had enough.
Anonymous said…
How can we get a copy of the highly capable plan that is going to be presented this week?

Melissa Westbrook said…
Contact Nate Van Duzer in Board office and as for committee meeting documents.
Anonymous said…
I see the district is still playing the $249,999 game. Biting my tongue!

What board
Melissa Westbrook said…
What Board, you need to clarify or you will be deleted.
Anonymous said…
Any expenditure $250K and above needs board approval. The end around is to write contracts for $249,999.

GHS Parent
Unknown said…
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