Tuesday Open Thread

Paul Allen has given $1M to Initiative 1639, a measure for gun control and responsibility.  His statement from GeekWire:

"Initiative 1639 is a reasonable and necessary measure that will improve the safety of our schools and our communities, which is why I have contributed a million dollars to the campaign.

I hope people throughout the state will support the campaign, so that we can qualify and pass this important initiative into law."
If passed, the initiative would raise the minimum age to purchase semiautomatic rifles to 21 and create more enhanced background checks, bringing the system in line with requirements to purchase handguns. The initiative would also require people to undergo firearm safety training before purchasing a semiautomatic weapon and require a waiting period of up to 10 days to purchase the weapon.
I have been selected to be on the new Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) that was put forth by Director Rick Burke.   We were told 125 people applied so I feel very honored to be part of this group.  We had our first meeting yesterday.  I'm happy to report we are a diverse group (at least half women) plus two student members, both of whom are great.  I'll have a separate thread on this.

Culinary arts news from SPS Communications; congrats to to the advanced culinary students at Franklin High who won the first annual Culinary Summit to create a "June Sundae."  Their creation?
Wild blueberries with Molly Moon Dark Fudge, paired with a shortbread cookie and a sprinkling of kosher salt, cinnamon and sugar. 

Their creation will be the feature sundae through the month of June at all Molly Moon locations across the city. The proceeds from “June Sundae” will be gifted to the Seattle Public Schools culinary program.  
Big shout-out to Molly Moon ice cream for supporting this effort!

There was also a competition for school lunches with these winning dishes:
  • Ingraham: Chicken and spinach quesadilla
  • West Seattle: Chicken street tacos with cilantro lime rice
  • Roosevelt: Chicken stir-fry
  • Rainier Beach: Turkey-BLT sandwich 
The winning entrees created by students in the school menu challenge will be incorporated into the 2018-19 districtwide school menu. 
What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
Paul Allen is a notorious sexual harasser (google it) he laid low in the last decade by having the women imported to his ship named the Octopus where he , well you get the idea.

Why do groups accept money from the Weinstein of Seattle?

Anonymous said…
We heap scorn on billionaires that spend their money to influence the country's education policies. What's different here? I'm not comfortable with a billionaire spending his money to restrict my civil rights.

Fed up
Eric B said…
Every civil right has limitations. You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Many people, myself included, are kinda tired of having the highest gun violence rates in the industrialized world and think it may be time for a better regulated militia. If the gun industry/gun owners/gun users aren't willing or able to keep their hobby from spilling over into everyone else's lives, then they're going to have to live with some pretty basic regulations.
Anonymous said…
The Friday Memo to the Board provides updates on the ethnic studies curriculum:

...in the spring of 2018, 35 teachers participated in an ethnic studies pilot at John Muir Elementary, Orca K-8 School, Denny International Middle School, Cleveland High School, Garfield High School and The Center School. With the support of a grant from the City of Seattle, supplemental materials are now in the process of being ordered and will be available for use in piloting schools in the fall of 2018.

...the units may be considered for Board adoption alongside instructional materials used in units during the 2018-2019 school year. In addition, we will propose to adopt “Since Time Immemorial” as a core instructional material.

another reader
Anonymous said…
How many gun safes can you buy for $2,000,000.

Just sayin
Anonymous said…
One thing I noticed on a map of school shootings since 2013 (https://everytownresearch.org/school-shootings/#2886) is that states with restrictive gun laws do not necessarily escape incidents. California has its share despite its strict laws. However, there is one glaring exception to my eye and that is New York state. Despite its high population it appears to be a "hole" in the school gun violence statistics. Why is that? What are they doing right - or is it a statistical anomaly?

Seeing gun possession as a civil right that protects against gov't control is a foolish anachronism. The Netherlands has a military, for example, that has been ridiculed for decades. Yet they have prodigious tech prowess and it is the Dutch that always have to warn us when we are being hacked and by whom. It is interesting to be living in the decade in which the US becomes a pathetic joke in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Anonymous said…
I Googled it and see no evidence whatsoever of Paul Allen as a 'notorious sexual harasser.' Without evidence, this is slanderous.

What the?
Anonymous said…
I think you need help in constructing search queries.

Search Results
Four Women Accuse Paul Haggis of Sexual Misconduct, Including ...

Jan 5, 2018 - A civil lawsuit was previously filed against the Oscar-winning filmmaker, prompting three more women to come forward.
Microsoft Co-Founder Is Accused of Harassment - latimes

Apr 4, 1998 - Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen has been sued for sexual harassment in Los Angeles Superior Court by a woman who says she was fired ...
Secret life of a bitter billionaire: Eclipsed by his fellow Microsoft ...

Apr 25, 2011 - In happier times: Paul Allen enjoys the company of his former friend Bill .... before her lawyer had accused him of mistreating four other women ...
Seattle News and Events | Paul Allen's Tinsel Town Nightmare

Oct 9, 2006 - Billionaire businessman Paul Allen and Hollywood deal-maker ... adult-rated court documents, revealing accusations of lying, stealing ... French villa, and cruises with lovely women on his 199-foot yacht in the Mediterranean.

Now ask me how I know about the Octopus-sy

Anonymous said…
The first article you posted is about Paul Haggis, not Paul Allen. The rest of the articles stem from the same single accusation and lawsuit, which was ultimately dismissed in court with prejudice.

What the?
Anonymous said…
@Cynic- Gun laws in NY are among the most restrictive in the country. https://www.gunstocarry.com/gun-laws-state/new-york-gun-laws/ and I would also argue (coming from NY state) that I did not know of many households that had guns. I did know a few that had rifles for hunting which were kept locked up. The culture of people in NY is also very different than everywhere especially states out west. In the rest of the US, I would guess that personal gun ownership (including of semi automatic weapons) is alot more prevalent. NY a state with some of the highest taxes in the nation, also spends more money than almost anywhere on mental health (also homeless) etc.
Anonymous said…
I agree with your suppositions - I also grew up in NY state. Hmm - more taxes, better mental health care, fewer guns = safer schools.

Anonymous said…
I only clicked on a dozen or so of the school gun violence "dots" on that website, but a few of them were incidents between adults, at night, but on school grounds. I wish they had an easy way to filter out incidents that are specific to student-related violence (by adults or kids), removing those that are more akin to a random park shooting, accidental gun firings by school staff (I clicked on a couple of those), etc. It kind of muddies things to include everything that happened on school grounds, even if it was not during school or by or targeting students. I'm not saying they should leave those out entirely, but it would be nice to be able to see things more clearly. Data on the accidental weapons discharges by personnel, for example, would be useful in the debate over arming teachers.

Anonymous said…
The WA state data just doesn't support their argument. WA residence own more guns per capita than TX and FL but have only a few public school shootings and none involved an AR-15 variant.


It would be better to setup a free gun safe program for law abiding citizens.

$2,000,000 could buy 15,000 rifle safes or 23,000 pistol safes.

Geez, those only work if used. Apparently there is a whole lotta gun owners who don't/won't use them.
Eric B said…
Let's just game that out, Geez. The gun ownership rate in WA is around 30% depending on the study. There are 5 million adults in WA, so that's 1.5 million or so gun owners. A recent UW study (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/uw-study-most-homes-in-washington-with-guns-do-not-store-the-firearms-safely/) found that only a third of those gun owners (500K) store their guns safely. So you want me to believe that buying 23,000 gun safes will make a meaningful difference?

That's laying aside the fact that those 1M people who don't store safely could do so at a cost of less than $100, a fraction of the cost of most guns. Makes one think that maybe they don't actually care that much about storing guns safely, and that maybe giving them gun safes wouldn't actually solve the problem.

Tell me another one about how responsible gun owners are.
Anonymous said…
Your assumptions are not supported by facts. Show me how many firearm deaths were from unsecured guns. I don't think it's even .0001% so it's not that many.

$2,000,000 is just the tip of the iceberg, you know that. So make it $100,000,000 campaign. Allen could give that and not even notice it's gone.

$100,000,000 buys 1,000,000 safes maybe even more.

Libs always wan't to use a stick when it comes to guns, but they love to give out other peoples carrots when it's for one of their progressive causes.

Anonymous said…
Since you're in to conflation,

In 2017 there were 13 Fatal bicycle car collisions in WA and zero school shootings. Now tell me how me another on how responsible car owners are.

So are you interested in school safety or just want to rid people of guns. I think think the latter.

This will just another unconstitutional law to be throw out along with all the money spent on it.

Eric B said…
Sigh. Were you even watching the news last week? Santa Fe High School was shot up by a student who took his father's guns without permission. Ten dead. They would be alive today if the guns had safely stored. Oh, and states with more permissive gun laws have higher rates of gun homicides. https://www.futurity.org/permissive-gun-laws-linked-to-more-homicides/ If you want to claim that gun safety laws don't increase gun safety, then go ahead and bring some data.

You also kinda missed my point. A million gun owners in this state do not store their guns safely, despite very low barriers to doing that. Giving them gun safes without requiring them to store safely won't do any good. A million gun owners in this state are doing the equivalent of driving without seat belts. Except it's worse than that, they're endangering their entire families too (7000 kids a year are killed or injured by accidental gun discharges). It's really more like they're driving around with their their kids climbing around the back seat. Is that how you roll? After all, it's no problem as long as you don't get in an accident.

Since we're on the old "why do you allow cars to drive around since they're so dangerous" canard, let's take a look at that too. I'd love to treat guns just like cars. Register every gun on the street. License and insure every gun owner. And have the equivalent to seat belt laws.

You got me. I'm not just interested in school safety. I'm interested in people in general being safe inside or outside of school. That's the kind of devious bastard I am. Seriously, I don't want to take your guns away. I just want reasonable safety standards. I don't even care if you have an Uzi as long as you keep it at the gun range.
"Show me how many firearm deaths were from unsecured guns."

What? I'll go find that data because there are a lot of small children dying from unsecured guns.

I'm with Eric on treating guns like cars.
Anonymous said…
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article211708274.html This is from just this week. Unsecured guns are a huge issue. -TeacherMom
Anonymous said…
Just make sure you only use Washington state data. As for cars, there are thousands of accidents a month in WA state with many fatalities. There are trained licensed insured drivers so your argument about license, training and insurance preventing ACCIDENTS are pure BS. Many divers are uninsured or driving without a license when they crash, woops.
Worst most drivers are under insured leaving lots of unpaid medical bills for taxpayers to pick up.

You can have a car as long as you leave it at the race track!

Eric B said…
Geez, I give you a 4/10 for the trolling. You did a nice job waiting to bring up the car comparison and "libs want to steal all our guns!!1!" arguments until a couple of posts in. The "Paul Allen could spend all his money on this other thing" diversion was a good one to start with. But the "unsecured guns aren't an issue" argument really was poor form this week. Wait another month or so on that until we've had another few school shootings so people have forgotten Santa Fe. And now you've gone to the desperation move of "laws don't work since there are uninsured drivers!". Do you also oppose murder laws? After all, people still kill each other (sometimes not even with guns) so those laws don't work!

You know why the cars vs. guns argument doesn't hold up? Because cars are subject to ever-increasing safety standards. I'd love that to be true of guns. And you know what? The safety standards work. In 1950, there were 7.2 fatalities per 100,000 vehicle miles traveled. In 2016, that was 1.2/100,000. By steadily improving safety standards and laws, we've cut the fatality rate by a factor of 6. So tell me again why safety standards don't work?

I suggest taking Trolling 102 at your local training facility. I'm done here.
Anonymous said…
As in "we" do you mean WA? We or WA state does not have a school shooting problem or even an accidental shooting problem.

While the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths vary by age of the child, the overall leading causes for Washington children are motor vehicle crashes, poisoning, suffocation and drowning. The three most common causes for nonfatal unintentional injury hospitalizations for Washington children were falls/ jumps/ pushes, motor vehicle crashes, and injuries caused by being struck accidentally by an object or person.1,2 

Look closely...no mention of guns. I know it's hard for you to handle facts.


Anonymous said…
Here's the 2015 breakdown for firearms. Of 714 incidents 535 were self inflicted. Unintentional injury 2. I'm sure most of those 535 lost souls would have known the combination to their own safe.

The data just doesn't support your proposed path of gun restrictions. Maybe if the liberal press hyped up traffic deaths as they do shooting you would be screaming to ban cars?

Total Handgun Rifle or Shotgun

Rate2 No. Crude Rate1 Age-Adj Rate2 No. Crude Rate1 Age-Adj Rate2
Total 714 10.1 9.9 391 5.5 5.4 83 1.2 1.2 240 3.4 3.4
Unintentional Injury (Accident) 2 * * 1 * * 0 * * 1 * *
Self-Harm (Suicide) 535 7.6 7.3 351 5.0 4.8 76 1.1 1.1 108 1.5 1.5
Assault (Homicide) 160 2.3 2.3 38 0.5 0.6 7 0.1 0.1 115 1.6 1.7
Undetermined 4 * * 1 * * 0 * * 3 * *
Legal Intervention 13 0.2 0.2 0 * * 0 * * 13 0.2 0.2

I'm not sure if you have taken the time to research it, but you can be charged with involuntary manslaughter for not securing guns from children.

Anonymous said…
Safety standards? You do know that guns have safetys? It's nearly impossible for modern firearms to accidentally discharge with or without the safety on. Oh you must mean safety like taking off your shoes before boarding an airplane.

Eric B said…
"WA doesn't have a school shooting problem." That's only true as long as you start your timeline after the Marysville high school shooting (5 dead, 3 injured, shooter used the parent's gun stored unsafely) and you ignore the Mukilteo shooting (3 dead, 1 injured, 19-year-old purchased an AR-15 legally) that was one student killing peers at a party outside of schools. I guess most fact checking sites would give you a "mostly false" instead of "pants on fire" so that's something.

Accidental shootings aren't a problem in WA? The dozen kids killed or injured in 2014-2016 might disagree with you. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/accidental-shootings-killing-injuring-washington-state-children/ At what point is it a problem? Put a price on how many kids have to die in a year in Washington before you're willing to accept the slightest restriction on your precious guns. Is it 5? 10? 20? 100? What's your price?

When was the last time a person was charged with involuntary manslaughter for failing to secure a gun in WA? Every article I've seen, the police said that the families had suffered enough because Mom or Dad or brother or sister or friend was dead. The ST article linked above points to that.

That article also points out that Children's Hospital has been giving out gun safes for free for years. They've managed to give away 2,500, barely a dent in the million or so gun owners who store unsafely. So there's apparently not a huge demand for gun safes out there among the "responsible gun owner" community. I guess Paul Allen can keep his billions.

You keep saying I want to take your guns. You're lying. I want reasonable restrictions on who can buy guns and what features they can have.

You keep on down the road of car accidents. That's just a terrible argument. Cars have had enormous changes in just the past decade to minimize risk of death from accidents. Streets and speed limits have changed throughout Seattle to minimize deaths from car-pedestrian and car-bicycle accidents. And somehow life goes on in the city and people keep on driving their cars and fewer people die from accidents. Crazy, right?

On guns, you've got nearly nothing. I'm not going to suggest technological changes to guns because we don't actually know what works in general because nearly all federal safety research into guns has been stopped. You really want to do the same level of research and regulation on guns as they have for cars? Bring it on.
Anonymous said…
Or we just repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban the private ownership of guns.

Children's lives matter more than some dude's desire to feel like a big man by owning a firearm.

Melt Down
Anonymous said…
Why stop at the 2nd ?

Why does owning a gun make one feel like a big man. What about big women that use guns to stop big men. I guess you don't want them to be able to protect themselves?

Did you read the data that shows children are killed in cars more than any other cause?

Why do you assume I don't care if children are shot? Oh and you're bigly wrong on people not being charged,

Apr 19, 2018 - MERRILLVILLE, Ind. — Police say an Indiana man is facing charges after his 3-year-old daughter accidentally shot her pregnant mother with a ...

S. Jersey officer charged after leaving unsecured gun that killed ...

Jan 21, 2017 - Stratford police officer Kenneth Righter left a loaded and unsecured .357 revolver in reach of his 8-year-old daughter, Sailor, who was fatally shot New Year's Eve at ... did not say whether Sailor or another family member fired the gun, ... the guidelines state, adding, “Officers are encouraged to purchase a ...

Father charged with firearms offences over 3yo daughter's gunshot ...

Aug 27, 2017 - The 43-year-old father was charged with not keeping firearms safe, ... Police said the girl's mother was in the house when her daughter ... Another neighbour, Mark Tupua, told the ABC he rushed outside ... Photo: Police outside the Lalor Park home where a 3-year-old girl was fatally shot on

Eric B said…
Oh, Geez. I'm sorry, but you were the one who made the rule that only things that happen in Washington count. No takesy-backsies now. How many people in Washington have been prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter for failure to store safely? You might also have noticed that the last one was from Australia. You know, where they had a major school shooting a couple of decades ago, dramatically changed their gun laws, and haven't had a similar case since? In the meantime, we've had a dozen or so on the same scale on this side of the Pacific.

You keep talking about children killed by cars. In years 2008-2010, 28 kids age 0-24 were killed in car crashes (https://www.doh.wa.gov/portals/1/Documents/2900/DOH530090MtrVeh.pdf), or 9 per year. 2011-2013 had 8 gun deaths for the same age range (https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Pubs/346057.pdf).

You're obviously OK with 3 kids being killed by gunfire in a year. Is 10 too many? 20? What's your price?
Anonymous said…
I like to think of the future. Private gun ownership will be illegal. The government will be responsible for the safety of citizens. We will have no more racist, corrupt law enforcement officials.' We will have a clean environment.

If we don't have those things, our species will perish and it will be soon, so why not star down that road and quit pussy-footing around. Complete gun abolition. Complete police reform. Complete end to government corruption. Complete end to the destruction of the environment.
And of course, the complete end of violence towards animals by eating them.

ironing bored
Anonymous said…
The 2 favorite anti-gun straw-mans libs like best 1. Australia has no mass shootings...wrong

May 11, 2018

CANBERRA, Australia -- It could be Australia's worst mass shooting in 22 years. A family of seven including four children was found dead with gunshot wounds Friday at a rural property in southwest Australia in, police and media said. The children died with their mother and grandparents.

2. Norway is a socialist country and is what the U.S should model after and has no gun violence...wrong.

The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli),[14] the date of the events, were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp. The attacks claimed a total of 77 lives.

Look at the massive flip flop by the libs on government. Libs now think the government should control every aspect of a person's life. Libs used to think the government was the boogieman.

Now back to the facts...

Marysville cop charged with manslaughter in daughter's death | The ...

May 22, 2012 - A Marysville police officer whose daughter was fatally shot by his 3-year-old son with a loaded handgun left in the family van was charged with manslaughter.

Dec 6, 2017 - The Cowlitz County Prosecutor's Office has charged 13-year-old Dawson Anthony Dunn of Kelso with first-degree manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of his ... Dunn told the detective that he racked the gun to make sure it was ....


A Kent man was sentenced to a year in federal prison Friday for selling a gun to a ... Ladera was charged with a crime because he sold a Smith and Wesson .40 ... If Smiornov had been a legal resident of Washington state, Ladera would not ...

Jan 24, 2017 - EVERETT — An Everett man is now charged with first-degree ... Duncan also told police he was unfamiliar with firearms, saying it was the first ...

Anonymous said…
Do you think it should be illegal for other animals to eat humans?

Eric B said…
Ooooh. A nice attempt at a burn. Norway! Australia! Oh, but those pesky facts keep getting in the way. Firearms use in homicides in Australia was down 57% since stricter gun laws were introduced. (https://www.factcheck.org/2017/10/gun-control-australia-updated/) Australia has 1.04 firearms related deaths per 100,000 population. Norway 1.75/100K. The US has 11.96/100K. Yeah, I'd take that rate. It doesn't mean nobody would be killed by guns, but I'd sure take 30,000 fewer deaths by gunfire per year.

2/10 for bringing up counterexamples without knowing the facts behind them. Remedial work necessary. I do appreciate your hard work in proving my point for me.

How many kids dying from gunfire every year is OK? What's an acceptable price?

Facts can be tough for some to get their head around; America is the only country to have continual school shootings and the only country that generally thinks it cannot be fixed! UK banned guns in '96, and no school shootings since (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dunblane-school-shootings-ban).

Geez puts guns over kids and is deluded enough to think his silly google searches make him someone we can learn from. Sounds like a standard MAGAt to me.
And that Australia story? The first one in a long time and it involved a family, not random people.

Geez, "bigly?" Well, isn't that the dog whistle. Move along, Geez. You've made your point.
Anonymous said…
We are talking about a initiative in WA state not the US. The initiative will be ruled unconstitutional. Why don't you care about children killed by cars? Even if you remove all guns children will still die in cars.

I don't want to see any children die, but more children will die from opioid overdoses than guns in WA state. Where's your outrage. Legalizing weed (the progressive drug of choice) shows just how little liberals really care about children.

I just don't buy what you're selling, but at least some are honest in admitting they want to rid the world of guns. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said…
The shootings in WA are far from random. So me the data on random shootings.

Darn facts again.

Anonymous said…
Unfortunately the Australia incident proves that you CAN'T eliminate these type of tragic events despite having robust anti gun laws. Similar to the Norwegian tragedy.

The idea that a person hellbent on killing would keep their guns at a shooting range is ridiculous. I remember the story, "There was an old lady who wallowed a fly".

It's very fitting when thinking about gun control and human psychology.

Just facts
Eric B said…
Did anyone say you eliminate all gun deaths or car deaths? Um, no. I said I'd like to reduce them. There's a mechanism for doing that with cars, and it's been pretty damn successful. I'd like the same thing to happen with guns. Norway and Australia prove that you can dramatically REDUCE the number of gun deaths. I'd like there to be zero. But I'd sure rather have 3000/year than 30,000/year.

If you don't want to see any children die, and you think that everyone having gun safes is the solution, why don't you support an initiative requiring people to use gun safes?

Never mind, I don't really want to know your twisted logic on that one. It's pretty clear that there is no price that's too high for society to pay as long as you get to cradle your sweet, sweet firearm and you drift off to sleep every night.
Oh look, it's Mayor Durkan:

"Mayor Jenny Durkan is proposing new Seattle gun control legislation to tighten regulations around safe storage of firearms. It will also penalize gun owners who fail to report lost or stolen guns, or if their firearms are misused by an “unauthorized user.”

“The roots of gun violence are complex, but we know that unsecured, unsafely stored guns help fuel this crisis of violence because they are more likely to cause tragic accidents, fall into the wrong hands, or be used in suicides,” Durkan said. “Requiring that gun owners safely store their guns can help make our communities safer places to live.”


Yup. But I think the fine for unauthorized use should be much higher. Nothing gets people's attention like money.
Anonymous said…
I agree. The fine for violation of the "safe storage" provision should be $5k, not $500-1000.

Also, if this passes, SPS should incorporate in into the "back to school" or new enrollment paperwork. A brightly colored sheet that says, in big letters, something like " YOU COULD BE FINED $5000-10,000 if your child or another student student briings a gun onto a school campus or elsewhere in Seattle. Please secure all guns to prevent unauthorized access by minors, at-risk individuals, and those not permitted to access guns. If you need financial assistance obtaining a gun safe for safe gun storage, here are some resources... " (The notice should also provide a link to, and/or summary of, the new city law, since many may not hear of it.)

Anonymous said…
Um, the worst mass shooting in 22 years? And you consider that as proof that gun laws DON'T work? Seven dead would not be the worst mass shooting in the US in 22 DAYS. It's out of control here, and anyone still capable of rational thought knows it.

Rational Thought

Anonymous said…

worth reading
Anonymous said…
Washington state mass shootings ordered by total number of deaths

Wah Mee Club 1983 13 armed robbery handguns
Capital Hill 6 2006 unknown shotgun handgun
Skagit County shooting spree 6 2008 30/30 handgun
Carnation murders 6 2007 greed handguns
Trang Dai 1998 5 personal gripe AK-47
Cafe Racer 2012 5 rage handgun
Pilchuck High school 5 2014 revenge handgun *
Cascade mall 5 2016 terrorist 22 rifle *
Lakewood 4 2009 hate crime handgun
Mukilteo 3 2016 revenge AR-556
Frontier school 1081 3 mental illness 30/30 and handgun

* unsecured weapon used

Deaths using "assault rifle = 8
Deaths using handgun = 43
Deaths using shotguns = 6
Deaths using other riles = 14

Students killed = 7
teachers killed = 1
police killed = 4

I think I captured all the mass shootings, if you remove the Wahmee you are left 10 mass shootings will 48 deaths.
I'm not in anyway trying to minimize the tragedy of people being killed, but the data does not support an epidemic of
school shootings or mass shootings involving assault rifles or unsecured guns.

These are the high profile crimes and only the ones with 2 or more deaths.

Just facts

Anonymous said…
@ just facts, that list seems to be incomplete. 2012 Cafe Racer shooting in Seattle, for one.

Missing Some?

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