Naviance Information

The district is having five meetings at five high schools to explain the use of the Naviance system for college and career guidance.
The College and Career Readiness team will hold five regional information meetings to give parents and community members an opportunity to talk directly with staff about the benefits of Naviance, the plan for implementing this tool, the steps we are taking to protect student data, and the opportunity for families to opt out of this tool if interested.  
The first was this week at Cleveland High School - did anyone attend? Here's the district's Naviance page.

  • Sept 4, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Cleveland High School
  • Sept 6, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: West Seattle High School
  • Sept. 10, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Garfield High School
  • Sept. 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Roosevelt High School
  • Sept 13, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Ingraham High School                                                                                         
I will have to ask but I think even if your student starts, you can still opt-out at some point.  You just may not be able to retrieve the data your student has already given.

Personally, I would not do it until it becomes clear how much data is being asked for and what kinds of real (and useful) information that students can see and use with this system.

A couple of need-to-know items:
1) Your child CANNOT sign up without your permission.  The default - if a parent/guardian does not opt the student out, is that the student is enrolled.  However, if a parent/guardian DOES opt their child out, no student can then opt themselves back in.
2.  The opt-out window is September 4-19th via The Source.
3) If you opt-out, the school must provide an alternative method for accessing college and career information.  If anyone here does opt-out, let me know what you are provided.

Once the second opt-out window opens, parents and guardians can opt out their 8th - 12th grade student out of Naviance by updating your preferences in the Source. 
A second window will open September 4 through September 19.


SE said…
For those who are on the fence, this is a list of the data that will be sent out from the district. To whom? We don't know. The district promised to list all the third party related companies that would receive student data, but they have yet to provide that list.

* Student Information [unclear what this means here]
* Proxy-ID [unclear where this will be used]
* Student first name
* Student last name
* School
* Grade level
* School information
* Teacher information
* Sections/Classes information
* Student classes
* School admin information
* Date of Birth
* Transcripts
* Graduation Date
* All Student Courses
* Student’s official GPA [how does this differ from GPA?]
* ACT/SAT Scores
* Ethnicity
* Gender
* College Bound flag
* SPED flag
* ELL flag
* Running Start flag
* Parent first name
* Parent last name
* Parent email

Yes, ethnicity and gender are part of this. And how did parent data become part of this?
Anonymous said…
I attended the meeting at Garfield last night. The meetings are essentially an introduction to what Naviance is and a presentation of its pros and cons, or the rationale behind the District's decision to implement it. In essence, what you can learn here but in person:

The meeting was NOT a tutorial on how to use Naviance, or even a demonstration. But the District representatives did a good job answer specific questions.

Disclosure - I have been a Naviance fan for several years, our private school uses it and I/we played around with it when the kids were in middle school. It is a spiffy tool that you can easily envision some frustrated parent inventing after an arduous round of college/career planning and application.

An audience member specifically asked the question whether data can be removed from the system once entered and the answer was YES. You will have to call the District directly to request this, though, it is not automatic.


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