Statement from OSPI on Waivers Due to Snowy Weather
On February 8, Governor Inslee issued a proclamation declaring a statewide state of emergency related to this week’s winter storm. We expect the proclamation to be lifted at midnight on February 15, 2019.
State law allows the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to waive missed school days, and school districts will have the opportunity to apply to waive days that were missed while the state of emergency was in effect. However, there is no legal authority to waive the mandatory average of 1,027 hours of instruction for students.
Even when a waiver is granted for missed days during a state of emergency declared by the governor, school districts are required to meet the average total instructional hour offerings. Most districts have a daily schedule that more than ensures they meet 1,027 hours even if they reduce their total days by two or three. When that can’t be achieved, districts will continue to meet their required hours by eliminating release days, adding days to the end of the year, or by any other means legally provided to local school boards.
Some members of the public have expressed concern about the potential need to move graduation dates as a result of missed days. This is entirely a local decision, but past experience has shown us districts do not typically need to move graduation dates as a result of severe weather or makeup days that may be necessary.
Although storms and events like this can disrupt school districts’ planned yearly calendars, there are many ways to make up instructional hours and I am confident our schools will plan accordingly. We do not expect districts to apply for waivers until we are completely through the winter season, and all of the unforeseen weather impacts are behind us.
IB students are in a similar situation as AP students - with the added issue of many taking a full load of IB classes. They will be done with testing by the end of May, yet will still need to twiddle their thumbs for another month.
New York City starts after Labor Day.
Most Massachusetts school start after Labor Day.
Philadelphia and Chicago public schools all start after Labor Day in 2019.
Portland Public Schools (OR) start after Labor Day in 2019.
Testing drives the calendar in states with a higher level of lower-income populations, and also states that have attached high-stakes to testing.
-South End Teacher
Fairmount Parent
@Fairmont Parent, my partner is UW faculty who has reviewed credit-hour requirements, and you misinterpret them here.
In any case, these are state requirements outside of SPS control. My reading, is SPS will look to waive the non-contact days after after Mon Jun 24, and after... As teachers we have to determine how to shorten instruction and that's a challenge, often we are still beholden to high-stakes tests...
-South End Teacher
As South End Teacher has stated this does not help students achievement.
"As a teacher of an AP course, my students start a month behind the rest of the country. Starting at the end of August instead of after labor day wouldn't be a bad thing..."
I agree and wish our calendar year for all our high school students was better aligned to truly help our kids on pathways to college, instead of placing them at a disadvantage. I am curious as to how the high school schedule aligns with running start as well.
Adding to the issue, our only local commutable (no room & board can equal more affordable) in-state university in Seattle UW also is much more competitive than it should be for certain majors such as engineering and computer science.
SPS seriously wants to help their students achievement? They should be doing whatever they can to better align their schedule so teachers and students do not have an unfair burden. They should be helping our local students college readiness.