Tuesday Open Thread

Via Twitter: 
Congratulations Jasmine Gayles on eclipsing 1,000 career points! 
This would be West Seattle High School basketball star, Jasmine Gayles.

Have a senior? Have them open a BECU account because then they can apply for these scholarships.

Amazon has a number of summer camps/internships for STEM-minded kids of all ages. 

From Facebook:
Please contact your state legislator. To quote Senator Jamie Pedersen, "As the father of four kids in Seattle Public Schools, I am well aware of the need [to fund schools]. But as you may have heard from some remarks I made a few weeks ago at the Washington MS PTSA meeting, we have been hearing a lot more about vaccinations, guns, and orcas than about education funding." He's working on education but needs support from his colleagues. Here's the link to find your reps and their email addresses:
Please let them know that education funding is still high on your priority list. The alternative plan for Seattle Public Schools next year is to cut librarians and assistant principals. 
Please consider doing this or you may have an unpleasant surprise at your school when you either have a half-time librarian or counselor or none at all.

From SPS via Twitter:

Due to snow days, the district has extended the Open Enrollment deadline to Fri., Feb. 22. Learn more:

From the Office of the Mayor:
In her State of the City speech at North Seattle College, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced the Seattle Promise Equity Scholarship to provide $1,000 in additional funding for Seattle Promise College Tuition Program students who face financial barriers to post-secondary education. 
The Seattle Promise Equity Scholarship will fund non-tuition related expenses such as books, child care, food, housing, or transportation. Approximately 41% of current students are estimated to be eligible for the new scholarship.
All Seattle Public High School seniors are eligible and encouraged to sign up for the Seattle Promise Program by February 23. Sign up for the Seattle Promise here. 
What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
I just saw communication from Shoreline SD that the only feasible way to make up snow days and get to required number of hours is to waive only 1 day and adding remaining days to the calendar.
I would expect Seattle to be similar. So at this point (assuming no further snow days) the last day of school will be around June 26.
NW Parent
Anonymous said…
Some good news regarding Sec. DeVos:


crime watch
No Wednesday said…
We're supposed to get snow next week. It is time to eliminate early release days.

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