Hampson Fast to Show Her Stance

As many may recall, former SCPTSA president (and all-around loudmouth) Sebrena Burr had many, many words to say at the last Board meeting, including name-calling me.

And now, at her Facebook page (again, who are these people that leave their Facebook pages open?), she says talks about the Board members, calling some out as "racist" AND Hampson hearted the entire thing. (This was sent to me; I didn't go looking.)

So let's play the game of "Who is She Talking About? 

So "one kept her seat" is clearly President Harris.

And "one was strategically put in?"  I'd guess Director Hersey because he is the only director "put in." To this day, there are still articles written about how unfairly Emijah Smith was treated. I think many in D7 just will never truly accept Hersey as a director.

And "we have three directors who get it" would be Rankin, Hampson and DeWolf?  Not sure if it's the latter.  But then  "one who is confused as to who he serves and why he is on the Board." I'm guessing that's  Hersey but who knows?  Even those in the comments aren't sure.

But if she means Hersey, well, I guess he might want to fall in line or else what?

Previously on Facebook Burr said in speaking about Hampson, "Director Hampson, you will do amazing work and hold that racist on the school board accountable and aware of the impact of their decisions."

So buckle up, Buttercup, because it would appear that Hampson is there to be the director version of TCG.


Anonymous said…
The day after the election you chose to post a picture of someone's personal FB page to show someone that doesn't care about you "hearted" a comment? Really?
Let that sink in.

Fed Up
Yes, really.

It IS news that a newly-minted director "loves" the assessment of a friend who calls several people - on the board that the new director will be on - "racists."

That sure will be interesting to see how fast Hampson says this out loud and in public to her new colleagues.

As I said previously about Burr and now about Hampson - I could give a rat's ass what they think about me.
NSP said…
The one strategically put in is Lisa Rivera Smith. It was all part of your mustache-twirling plot to control the School Board (/s on the last part).
Oh, Smith - I had forgotten about her so great were my machinations.

No idea what your thought in parens means.
NSP said…
/s indicates that the previous comment was sarcasm. It seemed necessary because otherwise people might think that I was being serious. (ref. Poe's Law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)
Ah, thanks, NSP, I learned something new.
Also, let me be clear - someone can have a "personal" Facebook page but if the door is open, ANYONE can walk thru. Facebook gives you all kinds of controls on that and it surprises me that many people don't use them.

As I said previously, I would never print something personal about any of these people but if they are talking about school district issues AND the people who will govern them, I'm all ears.
Listen Carefully said…
I tried to warn readers about Hampson.
Anonymous said…
She should not be calling good people names "liars" and "racists". What bullying behavior! People like this one get burned out sooner or later, because they are so full of misplaced hatred for decent people. She could focus on work she believes in, but when you go about spewing hatred about good decent people in the process many stop listening.

Hampson and Rankin don't seem (from a distance) the same kind of personality. My guess (without knowing her) is Hampson may support the passion of some people for helping AA males, but not the negativity and name calling toward others. At least I hope there won't be any bullies on the board that support bullying and misguided behavior toward others.

Hope for best
Anonymous said…
Melissa - You do us all a great service by showing those of us who don't use social media what is being said/shared in a public forum by school district employees and board members acting in that capacity. This potentially affects all of us who have students at SPS. And to the posters who complain about her doing this - even our kids know not to post things publically on the internet/social media if you'd be embarrassed (or worse) by your enemies, your employer, or your grandma seeing it

Thanks MW
Anonymous said…
News Flash!

Two women of color agree to eradicate racism from the governing body of the largest school district in the state!

This is only "news" to people afraid of this being a reality and people who haven't been paying attention. Hampson and Burr have been very vocal about their intentions and the direction they want the district to go. So much so, you've called Burr a "loudmouth". What happened to the no name-calling rule?

This is your blind spot: a lot of people want people like Hampson, Burr, and TCG who don't give a "rat's ass" about what people like you and your readers think. TCG openly mocks and laughs at you. She has turned "Tracy Train" into a hashtag because of you saying someone "jumped on the Tracy Train". Other people are now posting about how they are on board the #TracyTrain. You are providing them fodder with posts like this.

Hampson won in a landslide with the slogan, "tough mother energy". People must appreciate that and want that personality on the board. Burr and TCG supported Rankin and Rankin's winning. Hampson, Burr, and TCG must have more credibility and likeability than you give them credit for - which is probably why you seem to be obsessed with them.

I think it would behoove you to take a step back, do an assessment of what's happening and how the landscape in SPS is changing if you want to remain relevant in terms other than being the laughing stock.

Keeping Score
Hope for the Best, I like your hopeful comments. Except that Burr was viciously clear in her comments - she had a previous post congratulating Hampson on her win - and Hampson "loved" them.

Rankin may not be that bad but Hampson certainly is.
Unimpressed said…
Liza Rankin shared this post to her facebook page.
Unimpressed said…
Actually, Burr tagged Rankin. None the less. The post is on Rankin's facebook page.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Keeping Score
Burr might be passionate about things, but that gives her no right to slander and bully decent good people. It's just wrong. She also is harsh in her criticism of Hersey "he does not know who he serves". Maybe he is not into social media culture and feels he serves 53,000 kids as a role model. Did she ask him? This behavior and language does nothing but seed division. Obama recently called attention to this type of social media behavior.

It's not very progressive at all, it's not positive but very negative, and does not inspire any change. If you don't see that in her post, you should not be working around children. I sure hope you are not a teacher. My kid would be out of your class fast.

Hope for Best
Burr kinda threw down the gauntlet so for her, I'll make an exception (plus no one watching the previous Board meeting would disagree with her loudness - that's not a judgement, that's factual).

And TCG is losing her own board race so there's that.

Hope for Best,yes,that's true about Obama trying to fight for some civility.

And, there is very much an Us versus Them group forming in the district and it will serve no one well.

Anonymous said…
Us versus Them is a result of having to contend with the mentality in the district that had the power until recent: All about us, all the time."

The privileged people in the district overplayed their card. The recalibration toward more fairness is way overdue.

Anonymous said…
I see that the strike facebook page is considering removing their posting rules to eliminate "assume best intent" Posters are protesting the 'assumption of good intent', or the 'assumption of positive intent.'

I believe they are talking about issues surrounding race. But I have been seeing this kind of message everywhere lately. Concerning difference around religion, national origin, gender, sexuality, disability status, age, geographic region, political affiliations, heck even bike lanes.

I am a little shocked. It seems we should all just assume that everyone has evil intent. Everyone is an enemy. This seems to be the new national mantra or the new national religion.

It is hard to imagine any community benefit to this kind of thinking. Or how even an organization like SPS could function if everyone working there are all assuming evil intent from each other, parents, board members, children.

Perhaps I am just too old to understand this social movement. But I have lived in places like northern Ireland, Serbia & Mozambique. Turning everyone into an enemy is risky.

Anonymous said…
Ring... ring...
Me: "Director Elect Hampson, Melissa Westbrook thinks there is something really truculent about you "hearting" a private citizen's Facebook post"

Director Hampson hangs up.

Fed Up

Anonymous said…
Tired, It's partly due to social media culture I think.

Tired Too
Anonymous said…
Fed Up You know it's not great that Hampson "hearted" a statement from someone that called one board members "a racist", insulted another as "clueless", and someone else running for the board a "liar". Not good at all for a new board member to do who will be working with other hard working people, supposedly on many issues affecting the district. Not good at all. It's pretty rude. But then again the way the term "racist" is being used so carelessly lately by some, it's starting to lose its meaning and desired effect. If you don't fit into my box and express a different opinion, you are "a racist"! It's like crying wolf too many times without cause. Sigh. But intelligent people who refused to be bullied by name calling will keep sharing their opinions and thoughts and "speaking their own truth".

Tired, thanks for those insights.

I can only say that if you want a Board that works together, not a great start and especially someone just coming on-board.

Interesting, Burr took this down. Thank goodness for screenshots.

Anonymous said…
I really don't understand what it is that the likes of @karma thinks privileged people in the district are getting thats special or more than any others. That some so called privileged kids might get into HCC (if they qualify) doesn't mean they get anything more or better than any other students. Same kind of teachers, same curriculum (but a year or two ahead), still limited school resources, still a mix of kids in classes - some studious, some disruptive, some with IEPs. All that differs is the fact the classwork is accelerated. I wish someone could articulate what this mythological "privilege" is that they are getting. If a 3rd grade student can read and write or do math at 5 or 6th grade level it is not a privilege for them to be taught the 5th grade curriculum along with other kids of similar ability - it is a basic education. It is no different to what the 3rd graders who are still in the process of learning to read, write and do math at 3rd grade level along with other 3rd graders are getting.

Make it about race and privilege all you like. The fact that remains and always will is that not all students are of equal academic ability for whatever reason. The district goal should be for ALL students to MAKE PROGRESS academically, regardless of race, parental income, current level of achievement.

p word
Anonymous said…
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Linh-Co said…
@4More years

LOL!!! You're clueless. I have no association with any Asian organizations. How reacist are you to generalize.
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Anonymous said…
I am sorry for SPS that we will not have Eric Blumhagen on the board. Because of it, I think that we can expect less transparency, less accountability and bigger impact from unintended consequences overlooked by new district leadership & inexperienced board members.

But I think I am glad for Him.

-HS Parent1
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This is my new favorite place. We are going to get jiggy over the next four years.

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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Melissa, your level of obsession and twisted reality is dangerous. If anyone knows Sebrena Burr, they will tell you she stands by what she says. Someone with the courage to call out elected officials the way she does is not going to chicken out because Melissa Westbrook's blog is reporting on her personal fb page and rush to "scrub it clean". The post is alive and well.

Fed Up
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Geez, it looks like the inmates have escaped.

U. R. Delusional

Fed Up, I just checked again. Not there. I know where it was in relation to other recent posts (and she called a member of the current Board a racist there, too).

I think we're done here.

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