Seattle School Board Listens to Anti-Maskers (Probably Anti-Vaxxers as well)

 There were a number of items to note at last Wednesday's Board meeting (and there will be a separate post about them). 

What was of interest on the agenda were a number of people signed up to speak on:

Support For The Board

Empathy for the school board and for students

- Standing With The Board

What it turned out to be were "Seattle parents" who think it's awful that the Governor and OSPI are trying to tell districts to stay masked up. They also said that WSSDA (the Washington State School Directors Association) were trying to tell the SPS Board what to do. They went onto to say that the Board could get sued over this and that was "worrying." They said masks are wrong, kids can't breath, etc. They said they were part of a group called the Washington Parents Alliance. 

They all spoke calmly and seemed to want to both threaten and support the Board at the same time.

First, most of them are likely not SPS parents (although one parent said she has had kids in SPS for 22 years). 

Second, Director Leslie Harris, in her comments, seemed to be saying this group is sending each Board member reams of print material. She said she didn't appreciate being threatened with prison and lawsuits.

Third, State Superintendent Chris Reykdal had just that day said this in a press release (partial):

As part of the transition from pandemic to endemic, I believe it is safe and timely to eliminate the statewide masking requirement for students and allow for a decision by local health officials. I recommend the Governor and Department of Health change the guidance to reflect this in the coming weeks. 

As part of my recommendation to the Department of Health and the Governor, I expect schools will continue to have rapid tests on-site to quickly assess symptomatic students, staff, and close contacts. Those who test positive will continue to isolate and quarantine until their symptoms subside. 
As a reminder, masks are still required in the school environment at this time per Department of Health requirements.

This is ultimately a decision of the Governor, with professional guidance from officials at the Department of Health, and I will uphold and respect their ultimate decision and guidance for our students and school personnel.

Fourth, what is the Washington Parents Alliance (partial):

If you have found this page you are likely a parent, grandparent, teacher or school employee who would like to free Washington’s children from mandated masks and experimental vaccines. WAPA is a grassroots movement of citizens united as one voice, carrying out a legal action that our sheriffs should be doing. Collectively, we will take action after the New Year.

They appear to be a low-end "parents" group that doesn't want COVID to go away anytime soon. Their website is scant with info and, of course, there are no names attached. 


Brian in Ballard said…
The name may be WAPA, but the covid spreading effect of their anti masking, anti vax mission is not guapa. Likely some overlap with the new legislature lobbying phenom Conservative Ladies of Washington, perhaps the Ashli Babbitt Chapter thereof, who seem to comprise a kind of Women for Trump group, per their website. Good on Director Harris for staring down these goons.

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