A Gentle Reminder

Folks, I do this work as a labor of love. Public education matters greatly to me and since I've invested so much time in learned about Seattle Public Schools, I write about them a lot.

You also know that I put up so many other links like good news, state education stories, national education stories, educational opportunities, etc. 

At any given time, I have at least 5-10 stories in the hopper because I know that I HAVE the time to go out and find, read and write about these stories and most parents don't. Some stories just have to wait because of breaking news. 

So it stings a little when I see comments about how I don't cover Story X (but I print that comment anyway). If you think I'm missing a big story, could you just email me (sss.westbrook@gmail.com) rather than try to make some public point? I would appreciate that. 



Anonymous said…
Melissa - so appreciate all you do!

Anonymous said…
Appreciate you, Melissa!

There’s always some dumb commentor that thinks they’re entitled to tell you what to do. Ah, Internet.

This Blog is Gold
Anonymous said…
Thank you for attending so many meetings and recapping for us. And for requesting so many public records and sharing. So many parents are stretched thin these days. It's a huge help.

Middle Seattle
Anonymous said…
Truly appreciate what you do and the immense amount of work it must take. Seattle Times has such shallow, infrequent coverage of SPS. Thank god we have someone willing to do the legwork to inform parents and voters what’s going on at JSCEE.

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