This and That SPS

From the Well, That's Not Good file( from KING 5): Man charged after being found with 20,000 fentanyl pills, 17 pounds of meth outside Seattle high school

A man that was caught with 20,000 fentanyl pills and 17 pounds of meth outside a Seattle high school was federally charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute on Thursday.

On June 12, Seattle police were called to Cleveland High School near Seattle's Beacon Hill and Georgetown neighborhoods to a report that someone was partially parked on the sidewalk and sleeping in their car.

When police arrived, they found Valela and a female passenger slumped over in a purple and blue color shift Mercedes SUV. The passenger side wheels of the car were on the curb in front of the high school.

Per Seattle police policy, officers began to inventory the valuables in the vehicle before impounding it. After locating what appeared to be a gallon-sized bag of meth in the passenger side of the car, police applied for a warrant to search the rest of Valela's vehicle.

After securing the warrant, officers found 17 pounds of meth, 20,000 fentanyl pills, 458 grams of powdered fentanyl, 376 grams of cocaine and 30 grams of heroin in the back of Valela's car. Police also found $17,000 in cash, two cell phones, five digital scales and gold jewelry. 

June 12th was a Monday and I assume that Cleveland High was in session on that day. Maybe the police came before school had started?


As some may recall, Ted Howard, the 16-year principal at Garfield High School, abruptly left in June 2020 to take a job as CAO in Tukwila SD. But he came back in 2022 as Assistant Superintendent of Strategy and Climate (whatever that means).  

What my sources tell me is that Howard was working behind the scenes, trying to secure the dollars for the jazz band teacher at Washington Middle School. It was stated that the district especially wants to emphasize the role of former student and multi-Grammy winning producer Quincy Jones. 

But it seems like the Nesholm Family Foundation is likely to put in the funds for some of the funding because $50K is not going to fund a full FTE.  The word is that the money came from private donors. But their website states it has to come from a 501c3.

What's interesting is that under their "Funding Policies" tab, they also say this:

The Foundation will not consider applications for:

• Ongoing normal operations or operating deficits

Isn't funding a teacher an "ongoing normal operation?" 

The Foundation has been in partnership with the district on some program funding for years.  

We Need Your Feedback: Well-Resourced Schools

Starting in August, we will host community meetings to talk with students, families, staff, and community partners. We are developing a shared understanding of what resources, programs, services, and learning experiences make up a well-resourced school.

We will be hosting five regional in-person meetings in SPS schools Aug. 8–15. There will also be an online meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 29, at 5:30 p.m.

We will be sending you meeting details and an RSVP to request accommodation the week of July 17.
Funding Our Future page.

Wait, what? The actual community where a school sits is not invited? Is this seriously by invitation only? I know I won't get one so do let me know when you do.


Anonymous said…
Interesting about money to WMS from Nesholm Family Foundation. Does seem like funding a teacher who SPS cut due to budget reasons is funding an ongoing normal operation or operating deficit. So wonder what justification Nesholm FF used to fund it if they are in fact the source of the majority of the funding. That justification could apply to other school's needs which could benefit from similar windfall funding source.

Thanks for info
Anonymous said…
It sounded before like the RSVP was only if you need an interpreter or accommodations. But with SPS, who knows?

-Who Knows?
Anonymous said…
Seattle Times Article this past weekend said Quincy Jones is paying for 2023-2024 jazz class and "The Nesholm Family Foundation has offered help with money for later school years [after 2023-2024], an SPS spokesperson said". If Nesholm Foundation actually is the main source of money for 2023-2024 music teacher, then that's a pretty big lie to the Seattle Times from SPS.

Tell the truth
Tell the Truth, I think the $50K IS the bulk of the cost (the salary) but it's not going to cover benefits. I think this kind of happy talk with smoke and mirrors is not good but allows the district to look like good guys.
Anonymous said…
Ok, something is not adding up. If Quincy Jones is giving SPS just 50k, that is pocket change that would only pay for a teacher to teach one class period at most. Presumably that's enough to bring back the eliminated jazz class, which is only taught one period. 50k isn't even close to paying for one fulltime teacher's salary, even without benefits, and even for brand new teacher. So if true that SPS has now found money to fund the fulltime second music teacher that they announced in March they were eliminating, then SPS got a lot more money than 50k from some donor but for some reason doesn't want to say that and is resorting to smoke and mirrors to cover up.

Tell the truth
One other musing. So Ted Howard is now qualified to be a superintendent. He's friends with Brent Jones. Jones only signed a two year contract which I continue to wonder about.

Could Jones be leaving next July with Howard lined up to take his place? Hmmm
Anonymous said…
Time to split the district !

--Why wait
Benjamin Lukoff said…
I can't think of a single good reason to split the district.
Anonymous said…
So it's OK for rich people (Quincy Jones, the Nesholms, etc.) to fund teaching positions but not PTAs?

Eye Roll
Anonymous said…

I think its time to create 001 south and 002 north for smaller and more manageable districts that can be shaped much easier to meet our students needs. The most logical line for the spit would be the ship canal. Maybe a citizens initiative would be the best path to make it so.

--Why wait
Take 2 said…
I'm ready to split the district.
Why Wait, do you know what would happen if the district split north and south? You would NEVER hear the end of how the south doesn't have near the resources of the north, that it's a racist idea, et al.

It's logical for sure but good luck with it.
Anonymous said…
There was just a new op-ed in Seattle Times giving different information about what Nesholm Foundation is giving money for. No explanation for why SPS told the Times just last week that only money SPS got for this year's teacher was the 50k from QJ. And still sounds like SPS doesn't want to say the full amount. Must be $$$$.

Cover up?

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