Today, from 5 pm to 7 pm is a Board Work Session on the BEX III Levy. I'm teaching a class at Seattle U at the same time, so can't attend. If anyone else does, please post comments here about what you learn. From information on the SPS website, I found the following details. ************** Proposed projects for the Phase III program include: • New construction or historic renovation at up to two secondary schools and/or three elementary schools; • Additions of up to six classrooms and seismic modifications at up to two high schools; • Academic upgrades at three high schools may be done in conjunction with the additions. Academic upgrades include: o Science room upgrades such as new lab tables, demonstration areas and fume hoods; o Career and Technology spaces such as automotive shop modernizations or new commercial kitchens; o Visual and Performing Arts spaces such as new auditorium seating, improved acoustics in choral / band / little theater, video production and radio statio