Superintendent Announcement Near?

According to an article in today's PI, a superintendent could be announced as early as today. The article says that they are having an executive session at 1 followed by a public meeting at 2:30 with a possible announcement. Say what? Are they out of their minds? (Apparently so.)

One, Cheryl and Michael just got back from their trip. Where's the time to debrief the other Board members? Two, there hasn't even been a week since the candidate forums. That's not enough time for the public to respond, let alone the Board read and digest the feedback. Three, where is the reflection time? What is the rush? If either candidate is giving them a timetable, then forget that candidate. Four, I spoke with someone up the food chain yesterday and was given the strong impression that no decision would be made this week. (I also pointed out that this Friday is Friday the 13th. Not to be superstitious but you know.)

Do they know how badly this could reflect on them? No amount of spin can make this work. I can only hope that a majority of Board members stand up to Cheryl (who I believe is pushing this) and say no.


Anonymous said…
Both canidates are in the running for Sup jobs in other cities. Wait to long and there will be no options from this search process.
Beth Bakeman said…
Which would probably be a good thing.
Beth Bakeman said…
Register your opinion on the superintendent hiring on the PI blog by Linda Thomas:

VOTE for Seattle Superintendent
I just heard from an informed source that the superintendent in Philly is resigning. This may mean Dr. Thorton might be out of the race. More to come.
Beth Bakeman said…
Yes, Vallas' resignation was on the cover of the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning.

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