Superintendent but what about the Board?

This op-ed is by Joni Balter of the Times.


Charlie Mas said…
Joni Balter says that the search has been the "Re-election Security Act for four School Board members who need to be replaced"

What would she propose? Mr. Manhas announced in October his intention to leave at the end of his contract. Does Ms Balter think it would have been responsible of the Board to NOT conduct a Superintendent search?

Ms. Balter says that Sally Soriano and Darlene Flynn have not earned re-election - Sally because she "was suing the district over the school-closure plan. In essence, she was suing herself." This is not true and it burns me up that Ms. Balter intentionally misreports this. Sally was not a party to the suit; she provided an affidavit. As for Darlene Flynn being divisive, I'm not sure what Ms. Balter means by that. Whom did Darlene divide? What interests did she further polarize? I will say that Darlene rides the staff very roughly. She shows more impatience with them than would be wise.

Ms Balter says that Directors Stewart and Butler-Wall are "weak-willed". Again, I'm not sure what she means by that. I think it means that they wouldn't do what Ms. Balter wanted them to do.

Ms. Balter says that our schools have sputtered and stalled under this School Board. I would say that the schools have sputtered and stalled under this Superintendent and his CAO Steve Wilson. They had a much greater influence than the Board ever will.

I don't remember Ms Balter editorializing like this when Mr. Manhas was named Superintendent as one of the final acts of another Board. The Times lauded the choice. They didn't cynically call the quickie selection the "Re-Election Security Act" back then.

As for the language of school politics becoming too divisive and driving families away from our schools, I would say that the Times has been at the front of that parade beating the biggest drum they could find.
Anonymous said…
Also, given Chow's inability to respond in any kind of a timely fashion to her constituents, I just don't get the Times' support of her. She just seems to hate interacting with us - we're such a drag, I guess.

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